Ordinal Data

Last Updated: June 21, 2024

Ordinal Data

Ordinal data is a type of qualitative data that represents categories with a meaningful order but without a fixed interval between them. This means that while we can rank the data, we cannot measure the exact difference between the ranks. Examples include survey responses such as “satisfied,” “neutral,” and “dissatisfied,” or education levels like “high school,” “bachelor’s,” and “master’s.” Unlike Numbers, ordinal data does not support arithmetic operations, but it provides valuable insights into the relative positioning of categories.

What is Ordinal Data?

Ordinal data is qualitative data that categorizes variables in a specific, meaningful order, but the intervals between the categories are not consistent or measurable. Examples include rankings, levels of agreement, or educational attainment.

Examples of Ordinal Data

  1. Educational levels: High school, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD
  2. Movie ratings: Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent
  3. Customer satisfaction: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied, Very satisfied
  4. Economic status: Low income, Middle income, High income
  5. Pain levels: No pain, Mild pain, Moderate pain, Severe pain
  6. Class rankings: First, Second, Third, Fourth
  7. Job performance: Unsatisfactory, Satisfactory, Good, Excellent
  8. Academic grades: F, D, C, B, A
  9. Severity of illness: Mild, Moderate, Severe, Critical
  10. Frequency of exercise: Never, Rarely, Sometimes, Often, Always
  11. Military ranks: Private, Corporal, Sergeant, Lieutenant, Captain
  12. Likelihood of recommendation: Very unlikely, Unlikely, Neutral, Likely, Very likely
  13. Proficiency levels: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert
  14. Quality of product: Poor, Fair, Good, Very good, Excellent
  15. Political views: Very liberal, Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, Very conservative
  16. Levels of agreement: Strongly disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly agree
  17. User experience: Very bad, Bad, Neutral, Good, Very good
  18. Importance of features: Not important, Slightly important, Important, Very important, Essential
  19. Reading proficiency: Beginner, Intermediate, Proficient, Advanced
  20. Difficulty of tasks: Very easy, Easy, Moderate, Difficult, Very difficult
  21. Satisfaction with service: Very unsatisfied, Unsatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied, Very satisfied
  22. Student behavior: Very disruptive, Disruptive, Neutral, Well-behaved, Very well-behaved
  23. Risk levels: Low, Moderate, High, Very high
  24. Priority levels: Low priority, Medium priority, High priority, Urgent
  25. Cooking skills: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional
  26. Cleanliness: Very dirty, Dirty, Neutral, Clean, Very clean
  27. Stages of development: Infant, Toddler, Child, Teenager, Adult
  28. Energy levels: Very low, Low, Moderate, High, Very high
  29. Credit ratings: Very poor, Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent
  30. Confidence levels: Not confident, Slightly confident, Moderately confident, Very confident

Different Types of Data

1. Quantitative Data

Quantitative data, also known as numerical data, represents measurable quantities. It can be further divided into two subcategories:

a. Discrete Data

Discrete data includes countable items. These are usually integers and represent items that can be enumerated. Examples include:

  • The number of students in a class
  • The number of cars in a parking lot
  • The number of books on a shelf

b. Continuous Data

Continuous data represents measurements and can take any value within a given range. It is often represented by decimals. Examples include:

  • Height of individuals
  • Temperature readings
  • Time taken to complete a task

2. Qualitative Data

Qualitative data, also known as categorical data, describes attributes or characteristics. It can be further classified into two subcategories:

a. Nominal Data

Nominal data represents categories without any intrinsic ordering. Examples include:

  • Types of fruits (apple, banana, orange)
  • Colors (red, blue, green)
  • Gender (male, female, other)

b. Ordinal Data

Ordinal data represents categories with a meaningful order but without a standard scale. Examples include:

  • Education levels (high school, bachelor’s, master’s, PhD)
  • Survey ratings (poor, fair, good, excellent)
  • Military ranks (private, corporal, sergeant)

3. Binary Data

Binary data is a type of qualitative data with only two possible values. It is often used in scenarios where there are two mutually exclusive outcomes. Examples include:

  • Yes or No responses
  • True or False statements
  • Pass or Fail results

4. Time-Series Data

Time-series data is a sequence of data points collected or recorded at specific time intervals. It is crucial for analyzing trends over time. Examples include:

  • Daily stock prices
  • Monthly sales figures
  • Yearly population growth rates

5. Spatial Data

Spatial data, also known as geospatial data, is used to describe the location and shape of physical objects. This type of data is essential in fields like geography, urban planning, and environmental studies. Examples include:

  • GPS coordinates
  • Maps
  • Satellite imagery

6. Structured Data

Structured data is organized in a fixed format, usually in rows and columns, making it easily searchable and analyzable. It is often stored in databases. Examples include:

  • Excel spreadsheets
  • SQL databases
  • CSV files

7. Unstructured Data

Unstructured data lacks a predefined format, making it more challenging to process and analyze. This type of data is prevalent in various forms of media. Examples include:

  • Text documents
  • Audio files
  • Video content

8. Semi-Structured Data

Semi-structured data does not fit neatly into structured data models but still contains tags or markers to separate data elements. Examples include:

  • JSON files
  • XML documents
  • Email messages

What’s the difference between ordinal data and nominal data?

