14+ Marketing Plan Calendar Examples
If you’re a marketing professional, you most likely experience the difficulties of handling different marketing operations on your marketing plan at the same time. Well, it is a normal thing for business owners considering that marketing is tough and quite challenging work. In order for you to juggle marketing tasks accordingly, why don’t you try learning about the marketing plan calendar?
14+ Marketing Plan Calendar Examples
1. Marketing Plan Calendar Template
2. Marketing Plan Desk Calendar Template

3. Calendar Marketing Plan Template

4. Restaurant Marketing Planning Calendar Template

5. Marketing Planning Calendar
6. Marketing Action Plan Calendar
7. Marketing Plan and Editorial Calendar
8. Sample Marketing Planning Calendar
9. Marketing Planning Calendar Example
10. Seasonal Marketing Strategies Calendar
11. Small Business Marketing Plan Calendar
12. Annual Marketing Plan Calendar
13. Digital Marketing Plan Calendar
14. Marketing Plan Calendar and Budget
15. Social Media Marketing Plan Calendar
What Is a Marketing Plan Calendar?
We all know that a marketing plan is essential for achieving the marketing goals of a business. It contains operations, procedures, and marketing strategies that help an entrepreneur effectively sell his products or services to his potential customers. Competition is fierce in the marketing industry because a lot of businesses compete with each other so that they can maximize their profits and maintain a good customer relationship. Some companies even increase their marketing plan budget to ensure its effectiveness. A statista report revealed that chief marketing officers stated that their marketing budget is going to increase by 7.6% in the year 2020. But, going through the marketing plan is not going to be as easy as cutting grass. There is a lot of work to be done, and in order for a marketing team to keep track of every task, a marketing plan calendar is going to be needed.
A marketing plan calendar is a timeline document where every marketing operation or task is logged so that everyone in the marketing team can meet the marketing deadlines. It is a tool that contains the schedule of when each marketing activity in the marketing plan shall be conducted to achieve operational objectives. It gives an entrepreneur a key visual of the workflow so that he can keep track of the marketing plans’ progress. A marketing plan calendar helps achieve the marketing operations in a certain period so that the marketing plan will not be behind schedule. The marketing team must keep up with the schedule of the marketing plan because it might cause delays that will affect the effectiveness of your marketing operations.
How To Create a Marketing Plan Calendar
As you know, a marketing calendar is also essential, even for a small business. Keeping track of the daily schedule of your marketing plan is essential because it is how you can monitor the daily progress of your marketing operations. In this section, you will find the tips and guidelines in making a marketing plan calendar.
1. List Down Your Marketing Activities
Your marketing activities are going to be the content of your calendar, so it is good to prepare them first. You must organize it according to its importance so that you can prioritize which marketing activity should be done first. You must list down all the operations that are going to be part of your marketing plan calendar so that you will not miss anything important. When you directly write down on the calendar itself without organizing its content, there is a possibility that you’re going to make mistakes in your marketing plan calendar. So, it is better to prepare everything first to avoid errors on your calendar.
2. Incorporate a Good Description
The contents of your marketing plan calendar should have the complete details of your marketing operations from the date down to the name of the individual who is tasked with a particular operation. It is how you can monitor which and what operation should be done on a certain day so that you can remind the person who is assigned to the particular marketing task. Developing a marketing plan can sometimes be difficult, and you tend to forget some important things in your marketing plan. So it is better to be descriptive of your calendar so that every work can be covered. For example, you can have a description like:
April 23, 2020
– Develop Customer Survey
– Ask John for the number of respondents
– Remind Alex about his task for the Web and mobile layout
– Tell the team about the new work shifts
3. Colors and Symbols Are Your Allies
In your marketing plan calendar, you must incorporate a legend that has symbols and colors to indicate the status of a particular marketing task. This is important so that you can keep track of the progress of a particular marketing operation. As you know, a single marketing process still has sub-operations that needs to be done in order to finish that specific process. Incorporating colors and symbols are going to be a massive help in monitoring the work progress of each operation. For example, you can indicate a red square, which means the process is ongoing, a yellow circle that indicates it’s almost finished, and a green triangle, which means a task is completed. This way, you can move on to another task without an uncompleted operation.
