15+ Media Kit in Publisher Examples to Download

Last Updated: January 8, 2025

15+ Media Kit in Publisher Examples to Download


A media kit, or also known as a press kit, is a promotional tool or public relation staple used by companies or individuals to promote themselves and/or their product. It contains thorough information, and its distribution is a preface for a release or an important announcement. It’s usage is vast and wide and is not restricted in one industry.

Media Kit Templates and Examples

1. Company Media Kit

company media kit
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


Companies are no strangers to media kits. It is an effective way to spread the word out for an announcement or a release fast and wide. Bringing in media attention is always one of the top ways companies of all scale use as an advertising and marketing technique as it has been proven effective countless times in the past.

2. Product Media Kit

product media kit1
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


Product media kits are what companies and organizations use if they are promoting one product specifically. Everything will be centered around that specific product, with the aim of producing buzz leading up to its release in hopes to generate as much sales as possible on the first day of its release.

3. Food and Drink Media Kit

Food and Drink Business Media Kit1
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


Hence the name, this is utilized in the food industry to promote a restaurant or to announce a rebranding. Though it may seem trivial compared to other issues the media can talk about, it is undeniable that the food and drinks industry is a massive driving force in an economy’s growth. When food companies, most especially behemoth ones, release media kits, journalists and the media more often than not oblige.

4. Event Media Kit

event media kit1
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


Generating hype for an event or a concert is the main priority of event organizers. Distributing media kits is one of the advertising strategies they use to garner the most attention, thus bringing in as much concert-goers as possible.

5. Online Media Kit

online media kit
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


Being an online personality is difficult these days. The competition is tough. There are literally millions of online personalities today, and standing out is close to impossible. But that does not mean it cannot be done. Just keep on promoting yourself and be dedicated to your brand. Utilizing the power of media kits and taking advantage of social media attention is one way to get your name heard.

6. Hotel Media Kit

hotel media kit1
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


Hotel media kits are almost like brochure templates, but not exactly. Showcase the highlights of your hotel, make sure it persuades people to come by and stay there, and it is a wise option to just let the media do those things for you. Now that is effective and efficient marketing.

7. Baking Business Media Kit

baking business media kit1
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


Similar to restaurant media kits, the only difference between this and that is your inventory. If you are confident with your pastries, which I am sure you are, announce yourself to the world and let them have a taste of your masterpiece.

8. Digital Advertising Media Kit

digital advertising media kit2
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


A digital advertising company that uses media kits? Who would have thought? In all seriousness, advertising companies know all about media kits. Of course they do. It is one of the major weapons they have in their arsenal. It is one they constantly use for themselves, and something they recommend frequently to their clients who wish to be advertised more.

9. Influencer Media Kit

influencer media kit1
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


A different, but sort of similar, version of the online media kit. Influencers have to strive harder in their industry if they want to climb up through the ranks. You are not an influencer brands approach if your reach is not as wide. And with the astounding rise of the influencers population out there, it is your job to make sure you have more influence than most of them.

10. Travel Blog Media Kit

travel blog media kit2
File Format
  • Publisher
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: US


Travel bloggers can utilize media kits to promote themselves and their works too. You can never have too much exposure. Treat that media kit as a portfolio. Use the photos you took on your travels and grab the attention of the media and the people.

11. Iron and Steel Technology Media Kit



A steel company using media kit to promote themselves. If you are a company with products that cater to a specific group of people, you may want to make yourself be heard more over your competitors. The media kit advertising strategy is a good way to do so.

12. Advertising Media Kit



Make sure your media kit is also presentable and appealing. This media kit might not be as colorful as the others, but its professional look is still quite pleasant to look at.

13. Ad Age Media Kit



Advertising agencies are experts with media kits. This one just screams magnificence, and it is sure to grab the attention of anyone who looks at it.

14. Training Media Kit



A media kit from a magazine company. Even magazine companies utilize the advertising opportunity of media kits, even though most of the time, they themselves are the media.

15. Quartz Media Kit



At first glance, this media kit may seem bland, but take note that a lot of companies take pride in how they brand themselves. This is a very good strategy for the company. Not only are they advertising themselves through the use of media kits, but they are also reiterating their brand. Straightforward and professional.

Companies and brands have a plethora of ways to promote themselves, and they are getting more and more creative about it too. However, some of the classic techniques will never go out of style. Big names in the industry have been using media kits to extend their reach and their voice by using journalists and the media as a platform. Businesses, nonprofit organizations, artists, and musicians have all gained benefit from this. Make sure you can too, and do not forget to be creative and witty about.


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