13+ Nonprofit Fundraising Plan Examples

Last Updated: January 6, 2025

13+ Nonprofit Fundraising Plan Examples

nonprofit fundraising plan

In a world filled with chaos and greed, hearing stories of teamwork and compassion is like a breath of fresh air. There are many individuals who dedicate their whole lives volunteering in various shelters and charities expecting nothing other than the happiness and gratitude of others in return. You may also see weekly plan examples.

But transforming the lives of others is never easy, especially with the lack of resources available to sustain their everyday needs. This is why many nonprofit organizations rely heavily on individual donations and fundraising plans to bring their vision to life. You may also like daily plan examples.

However, developing a nonprofit fundraising plan isn’t as easy as it seems. You need to make sure that the plan is tailored according to your goals, and that it covers ever aspect of the program. Like any other business plan, a nonprofit fundraising plan requires careful study and analysis, along with the full cooperation of the organization’s members.

Non Profit Fundraising Plan Template

Non Profit Fundraising Plan Template
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Charity Fundraising Plan Template

Charity Fundraising Plan Template
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Sample Fundraising Plan Template

Sample Fundraising Plan Template
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Annual Fundraising Plan Template

Annual Fundraising Plan Template
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12-Month Nonprofit Fundraising Plan Example

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Blank Nonprofit Fundraising Plan Example

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Nonprofit Fundraising Calendar Plan Example

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10 Quick Nonprofit Fundraising Ideas

There are many nonprofit organizations that each cater to different groups of society, including the sick, the homeless, the less privileged, and even animals. Though the local government continues to implement various programs to accommodate those in need, they’re not always enough for everyone. Hence, these institutions strive to provide for them in any way they can. You may also see work plan examples.

However, fundraising can be a huge challenge for any nonprofit organization.

Oftentimes, individuals and organizations need to think and act quickly to keep the ball rolling on long-term campaigns, overcome a mid-campaign hurdle, or get through an emergency situation. This is where quick fundraising ideas come to play. These ideas need to be engaging enough to get people involved. You may also like risk plan examples.

While not every organization has the resources to manage a production as huge as Ariana Grande’s benefit concert in Manchester in 2017, these fundraising campaigns may still bring in the necessary attention and support from the adoring public:

1. Real-Life Master Chef

Anything that involves food can draw in a crowd in no time. So why not channel your inner Master Chef by rounding up foodies and self-proclaimed chefs for a friendly culinary competition?

The idea is pretty simple. Contestants are required to whip up their best dishes using specific ingredients that have been rounded up by the program’s coordinators, and then audience members and other spectators may cast their votes to determine the winner. To raise funds, you can sell tickets to people who wish to attend the event and enjoy a series of taste tests. You may also check out transition plan examples.

2. “Nearly” New Sale

We’re all guilty of going on shameless shopping sprees despite having a closet filled with unworn to slightly used clothing pieces.

To get rid of old stuff that we no longer use or want, you can encourage your team and a few volunteers to willingly donate their barely used clothes and artifacts. Although these clothes can always be donated directly to a homeless shelter, some organizations are formed to target other groups in need. Plus, the amount of attention garnered from these sales can help the organization spread awareness about their cause. You might be interested in quality plan examples.

Avoid selling clothes and objects that are “unrecognizable” from their original state. You don’t want to sell dresses with holes or drawers that were once infested with termites. Everything should be “nearly” new, otherwise, you might want to organize a junk yard sale instead. You may also see sales plan examples.

3. Scavenger Hunt

Since everyone loves a good adventure, why not send members of your community on a scavenger hunt around town?

You can let a local business sponsor the event’s prizes in exchange for market exposure, charge participants for the registration fee, and offer them extra hints and tips for a certain donation amount. No matter what the prize of the contest, what most people are after is the experience and the memories made that are worth more than any monetary value. You may also see annual plan examples.

4. Talent Show

With reality shows like American Idol, The Voice, The X Factor, and America’s Got Talent reigning our TV screens, it’s clear that talent shows still have a special place in modern-day society. It’s a clever idea for a fundraising event as well. If you know a lot of talented people around the area, then you won’t have much trouble gathering contestants for the event. You may also like project plan examples.

All you would need to do is charge supporters for the entrance fee, and allow them to donate in order to cast votes for the most promising numbers of different categories.

Nonprofit Fundraising Event Plan Example

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Nonprofit Fundraising Plan Guidelines Example

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Nonprofit Fundraising Plan Template

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Peer-to-Peer Nonprofit Fundraising Plan Example

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5. Film Competition

Now this is slightly more complicated than a regular talent show. We all know how difficult it is to produce a good film, but this also serves as an opportunity for aspiring filmmakers to make a name for themselves. It’s a unique fundraising campaign that may benefit participants and audience members alike. You may also see job plan examples.