4. Place Your Calendar Where Everyone Can See It
Your marketing plan calendar should be seen by your marketing team so that they can also monitor the tasks which are assigned to them. You can place it in a bulletin board and email a copy of it to each of your team members. Remember, if you’re going to change something in the calendar, make sure that you notify everyone about it to avoid confusion and mishaps. It is important that everyone in your marketing team can see the marketing plan calendar so that they will know about the changes and updates of your marketing plan.
Can I use excel to create my marketing plan calendar?
Yes, you can make use of excel to create your marketing plan calendar. But, make sure you use the right format and formula so that your calendar can automate itself if there is a change in the operation of your marketing tasks. Make sure that everyone has access to your marketing plan calendar, and there should be only one person who can edit its contents to avoid any problems in developing your marketing plan.
Should I strategize in creating my marketing plan calendar?
Yes, you can absolutely strategize in creating your marketing plan calendar. Strategies are effective if we incorporate them into making a marketing plan calendar. Just like any other work, a strategy is important so that we can make things faster and easier. Crafting a marketing plan calendar is no exception.
Are there available sample documents online for a marketing plan calendar?
Yes, there are available sample documents for a marketing plan calendar. If it is up to your liking, you can make use of the documents mentioned in this article. They are convenient to use since it is designed for immediate use. You can easily download them into your computer and start scheduling your marketing plan operations.
As you can see, a marketing plan calendar helps you in keeping track of the progress of your marketing operations. It is a tool that is used by many entrepreneurs to achieve their marketing goals in a faster but sure manner. Creating a marketing plan requires a lot of hard work, and you’re going to experience a lot of challenges. But a marketing plan calendar can help you by making things a bit easier. Now that you know what a marketing plan calendar is, you can now start crafting your very own marketing plan calendar.
14+ Marketing Plan Calendar Examples
If you’re a marketing professional, you most likely experience the difficulties of handling different marketing operations on your marketing plan at the same time. Well, it is a normal thing for business owners considering that marketing is tough and quite challenging work. In order for you to juggle marketing tasks accordingly, why don’t you try learning about the marketing plan calendar?
14+ Marketing Plan Calendar Examples
1. Marketing Plan Calendar Template
File Format
MS Word
Google Docs
2. Marketing Plan Desk Calendar Template
File Format
MS Word
Google Docs
3. Calendar Marketing Plan Template
File Format
MS Word
Google Docs
4. Restaurant Marketing Planning Calendar Template
File Format
MS Word
Google Docs
5. Marketing Planning Calendar
File Format
Size: 179 KB
6. Marketing Action Plan Calendar
File Format
Size: 118 KB
7. Marketing Plan and Editorial Calendar
File Format
Size: 238 KB
8. Sample Marketing Planning Calendar
File Format
Size: 133 KB
9. Marketing Planning Calendar Example
File Format
Size: 18 KB
10. Seasonal Marketing Strategies Calendar
File Format
Size: 480 KB
11. Small Business Marketing Plan Calendar
File Format
Size: 2 MB
12. Annual Marketing Plan Calendar
File Format
Size: 11 KB
13. Digital Marketing Plan Calendar
File Format
Size: 4 MB
14. Marketing Plan Calendar and Budget
File Format
Size: 101 KB
15. Social Media Marketing Plan Calendar
File Format
MS Word
Size: 12 KB
What Is a Marketing Plan Calendar?
We all know that a marketing plan is essential for achieving the marketing goals of a business. It contains operations, procedures, and marketing strategies that help an entrepreneur effectively sell his products or services to his potential customers. Competition is fierce in the marketing industry because a lot of businesses compete with each other so that they can maximize their profits and maintain a good customer relationship. Some companies even increase their marketing plan budget to ensure its effectiveness. A statista report revealed that chief marketing officers stated that their marketing budget is going to increase by 7.6% in the year 2020. But, going through the marketing plan is not going to be as easy as cutting grass. There is a lot of work to be done, and in order for a marketing team to keep track of every task, a marketing plan calendar is going to be needed.