Ordinal Data

Ordinal data represents categories with a meaningful order or ranking. Although the intervals between categories are not necessarily equal, the order of the categories provides valuable information.


  • Order: Categories are ranked in a logical sequence.
  • Relative Magnitude: Indicates relative positions but not the exact differences between ranks.
  • No Equal Intervals: The distance between consecutive categories is not uniform.


  • Education Levels: High school, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD
  • Customer Satisfaction Ratings: Very dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, Neutral, Satisfied, Very satisfied
  • Socioeconomic Status: Low, Middle, High

Nominal Data

Nominal data represents categories without any intrinsic order. The categories are distinct and mutually exclusive, meaning each data point belongs to only one category.


  • No Order: Categories do not have a logical sequence.
  • Categorization: Data is placed into distinct groups or classes.
  • Mutual Exclusivity: Each data point belongs to only one category.


  • Gender: Male, Female, Other
  • Types of Cuisine: Italian, Chinese, Mexican
  • Marital Status: Single, Married, Divorced

How is ordinal data collected and what is it used for?

Customer Satisfaction Analysis: Measure customer satisfaction levels using scales like Net Promoter Score (NPS) or Likert scales.

Healthcare Research: Assess pain levels, disease severity, or patient satisfaction using scales like the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) or the Karnofsky Performance Status Scale.

Market Research: Rank consumer preferences, product ratings, or brand perceptions to understand market trends and consumer behavior.

Education and Psychology: Evaluate test scores, survey responses, or behavioral ratings using ordinal scales to assess performance, attitudes, or mental health.

Social Sciences: Conduct studies on socioeconomic status, educational attainment, or social rankings to analyze patterns and trends.

Quality Control: Use ordinal data to assess product quality or process performance, such as ranking defect severity or compliance levels.

How is ordinal data used?

1. Customer Satisfaction and Market Research

Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Businesses use ordinal scales to measure customer satisfaction levels, often through Likert scale questions (e.g., “Very Dissatisfied” to “Very Satisfied”).

These scales help companies identify areas for improvement and measure customer loyalty.

Product Rankings: Companies gather customer preferences on products or services to understand market trends and consumer behavior.

Example: Ranking favorite product features or overall product ratings.

2. Healthcare and Psychology

Pain Assessment: Patients rate their pain on scales such as the Numeric Rating Scale (0 to 10) or descriptive scales (e.g., “Mild,” “Moderate,” “Severe”).

These ratings help healthcare providers assess pain levels and adjust treatments accordingly.

Mental Health Evaluations: Mental health professionals use ordinal scales to measure the severity of symptoms, such as depression or anxiety, using tools like the Beck Depression Inventory.

3. Education

Performance Ratings: Teachers and educational institutions use ordinal data to evaluate student performance, such as grades (A, B, C, D, F) or behavior ratings.

This data helps in identifying areas where students excel or need additional support.

Survey Responses: Educational researchers collect data on student or teacher attitudes towards various aspects of the educational environment using ordinal scales.

4. Social Sciences

Socioeconomic Status: Researchers classify individuals into socioeconomic status levels (e.g., “Low,” “Middle,” “High”) to study social patterns and disparities.

Social Attitudes: Surveys on social issues often use ordinal scales to measure public opinion on topics such as policy preferences or social values.

5. Quality Control and Business Management

Performance Evaluations: Organizations use ordinal scales to rate employee performance or job satisfaction, facilitating management decisions and HR practices.

Quality Assessment: Quality control processes often involve ranking defects or compliance levels (e.g., “Minor,” “Moderate,” “Major”) to maintain standards.

6. Political Science

Opinion Polls: Pollsters use ordinal scales to gauge public opinion on political candidates or issues, often ranking preference or agreement levels.

Voting Behavior: Analysis of voter preferences and priorities can be conducted using ordinal data from surveys or election results.

Statistical Analysis of Ordinal Data

Ordinal data requires specific statistical techniques for proper analysis, as traditional parametric tests assume equal intervals, which ordinal data lacks. Common methods include:

Descriptive Statistics:

  • Median and mode are appropriate measures of central tendency for ordinal data.
  • Frequency distributions and cross-tabulations help summarize the data.

Non-Parametric Tests:

  • Mann-Whitney U Test: Compares differences between two independent groups.
  • Kruskal-Wallis Test: Compares differences between more than two independent groups.
  • Spearman’s Rank Correlation: Measures the strength and direction of the relationship between two ordinal variables.

Visualization: Bar charts, pie charts, and ordinal plots effectively represent ordinal data, highlighting the order and frequency of categories.

How to analyze ordinal data

1. Descriptive Statistics

a. Frequency Distribution

  • Purpose: To understand how frequently each category occurs.
  • Method: Count the number of observations in each category and present the results in a table or bar chart.
  • Example: Survey results showing how many respondents rated a service as “Excellent,” “Good,” “Fair,” or “Poor.”

b. Measures of Central Tendency

  • Median: The middle value when the data is ordered.
  • Mode: The most frequently occurring category.
  • Example: In a satisfaction survey with ratings “Very Satisfied,” “Satisfied,” “Neutral,” “Dissatisfied,” the median might be “Satisfied,” and the mode might be “Neutral.”

