One Page Marketing Plan

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

One Page Marketing Plan

Almost everybody knows about marketing. You sell something and people buy. People sell to you, you buy from them. It is life. It is part of consumerism, in the positive sense. When we consume, we start buying things. And when we need something, we try to sell things. But is it called marketing or just plain selling? Because if they are not the same, we could only be selling something but not actually doing some marketing.

Developing a Marketing Plan Example

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Marketing Plan Example

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Let us try to see if there are any differences between the two. Both selling and marketing basically are all about selling something. In fact, one can use them interchangeably, without actually reducing the meaning of one from the other.

However, if you go deeper and academic, one realizes that the word marketing distances itself from the rest of the crowd and creates its own niche in the business world. It slowly separates from the word selling. It is not because of the word itself, rather it is in the way people put meaning into these words.

So what makes the word marketing differ from the word selling? Who uses the word marketing, and who uses the word selling? When do we use marketing, and when do we use selling?

The word selling puts emphasis on the product. It is always about the product being sold. It is always about the exchange of something with another.

Marketing, on the other hand, is oriented toward people, customer, clients, buyers. It is all about interaction. From this, we can surmise that the word marketing is more sophisticated than selling. There is a shift from something to somebody. And that is a big difference. If a buyer hears that a seller is putting more emphasis on the people and not in the product, chances are that the buyer will remain loyal to that seller.

But even in the world of marketing, it needs some careful planning. And this is what this article is all about: one-page marketing plan.

Marketing is all about contacts, relationships, connecting with people. Unlike selling where the only thing that really matters is the selling of the goods, in marketing, you have to know how you can interact with the people, your possible clients. But human interaction is not an easy task. Here are one-page marketing plan examples for you to use.

There is actually no one-page marketing plan. A good marketing plan will require a book page to be fully comprehensive.

However, from these book-long page of marketing plan examples, you can make a summary out of it. And it is just a matter of how you do the the contraction or the abstraction. What are the very important things in making a marketing plan? How do you do it in a single page? What are the things not necessarily needed? These questions help you guide in abstracting your plan.

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Elements in Creating a One-Page Marketing Plan

Instead of showing you examples of a one-page marketing plan, we will show you instead how a one-page marketing plan is done in this article.

The following are the key elements in making a one-page marketing plan:

What is your budget? Your budget is very critical in executing the marketing plans or strategies. If it is really that big, it would make it easier for your team to execute multiple tasks. The scope of your plans should complement the amount of your budget. So where do you spend your budget the most?

  1. Advertising Materials. These include posters, flyers, and any form of advertisement using tactile materials. If you have not done any of this, just imagine how much a running candidate would spend for in an election. You can also use billboards. But always see to it if they are really that necessary because these are expensive, and it is going to be a gamble if you spend too much on a billboard, and not spending the complementary amount in other stuff. Remember, advertisement is just one part of the bigger marketing plan. There are still many things to consider. So make a budget for the advertisement, but do not break the everything in piggy bank solely because of it.
  2. People. You will not do whole marketing plan or strategy yourself. You need people. You need to form a team. You need a team of people to execute your plans. But before making a team, you have to visualize first the needed task or jobs for the marketing to be realize. So what are the job positions needed in your marketing plan? Obviously, the marketing team is one. You also need a moving team, some call it runners. How about an HR to manage all of the team. How do you form a group? What are the kind of people you want to hire? Do you need an assistant?
  3. Product Display. Advertisement is one thing, product display is another. The big difference lies in the fact that in flyers, people will only see or read what you are trying to market or sell. But buyers, they want to touch, they want to taste what they want to buy. So this may be one of the things you may want to consider. You can start with a tent, just so people can have a hands on, a taste, a feel of what you are selling. In fact, if you have something like this, letting people taste or feel, you do not need flyers anymore.
  4. Treats. Product displays are good. But what if the prospect buyers do not go out? This is the case where you really have to go yourself to the buyers. You have to be a little bit aggressive, just a bit, as too much of it may sound like harassment. This is when your mobile team have to go out. Let us just call this active marketing. But this is not just about going out to market something. This is about giving people a treat. They call it promos when introducing new products. For example, you introduce a new product, a bread. You want to tell people that it is better tasting than the previous ones, or maybe you just want to let them know of your products. Your best bet is to let them taste the bread for free.
  5. Something to bring. What others do, and it may sound irritating and annoying to some, is to get the contact numbers of people, the prospect clients. Do you know why? Here it is. If you give these people flyers, they will have your number. And that is good. But that is not good enough. If they have your number, it is not an assurance they will call you. So to solve that, you get their number, and you call them, or make a follow.

Basically, those are supposedly the things that should be on top when making your own one-page marketing plan. You can make your own priority. But it always boils down to your budget. But the limitation of your budget is actually a good thing because you can make a priority. You can make a scope. You can organize or make an outline due to the limitations of your budget.

Marketing Plan Outline

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These are just guides in making your own one-page marketing plan. And there are many approaches out there. Find the one that will best suit you. But the keyword in marketing is establishing a relationship, with the people, with clients, and with strangers. It is not much about having sold items. Relationship first and selling will come next.

When relationship is established, when you already have made good relationships with the customers, you will not need any more effort to do marketing. These people will come to you. But establishing a relationship is not a one-day job. And it has to be nurtured like taking care of a newly grown plant. It is organic.


Plan Example

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So there is a word or two about making a one-page marketing plan. The magic word is relationship. Relationship. Relationship. Relationship. Forget about selling. Forget about profit. Forget about earning money. Well, of course, the whole purpose of this plan is to get some money, but that will come second.

Trust your instinct. You have to trust that money will come second. But you have to believe and be convinced that your product is good. Otherwise, if you have in you mind a product that is second to worse, and you are only thinking of profit, you will lose, and slowly lose your clients. Because, slowly they will also realize that you are not selling your best, and you are only after profit, not to serve for their needs.

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