10+ Newspaper Worksheet Examples to Download
Newspapers are not dead.
Even with advancements in technology that enabled us to read news online, this does not mean that newspapers are dead. Newspapers still play an important role in the society and it’s even impressive that despite the option of reading news in digital formats, the existence of newspapers has not been extinguished— newspapers are here to stay.
If you are into news writing and would like to practice this skill or if you would want to make a newspaper analysis, you can make use of the worksheets we have provided here in this article for you to easily downloaded.
The Benefits of Reading Newspapers
Making reading a newspaper is what makes you an informed individual since it provides you valuable and accurate information. This habit makes you improve or even enhance your knowledge on general knowledge because newspaper provides you valuable information relating to politics, economy, entertainment, sports, business, industry, trade, health, science, agriculture, industry, and commerce. This habit will not only affect your general knowledge on a lot of things but it will also enrich your language skills and vocabulary.
Reading newspapers also enables you to take part in every discussion that is all about the world’s current events. It will also give a clear idea and understanding of what is happening around the globe and that you will not feel like you have been living under a rock. Knowing the current events around the world will enable you to relate to other people and make relevant conversations. You can even avoid small talks about the weather and just talk about the current events.
Reading news also enhances and tests out your ability or skill in critical thinking. Newspapers do not only provide coverage of the news around the world but it can also offer insights. These insights could spark and form an opinion and stance from the readers regarding a certain news story. When you would encounter someone who contradicts your views, this could also spark up a debate (hopefully a friendly and healthy one).
Reading the newspaper could also keep a balanced perspective on stories and issues. We all have biases and whenever you could get a chance to read a news story with some points that are contradicting to yours, you will not feel as if your views are being attacked because newspapers (responsible and reliable ones) would present news in a way that covers all angles and it could even include or agree with your personal opinions. This will help you and make you realize that there is another side to the coin and this encourages a balanced way of seeing news stories and the issues you can find in the news stories.
A Worksheet on Outlining a Newspaper Article
A Worksheet on Writng a Newspaper Story
Current Events Newspaper Article Worksheet
Worksheet for Analysis of a Newspaper Article
A Worksheet on Writing an Article
The Importance of Newspapers in Today’s Time: Of Journalistic Credibility and the Onslaught of ‘Fake’ News
Despite being thought as something outdated, newspapers still hold great value in today’s time. Before newspapers get circulated around, it has been carefully edited (grammar-wise) and the information acquired by journalists in order to have something to report and inform the public about is not just from any sources. This gives everyone the assurance that the news they read in newspapers is not just made-up.
Even if you can find a lot of news on the internet, it can be difficult to identify what’s real and what’s a fake news. Fake news is defined by The New York Times as a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes that are spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. But it is commonly spread in online social media because it does not cost a lot of money to publish; all you need to have is an internet connection, a phone or a laptop, and a mind made up of blinded and biased views.
With newspapers, you can be assured that the journalists or the ones who write and edit the news stories that you are going to read in a newspaper are mostly seasoned and they did not just get on the editorial board and staff easily the way you can easily make a Facebook page, create fake news, and fool the people of your blinded and biased views. There are a lot of people who get easily fooled with a lot of fake news that you can easily can find on Facebook pages and on blogs because most of them are constructed in really good grammar (however, there is still some fake news that has glaring bad grammar) and would not even check and verify the made-up information written in it. Also, not everyone has time to verify information anyway so whatever write-up they read online that has a good grammar, they would automatically think that it is real. However, with newspapers, you can be assured that the information you have read had its accuracy checked and verified and that it did not just come from any sources. Also, since everyone does not have the time to verify the information they have read, they do not have to make an in-depth checking and verification of the information that is mentioned in the newspapers.
It is true there are journalists who are paid with what we call as ‘under-the-table’ (but really, this is already an open secret) by people who want to have a good news written about them or to keep the journalist’s mouth from telling the dirty truth about them in the public. A lot of people would think that it is easy to fool journalists with money because journalists are not really not paid that much despite the fact that their jobs can get dangerous especially when their beats are in dangerous places like in war-torn countries and in the government. But journalists follow a standard journalism code of ethics and standards which is comprised of the principles of ethics and of good practice. Journalists are still human and there are instances when they would not be following these; however, it is important to note that dedicated journalists value what we call as credibility. Credibility is the most important value of journalists. If they are true to their service, this value is something they could not dare easily give up on. Credibility is one of the main drives of journalists to continue checks and balances and the verification of the accuracy of the information that they have obtained from their source despite the fact that they have a lot of deadlines to beat. Credibility is what makes a journalist and the news he or she writes on a newspaper reliable.
Worksheet for Newspapers and Magazines
Sample Newspaper Worksheet
News Story Analysis Worksheet
Writing a News Report
A Worksheet on Writing a Commentary on a Newspaper Article
Parts and Sections of Newspapers and Its Meaning
1. General News- it is in this section where you can find the most important news, both local and international and is usually found on the front page of the newspaper with big and bold letters. It is also called the banner headline. You may also see 10 Grammar Worksheets – Examples & Importance.
