13+ Need Statement Examples
The need statement provides a clear explanation of an issue being addressed by a proposal template. Every proposal hinges on how well the need statement is written and how it conveys the message across much like a mission statement would to a company or organization.
A financial statement, for example, conveys the financial state of a company and conveys that message across to decision makers. Other need statement examples found in the page further explains the importance of a need statement to all proposals and how an effective needs statement could spell award or grant for the proposal or project.
Statement of Financial Need Example
Academic Scholarship Financial Need
Business Needs Statement Example
IT Business Needs
Mission Need Statement Examples
FDA Mission Statement
Mission Need Statement Example
What Are Needs Statements?
Needs statements, otherwise known as problem statements, specifies the existence of an issue and how a proposal plans to solve that issue. The needs statement sets the tone for the entirety of the business statements that follow and how to go about solving the issues stated.
Importance of a Needs Statement
A needs statement holds significant importance over any proposal since it clearly defines the problem or issue in relation to the solutions presented in the proposal. A good needs statement should mainly include answers to the following:
- What is the problem? A needs statement clearly identifies the problem statement presented in the proposal
- When an issue occurs, where does it occur? You must always include the location of any issue and the time it occurs.
- How do you know? The needs statement should be in conjunction to the supporting document being provided.
Impact statement like needs statements summarize the importance of the effect that any group or organization has on the community or to the issue being discussed.
Proposal Needs Statement
Grant Proposal Needs
Operational Needs Statement
Urgent Operational Need
Universal Need Statement Example
Urgent Universal Need
Training Needs Analysis
Research Needs Statement
What Document Includes a Needs Statement?
There are potentially many different documents that would include a needs statement.
Research papers or documents have a needs statement for the purpose of identifying what the research statement is about and what present issues there are in relation to the solutions that will be presented in the entirety of the research paper. The needs statement encapsulates the different reasons behind the research and where the research is headed.
Grants, whether for scholarly or business purposes, must always include a needs statement. The needs statement clearly identifies the purpose of the grant and how it is related to the cause of the organization asked for funding.
Contracts always include a needs statement since the formulation of such contracts solely depend on whether or not the exchange of the contract would solve the issue being presented.
Mission statements essentially in themselves are needs statements. They contain the aim or purpose of the organization and the direction in which to take in tackling identified problems.
Proposals. The very nature of proposals shout out the purpose of a needs statement. Proposals aim to solve an identified problem. Proposals specifically answer the statement of the problem provided in the very structure of the proposal.
There are several other documents that may contain the needs statement but the above mentioned should cover for most of them. Needs statement help convince potential sponsors or decision makers to invest or provide funding to a proposed project or grant proposal.
Statement examples in Doc and statement examples in Excel found in the page all provide additional information regarding what documents have needs statements in them and how the needs statements provide direction or goal to a proposal or project.
Educational Needs Statement
Customer Need Statement
Fundraising Statement
Program Needs Statement
Scholarship Needs Sample
Guidelines in Preparing Needs Statements
In preparation for making a needs statement, the following should be considered:
- The needs statement should contain the what of the free proposal examples and should focus on the issue at hand.
- The needs statement should not in any way mention of the solution but of the issues being addressed by the needs statement analysis. Instead of presenting the solutions, it should present the identified issues.
- A needs statement should be broad enough to exhaust all possible solutions or alternatives to issues being presented. It should not narrow down and congest paths that may exist or potential ways in addressing an issue
- Evidence of the existence of such issues must be established by the needs statement. Issues being presented must be factual and should have an established link leading to the formulation of such a needs statement.
- Basis for the needs statement must be from facts and supporting data. Numerical data based on performance reports, financial statements should be the basis for the formulation of the needs statement.
Research statement examples on the page explain further in how a needs statement is structured and made. The samples are available for download via the download link button beneath the sample file.