Here, you can host a film festival that allows participants to enter their own productions. It doesn’t need to cost much to produce, as long as it sends a valuable message to viewers.

You can require audience members to make a donation amount in order to attend the event, or you can even turn it into a contest where attendees can give a certain amount to cast their votes. Using online votes for social media marketing can also offer the organization and the filmmakers enough exposure under the public eye.

6. Hairless Fundraisers

Though this isn’t exactly a fresh idea, it’s still impactful nonetheless.

Many of these fundraisers are organized to raise awareness over various diseases such as cancer and alopecia areata, which is an illness that causes hair loss among patients.

For this fundraising plan, you can have participants pledge to shave their heads (or long-grown beards) to raise money. These donations usually come in from large corporations that are willing to do charity works with nonprofit organizations. The hair collected from the campaign may even be used to create natural wigs and head pieces for individuals suffering from hair loss. You may also like personal plan examples.

7. Art Auction with a Twist

Instead of an ordinary art auction with pastel paintings and marble sculptures, you can take an eco-friendly approach by having a trash art auction. Challenge local artists to create innovative masterpieces out of recyclable materials and other waste products. You can give these artists the recognition they deserve, and auction off their creative creations to raise money for your fundraiser. You may also check out event plan examples.

8. Flash Mob

Flash mobs are extremely popular these days. Not only are they an attention-grabbing stunt, but they also promote an active lifestyle and provide entertainment for onlookers to enjoy.

You can let clients hire your dancers to perform for a reasonable price, or you can simply hold a flash mob at a public venue to gain recognition for your cause. The secret to a successful flash mob is to keep it as interesting as possible. You can have a group of 30–70 people participate in the performance, and design a unique concept that will keep people buzzing. You might be interested in assessment plan examples.

9. Battle of the Bands

There are many talented bands who have a lot to offer to the music scene. Even though they have yet to establish themselves in the international market, local bands are almost always willing to put their names out there through a charity concert. You can have both performers and attendees pay a certain registration fee for your fundraiser. You may also see action plan examples.

To engage people even more, you can gather music influencers to be a part of your judging panel, such as popular radio jockeys and local celebrities.

10. Basketball Tournament

Unless you can manage to gather a team of A-list (or even B-list) celebrities to take part in your fundraiser, you can always have local athletes play the part. This can be anyone from high school varsity players to former MVPs who have already established themselves in the sports world. This is a smart way to bring people together in your town’s sports center or arena in order to raise money for your fundraising campaign. You may also see financial plan examples.

Simple Nonprofit Fundraising Plan Example

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Strategic Nonprofit Fundraising Plan Example

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Nonprofit Fundraising Event Action Plan Example

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Inspire Others with a Powerful Fundraising Story

Truth is, the best way to connect with a human being is to ignite their emotions. You can’t keep people engaged by presenting mere statistics, because numbers don’t stimulate the same effect as a good, tear-jerking story. The power of storytelling is all part of an organization’s content marketing strategy. A story that resonates with your audience is bound to inspire them and stick in a way that other forms of marketing fail to do.

So how can you communicate your organization’s message through a story? There are many ways to enhance your nonprofit’s communication efforts, all of which require a clever strategy.

Here are three easy steps to guide you in your storytelling agenda:

1. Turn the donor into a hero.

Remember what Augustus Waters from John Green’s famous book The Fault in Our Stars feared the most? Oblivion. He wanted to be recognized for doing something great, leaving a legacy that people would remember him for. And in some ways, we all want to be a hero in someone’s story. But heroes don’t always need to wear capes, because oftentimes, they’re everyday people who just want to make the world a better place. You may also see simple business plan examples.

Although some donors choose to remain anonymous, some people want to be cast as the hero in a story, where the nonprofit simply acts as a mentor or guide throughout the entire whole journey.

2. Focus on individuals, not numbers.

Many nonprofits commit the mistake of making it all about the numbers and not about the people who can benefit from a donor’s generosity. Rather than using pie charts and statistics to prove your point, you can take a more personal approach by telling individual stories of people whose lives have changed thanks to your organization’s programs. These inspiring stories have the ability to touch the hearts of potential donors for them to realize how far a simple donation can go.

3. Edit ruthlessly.

Every word you use can influence a donor’s perspective toward your organization.

Using the words we, our, and ours can sound very egocentric maniac who only cares about himself before he realizes that other people have played a part in his successes as well. This is why many experts suggest the use of words like you, your, and yours to pay respect and recognition toward those who have played a significant part in a fundraising plan’s success. You may also like plan examples.

It’s very easy to get up in your own world and mistaken yourself, as a nonprofit, as the sole hero in a project’s success. But even with a good nonprofit fundraising plan in place, none of this would have been made possible if it wasn’t for the donors and supporters who brought your vision to life. Ultimately, the key is to praise others, and if you’re good at what you do, others will praise you. You may also check out implementation plan examples.


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