2. Local and Foreign News Section- for the local news section, this is where you can find the current events within your locality and for the foreign news section is where you can find the news that is happening around the world apart from the country where you are living from. You may also see 11+ SWOT Analysis Worksheet Examples in PDF.
3. Editorial Page- this is the section where one of the editors in the editorial board is going to give his or her opinions or views towards a certain issue or event. You may also see 10 Self-Assessment Worksheet Examples in PDF.
4. Sports Page- this page features new relating to sports events both in the local scene and the international scene. It does solely feature sports but it also includes the famous personalities in the world of sports. You may also see 10 Alphabet Worksheet Examples in PDF.
5. Classified Ads Section- in the classified ads section, you can find contents with headings like Wanted, For Lease, For Rent, For Sale, Wanted to Buy, and We’re Hiring. Another content you can find in this section is personal and legal notices that people would want the public to know.
6. Business and Finance Section- to all those who are interested in business, particularly business people, would enjoy this section because this is where they can find information on banking, foreign exchange rates, imports and exports, and the prices of prime commodities. There are also some articles that are business-related within this section. You may also see Expense Worksheet Examples.
7. Entertainment Section- to those who are not really into newspaper reading, this section is their go-to whenever they have a chance to get a hold of a newspaper. This section primarily contains articles and listicles about movies, radio, television, games and puzzles, comic strips, and the daily horoscope. You may also see Alphabet Worksheet Examples.
8. Home Section- anything under the roof of a house can be found in this section and could be the favorite section of mothers because it includes topics like budgeting, food preparation, house improvement, proper plant care, and the like that help them in maintaining a happy and lovely home. You may also see Budget Worksheets.
9. Travel and Tourism Section- This section provides a guide to enjoyable travel. It directs tourists to scenic vacation spots and gives information on the activities in these places. Also found in this section are the schedules of the departure and arrival of ships and airplanes, both domestic and international. You may also see 10 Coaching Worksheet Examples in PDF.
10. Announcements Page- this is where anyone could post any announcement such as activities of the different religious sectors and this is also where the government could post announcements on events.
11. Obituary Page- this section contains information about the people who died. This is where their family members can reach out to those people who are not aware of their loved one’s death and the important information it contains is the dates and time of their burial.
We hope you have learned a lot about newspapers with the help of this article. You may also know How to Write a Newspaper Obituary (With Examples).
10+ Newspaper Worksheet Examples to Download
Newspapers are not dead.
Even with advancements in technology that enabled us to read news online, this does not mean that newspapers are dead. Newspapers still play an important role in the society and it’s even impressive that despite the option of reading news in digital formats, the existence of newspapers has not been extinguished— newspapers are here to stay.
If you are into news writing and would like to practice this skill or if you would want to make a newspaper analysis, you can make use of the worksheets we have provided here in this article for you to easily downloaded.
The Benefits of Reading Newspapers
Making reading a newspaper is what makes you an informed individual since it provides you valuable and accurate information. This habit makes you improve or even enhance your knowledge on general knowledge because newspaper provides you valuable information relating to politics, economy, entertainment, sports, business, industry, trade, health, science, agriculture, industry, and commerce. This habit will not only affect your general knowledge on a lot of things but it will also enrich your language skills and vocabulary.
Reading newspapers also enables you to take part in every discussion that is all about the world’s current events. It will also give a clear idea and understanding of what is happening around the globe and that you will not feel like you have been living under a rock. Knowing the current events around the world will enable you to relate to other people and make relevant conversations. You can even avoid small talks about the weather and just talk about the current events.
Reading news also enhances and tests out your ability or skill in critical thinking. Newspapers do not only provide coverage of the news around the world but it can also offer insights. These insights could spark and form an opinion and stance from the readers regarding a certain news story. When you would encounter someone who contradicts your views, this could also spark up a debate (hopefully a friendly and healthy one).
Reading the newspaper could also keep a balanced perspective on stories and issues. We all have biases and whenever you could get a chance to read a news story with some points that are contradicting to yours, you will not feel as if your views are being attacked because newspapers (responsible and reliable ones) would present news in a way that covers all angles and it could even include or agree with your personal opinions. This will help you and make you realize that there is another side to the coin and this encourages a balanced way of seeing news stories and the issues you can find in the news stories.
A Worksheet on Outlining a Newspaper Article
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Size: 30.1 KB
A Worksheet on Writng a Newspaper Story
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Size: 154.3 KB
Current Events Newspaper Article Worksheet
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Size: 173 KB
Worksheet for Analysis of a Newspaper Article
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Size: 21.2 KB
A Worksheet on Writing an Article
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Size: 442.2 KB
The Importance of Newspapers in Today’s Time: Of Journalistic Credibility and the Onslaught of ‘Fake’ News
Despite being thought as something outdated, newspapers still hold great value in today’s time. Before newspapers get circulated around, it has been carefully edited (grammar-wise) and the information acquired by journalists in order to have something to report and inform the public about is not just from any sources. This gives everyone the assurance that the news they read in newspapers is not just made-up.
