12+ Permission Slip Examples to Download

Last Updated: January 9, 2025

12+ Permission Slip Examples to Download


It is quite common for schools and organizations to conduct activities or trips outside the school grounds. The most common activities for this is a school field trip, camping and retreats.

This would essentially mean that the students will be outside the protective realms of their parents and/or guardians. And in order for a child to attend such activities, the right permission and documents should be signed by their parents and/or guardians. You may also see receipt examples in pdf.

Should an institution or organization organize an event that requires activities outside school premises and other that would need adult supervision, a parent permission slip is used to ask permission from the parents or guardians. The permission slip is given to a child’s parents or guardians in order to be reviewed and signed. You may also like photography receipt examples & samples.

The affixed parents’ signature means that the school or organization is given the authorization to bring the minor child to the trip or activity under the auspice of the school or organization.

permission slip template

However, this is not only limited to activities outside school premise. This can also be activities held inside that school but would mean the child needs to spend longer hours and beyond the normal dismissal time. Generally, school activities and permission slips go hand-in-hand. The only catch with a permission slip, however, is when the parent or guardian signs it, it means that they agree to not hold the school responsible if the child gets hurt during such school activities. You may also check out service receipt examples & samples.

Field Trip Permission Slip Example

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Career Exploration Permission Slip Example

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Types of Permission Slip

Although permission slips can be made with just the same template for every activity, permission slips generally come in one of two ways:

1. Blanket or general form

This type of permission slip usually includes a complete waiver of liability. This means that you agree that the school or organization that has conducted the activity may not be held liable for any injury since you have waived their liability the moment you sign the slip. Even if the school or teacher was negligent, meaning the teacher did something the was not supposed to be done or did not do what was supposed to be done, the school is still not liable. You may also see receipt voucher examples & samples.

For example, if you child was hurt in a zoo during their field trip because the teacher was not paying attention to him/her, the school may not be liable for your child’s injury especially when the permission slip included a general waiver of liability.

However, this type of permission slip or this general waiver of liability are not favorable in court. Courts do not generally like these waivers because they ask the parents and students to waive or disregard legal rights to let schools avoid liability for preventable injury. You may also like cash receipt examples & samples.

2. Informed consent form

This type of permission slip typically explains the natural or inherent risks or danger that comes along with the activity. By agreeing with it and signing it you agree to not hold the school responsible should your child be injured during the activity since the inherent risks in the permission slip. However, the school will still be held liable if the child is injured due to the school’s negligence. You may also check out company receipt examples & samples.

For example, when the school schedule a field trip in a bee farm, the permission slip explains the inherent risk of getting stung by a bee. If you sign the slip and you child is hurt when he/she is stung by a bee and she’s properly supervised, the school most likely cannot be held liable.

If your child gets hurt because a teacher or chaperone was not present during an activity in the bee farm, the school may be held liable for the said injury. In addition, the bee farm as a business entity can be held liable if they were being negligent. For example, the bees were not properly kept during the school’s viewing, the can be held responsible. You might be interested in transfer receipt examples & samples.

Minor Blood Donors Permission Slip Example

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Trip Parent Permission Slip Example

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Activity Permission Slip Example

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Contents of a Permission Slip

A permission slip should contain all the necessary information about the child and the activity they are about the attend. Not only does this serve as consent, this can also serve as a secondary identification of the child and a source for the parents or guardians contact information should an emergency arise. Listed below are some of the information included in a permission slip:

  1. Name of the Student
  2. Teacher In-Charge
  3. Activity
  4. Destination or Location of the Activity
  5. Date of the Activity/Trip
  6. Departure and Return Time
  7. A brief explanation regarding the activity
  8. Medical Conditions of the Student
  9. Prescribed and Taken Medications
  10. Home Number
  11. Name of Parent or Guardian
  12. Contact Number of Parent or Guardian
  13. Alternative Emergency Number
  14. Student’s Signature
  15. Parent’s Signature
  16. Waiver of Liability, if necessary.

You may also see generic receipt examples & samples.

After-school Club Permission Slip Example

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Book Club Permission Slip Example

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School Garden Permission Slip Example

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Activity Night Permission Slip Example

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Packet Pickup Permission Slip Example

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Public School Field Day Permission Slip Example

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How to Make a Permission Slip

If you are part of the teaching staff of the school that is organizing a school activity, you will most likely need to make a permission slip. The permission slip is to be provided for the students’ parents in order to obtain the consent of the parents or guardians. Students can only attend school activities if the permission slip is duly signed by their parent or guardian. Here is an easy guide on how to make a permission slip:

1. First, you need to start by identifying the questions relating to who, what, when, where, why and how of your activity. This should be indicated at the top of your word document.

The answers to the questions will refer to what will the trip or activity be about, who will be going for the trip, who will be the one to go with them during the entire activity, when the exact date for the event will be, where the location for the trip is and why are the significant reasons for the child/children to be part of the trip. Lastly, indicate how the students will be transported to the venue of the said activity. You may also see school receipt examples and samples.

2. After answering the 5 Ws and 1 H questions, the next step is to provide a space for the statement that goes as follows: “I the undersigned give my permission to my child, (______), to attend the field trip with, (_____).” The last underlined part should be filled out with the name of the school or organization. You may also like sample receipt examples.

3. You should then include blanks for the student’s relevant information such full name, date of birth, their sex, any allergies or medical conditions of concern as well as their health insurance provider.

4. It is also advisable to have the number of their parents number, an alternate emergency contact number and their doctor’s contact number.

5. Lastly, you need to include a signature line for the parent’s signature. This should be at the bottom of the document and this will mark the end of the permission slip. You may also check out free receipt examples.

These steps are just the general in writing a permission slip. You can include or insert some of the necessary contents your school board wishes to include in the permission slip.

Release and Permission Slip Example

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Course Permission Slip Example

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Size: 285 KB


Additional Notes

1. It is common for school activity permission slips to require your consent to get medical treatment should an emergency or accident arise while on the trip or activity. You should be willing to provide the name and contact number of your child. You should also provide any medical conditions or allergies your child has and the current medication he/she is taking. You may also see catering receipt examples & samples.

2. It also common fro the permission slip to ask you to provide notarization proving that you are the child’s parent or legal guardian. You will be required to sign under oath in front of a notary public. This type of notarization will most likely be required if the field trip involves travel to another city, state, or foreign country and/or includes an overnight stay or longer. You may also like hotel receipt examples & samples.

3. It is advisable to ask the thoughts of your attorney regarding a permission slip especially when it includes a waiver of liability. Then you will be able to have a good idea about how the law of your state treats permission slips and waivers of liability before anything happens.

4. Should any accident happen, call your attorney no matter what kind of permission slip or waiver you have signed prior to the trip. If your child has serious injuries and has accumulated medical bills, it is better to have the person responsible to be held accountable. You may also check out official receipt examples & samples.


A permission slip is a very useful document that should be taken seriously. It should be examined and be given with high regard as it has to deal with the safety of your child once he/she is goes on trip. Regardless of the trip being near from your home or workplace, you should still think about it carefully especially when your child has serious or not as serious medical conditions. And also especially when the permission slip has deliberately included a waiver of liability. You might be interested in salary receipt examples & samples.

Remember that this permission slip will be used by the school to avoid legal repercussions when your child is involved in an accident. Although some states and courts do not honor these waivers, it is better to be safe than sorry. Seek advice from your attorney and ask his/her thoughts regarding the legality of the slip or waiver. This will not only put your mind at ease, this can also help you during times of emergencies. The permission slip although it has your signature as consent, you can still contest it. You may also see expense receipt examples & samples.

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