2. Non-Parametric Tests

a. Mann-Whitney U Test

  • Purpose: To compare differences between two independent groups.
  • Method: Rank all observations from both groups together and then compare the sum of ranks between the groups.
  • Example: Comparing customer satisfaction ratings between two different stores.

b. Kruskal-Wallis H Test

  • Purpose: To compare differences between more than two independent groups.
  • Method: An extension of the Mann-Whitney U test, it ranks all observations together and compares the sum of ranks across groups.
  • Example: Comparing patient satisfaction across different hospital departments.

c. Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test

  • Purpose: To compare two related samples or repeated measurements on a single sample.
  • Method: Rank the differences between paired observations and analyze the ranks.
  • Example: Comparing pre-treatment and post-treatment pain levels in patients.

3. Correlation Analysis

a. Spearman’s Rank Correlation

  • Purpose: To measure the strength and direction of the association between two ordinal variables.
  • Method: Rank the data for both variables and calculate the correlation coefficient.
  • Example: Examining the relationship between job satisfaction and employee performance ratings.

4. Cross-Tabulation and Chi-Square Test

a. Cross-Tabulation (Contingency Table)

  • Purpose: To examine the relationship between two categorical variables.
  • Method: Create a table showing the frequency distribution of variables.
  • Example: Cross-tabulating education level and job satisfaction ratings.

b. Chi-Square Test for Independence

  • Purpose: To test if there is a significant association between two categorical variables.
  • Method: Calculate the chi-square statistic based on the observed and expected frequencies in the contingency table.
  • Example: Testing the association between customer satisfaction (ordinal) and gender (nominal).

5. Ordinal Logistic Regression

  • Purpose: To model the relationship between an ordinal dependent variable and one or more independent variables.
  • Method: Use logistic regression techniques tailored for ordinal outcomes.
  • Example: Predicting customer satisfaction levels based on service quality and wait time.

6. Visualization Techniques

a. Bar Charts and Pie Charts

  • Purpose: To visually display the frequency distribution of ordinal data.
  • Method: Use bars or pie slices to represent the number of observations in each category.
  • Example: A bar chart showing the distribution of satisfaction ratings.

b. Box Plots

  • Purpose: To display the distribution and central tendency of ordinal data.
  • Method: Box plots show the median, quartiles, and outliers in the data.
  • Example: A box plot comparing satisfaction ratings across different branches of a store.

Nominal vs Ordinal Data

here is the table without the examples row:

Nominal DataOrdinal Data
Categories without intrinsic orderCategories with meaningful order
No specific orderOrdered categories
Intervals not applicableIntervals not necessarily equal
ModeMedian, Mode
– Marital status (Single, Married, Divorced)– Socioeconomic status (Low, Middle, High)
Chi-square tests– Non-parametric tests (Mann-Whitney U, Kruskal-Wallis)
– Types of cuisine (Italian, Chinese, Mexican)– Customer satisfaction (Very Dissatisfied, Dissatisfied, etc.)
Provides frequency informationIndicates relative standing
– Gender (Male, Female, Other)– Education levels (High School, Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD)
– Bar charts, Pie charts– Bar charts, Pie charts, Box plots
Categories are mutually exclusiveCategories have a logical order
Data points belong to one category onlyDoes not assume equal spacing between categories

Limitations of Ordinal Data

  1. Lack of Equal Intervals: Ordinal data does not have equal intervals between categories, making it inappropriate for arithmetic operations and limiting the use of parametric statistical methods.
  2. Ambiguity and Interpretation Issues: Different respondents may interpret ordinal scales differently, leading to inconsistencies and ambiguity in data interpretation.
  3. Limited Statistical Analysis: Advanced statistical techniques often assume interval or ratio data, restricting the use of certain measures and complicating the analysis of ordinal data.

What is ordinal data?

Ordinal data categorizes items in a specific order but without equal intervals between categories.

How is ordinal data different from nominal data?

Ordinal data has a meaningful order, while nominal data does not.

Can you calculate the mean with ordinal data?

No, the mean is not appropriate for ordinal data due to unequal intervals.

What are common examples of ordinal data?

Education levels, customer satisfaction ratings, and socioeconomic status.

Which central tendency measures apply to ordinal data?

Median and mode are appropriate measures for ordinal data.

How is ordinal data collected?

Through surveys, questionnaires, and observational studies with ranked responses.

What are the limitations of ordinal data?

Lack of equal intervals, ambiguity in interpretation, and limited statistical analysis.

Which statistical tests are used for ordinal data?

Non-parametric tests like Mann-Whitney U and Kruskal-Wallis tests.

How can ordinal data be visualized?

Using bar charts, pie charts, and box plots.

Why can’t you use parametric tests on ordinal data?

Parametric tests assume equal intervals, which ordinal data lacks.

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