Even if you can find a lot of news on the internet, it can be difficult to identify what’s real and what’s a fake news. Fake news is defined by The New York Times as a type of yellow journalism or propaganda that consists of deliberate misinformation or hoaxes that are spread via traditional print and broadcast news media or online social media. But it is commonly spread in online social media because it does not cost a lot of money to publish; all you need to have is an internet connection, a phone or a laptop, and a mind made up of blinded and biased views.
With newspapers, you can be assured that the journalists or the ones who write and edit the news stories that you are going to read in a newspaper are mostly seasoned and they did not just get on the editorial board and staff easily the way you can easily make a Facebook page, create fake news, and fool the people of your blinded and biased views. There are a lot of people who get easily fooled with a lot of fake news that you can easily can find on Facebook pages and on blogs because most of them are constructed in really good grammar (however, there is still some fake news that has glaring bad grammar) and would not even check and verify the made-up information written in it. Also, not everyone has time to verify information anyway so whatever write-up they read online that has a good grammar, they would automatically think that it is real. However, with newspapers, you can be assured that the information you have read had its accuracy checked and verified and that it did not just come from any sources. Also, since everyone does not have the time to verify the information they have read, they do not have to make an in-depth checking and verification of the information that is mentioned in the newspapers.
It is true there are journalists who are paid with what we call as ‘under-the-table’ (but really, this is already an open secret) by people who want to have a good news written about them or to keep the journalist’s mouth from telling the dirty truth about them in the public. A lot of people would think that it is easy to fool journalists with money because journalists are not really not paid that much despite the fact that their jobs can get dangerous especially when their beats are in dangerous places like in war-torn countries and in the government. But journalists follow a standard journalism code of ethics and standards which is comprised of the principles of ethics and of good practice. Journalists are still human and there are instances when they would not be following these; however, it is important to note that dedicated journalists value what we call as credibility. Credibility is the most important value of journalists. If they are true to their service, this value is something they could not dare easily give up on. Credibility is one of the main drives of journalists to continue checks and balances and the verification of the accuracy of the information that they have obtained from their source despite the fact that they have a lot of deadlines to beat. Credibility is what makes a journalist and the news he or she writes on a newspaper reliable.
Worksheet for Newspapers and Magazines
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Size: 70.2 KB
Sample Newspaper Worksheet
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Size: 29.5 KB
News Story Analysis Worksheet
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Size: 78.3 KB
Writing a News Report
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Size: 476.2 KB
A Worksheet on Writing a Commentary on a Newspaper Article
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Size: 76.4 KB
Parts and Sections of Newspapers and Its Meaning
1. General News- it is in this section where you can find the most important news, both local and international and is usually found on the front page of the newspaper with big and bold letters. It is also called the banner headline. You may also see 10 Grammar Worksheets – Examples & Importance.
2. Local and Foreign News Section- for the local news section, this is where you can find the current events within your locality and for the foreign news section is where you can find the news that is happening around the world apart from the country where you are living from. You may also see 11+ SWOT Analysis Worksheet Examples in PDF.
3. Editorial Page- this is the section where one of the editors in the editorial board is going to give his or her opinions or views towards a certain issue or event. You may also see 10 Self-Assessment Worksheet Examples in PDF.
4. Sports Page- this page features new relating to sports events both in the local scene and the international scene. It does solely feature sports but it also includes the famous personalities in the world of sports. You may also see 10 Alphabet Worksheet Examples in PDF.
5. Classified Ads Section- in the classified ads section, you can find contents with headings like Wanted, For Lease, For Rent, For Sale, Wanted to Buy, and We’re Hiring. Another content you can find in this section is personal and legal notices that people would want the public to know.
6. Business and Finance Section- to all those who are interested in business, particularly business people, would enjoy this section because this is where they can find information on banking, foreign exchange rates, imports and exports, and the prices of prime commodities. There are also some articles that are business-related within this section. You may also see Expense Worksheet Examples.
7. Entertainment Section- to those who are not really into newspaper reading, this section is their go-to whenever they have a chance to get a hold of a newspaper. This section primarily contains articles and listicles about movies, radio, television, games and puzzles, comic strips, and the daily horoscope. You may also see Alphabet Worksheet Examples.
8. Home Section- anything under the roof of a house can be found in this section and could be the favorite section of mothers because it includes topics like budgeting, food preparation, house improvement, proper plant care, and the like that help them in maintaining a happy and lovely home. You may also see Budget Worksheets.
9. Travel and Tourism Section- This section provides a guide to enjoyable travel. It directs tourists to scenic vacation spots and gives information on the activities in these places. Also found in this section are the schedules of the departure and arrival of ships and airplanes, both domestic and international. You may also see 10 Coaching Worksheet Examples in PDF.
10. Announcements Page- this is where anyone could post any announcement such as activities of the different religious sectors and this is also where the government could post announcements on events.
11. Obituary Page- this section contains information about the people who died. This is where their family members can reach out to those people who are not aware of their loved one’s death and the important information it contains is the dates and time of their burial.
We hope you have learned a lot about newspapers with the help of this article. You may also know How to Write a Newspaper Obituary (With Examples).