A marketing plan calendar is a timeline document where every marketing operation or task is logged so that everyone in the marketing team can meet the marketing deadlines. It is a tool that contains the schedule of when each marketing activity in the marketing plan shall be conducted to achieve operational objectives. It gives an entrepreneur a key visual of the workflow so that he can keep track of the marketing plans’ progress. A marketing plan calendar helps achieve the marketing operations in a certain period so that the marketing plan will not be behind schedule. The marketing team must keep up with the schedule of the marketing plan because it might cause delays that will affect the effectiveness of your marketing operations.
How To Create a Marketing Plan Calendar
As you know, a marketing calendar is also essential, even for a small business. Keeping track of the daily schedule of your marketing plan is essential because it is how you can monitor the daily progress of your marketing operations. In this section, you will find the tips and guidelines in making a marketing plan calendar.
1. List Down Your Marketing Activities
Your marketing activities are going to be the content of your calendar, so it is good to prepare them first. You must organize it according to its importance so that you can prioritize which marketing activity should be done first. You must list down all the operations that are going to be part of your marketing plan calendar so that you will not miss anything important. When you directly write down on the calendar itself without organizing its content, there is a possibility that you’re going to make mistakes in your marketing plan calendar. So, it is better to prepare everything first to avoid errors on your calendar.
2. Incorporate a Good Description
The contents of your marketing plan calendar should have the complete details of your marketing operations from the date down to the name of the individual who is tasked with a particular operation. It is how you can monitor which and what operation should be done on a certain day so that you can remind the person who is assigned to the particular marketing task. Developing a marketing plan can sometimes be difficult, and you tend to forget some important things in your marketing plan. So it is better to be descriptive of your calendar so that every work can be covered. For example, you can have a description like:
April 23, 2020
– Develop Customer Survey
– Ask John for the number of respondents
– Remind Alex about his task for the Web and mobile layout
– Tell the team about the new work shifts
3. Colors and Symbols Are Your Allies
In your marketing plan calendar, you must incorporate a legend that has symbols and colors to indicate the status of a particular marketing task. This is important so that you can keep track of the progress of a particular marketing operation. As you know, a single marketing process still has sub-operations that needs to be done in order to finish that specific process. Incorporating colors and symbols are going to be a massive help in monitoring the work progress of each operation. For example, you can indicate a red square, which means the process is ongoing, a yellow circle that indicates it’s almost finished, and a green triangle, which means a task is completed. This way, you can move on to another task without an uncompleted operation.
4. Place Your Calendar Where Everyone Can See It
Your marketing plan calendar should be seen by your marketing team so that they can also monitor the tasks which are assigned to them. You can place it in a bulletin board and email a copy of it to each of your team members. Remember, if you’re going to change something in the calendar, make sure that you notify everyone about it to avoid confusion and mishaps. It is important that everyone in your marketing team can see the marketing plan calendar so that they will know about the changes and updates of your marketing plan.
Can I use excel to create my marketing plan calendar?
Yes, you can make use of excel to create your marketing plan calendar. But, make sure you use the right format and formula so that your calendar can automate itself if there is a change in the operation of your marketing tasks. Make sure that everyone has access to your marketing plan calendar, and there should be only one person who can edit its contents to avoid any problems in developing your marketing plan.
Should I strategize in creating my marketing plan calendar?
Yes, you can absolutely strategize in creating your marketing plan calendar. Strategies are effective if we incorporate them into making a marketing plan calendar. Just like any other work, a strategy is important so that we can make things faster and easier. Crafting a marketing plan calendar is no exception.
Are there available sample documents online for a marketing plan calendar?
Yes, there are available sample documents for a marketing plan calendar. If it is up to your liking, you can make use of the documents mentioned in this article. They are convenient to use since it is designed for immediate use. You can easily download them into your computer and start scheduling your marketing plan operations.
As you can see, a marketing plan calendar helps you in keeping track of the progress of your marketing operations. It is a tool that is used by many entrepreneurs to achieve their marketing goals in a faster but sure manner. Creating a marketing plan requires a lot of hard work, and you’re going to experience a lot of challenges. But a marketing plan calendar can help you by making things a bit easier. Now that you know what a marketing plan calendar is, you can now start crafting your very own marketing plan calendar.