30-Day Weight Loss Plan – 7+ Examples, Format, Pdf

Last Updated: April 26, 2024

30-Day Weight Loss Plan – 7+ Examples, Format, Pdf


If you are an overweight person for a long time now, perhaps there were a lot of instances wherein you really wanted to lose your unnecessary and unwanted weight in an instant. It will then become one of the most challenging goals you will ever have especially if you have a slow metabolism and a sedentary lifestyle that hinders you to reach such goal. However, such goal will be easier with the use of a weight loss plan with a determined number of days on when you will be accomplishing necessary steps such as having weight loss plan in a 90-day period.

It will be so much better and easier if you have a clear plan for how you will lose your unwanted and unnecessary pounds. Even if you know an excellent meal preparation that can help you prepare healthier meals, it will still be pointless and you will still not lose weight especially if you do not have a clear plan on how you are going to make use of it. Even if you have a gym membership for two years, it will still be pointless and you will still not lose weight especially if you have no idea what workout routines you are going to tackle for the day.lose weight

Fun Ways to Lose Weight

When you think of fun things, you might think of games, parties, and vacations getaways. But losing weight? You will hardly associate with the word fun at all. Even if it means fitting into clothes of smaller size or gives you a lighter feeling, it does not change the fact this also means tiring workouts, chalky and nasty protein drinks, bland and repetitive prepped meals, and piles of green leafy vegetables.

However, achieving weight loss should not have to be a drag at all. There are a lot of ways you can do in order to make weight loss a fun and enjoyable goal. With that, we have listed down possible ways where you can lose weight while having fun.

Schedule workout and meal prep sessions with your close buddies

Scheduling workout sessions is one of the best ways to have fun while losing weight. You will already feel guilty if ever you are going to ditch a plan you initiated in the first place especially if you knew your close buddies are already waiting at the gym or at the field. You will also feel guilty if you would opt for unhealthy snacks and meals especially if you and your close buddies have already prepared healthy ones. Having workout sessions with friends can be fun too especially that you both can be each other’s support system.

Include motivational notes to your alarm

There is actually a fun way to wake to your alarm instead of hearing it as the cry of torture. If you have an iPhone, your alarm actually has an option where you can include a note. You can include motivational notes to such as, “Wake up, Beauty; it’s time to Beast,” or a personal motivational note of your choice. If you do not use a phone for your alarm, you can attach a stick note on your alarm clock and write down on it the motivational note of your choice.

Wear your early morning workout clothes the night before

One thing that makes you get lazy working out in the early morning is the fact that you will still prepare for what you should wear and the things that you need. You can always prepare yourself for your early morning workout the night before and you can even wear your workout clothes as you sleep so when the next day comes, you will only prepare a few things and you can immediately head out to your early morning run or jog. You will definitely feel good wearing your workout clothes because it makes you think and gets you motivated by the end result of your weight loss journey.

Compete with your close, workout buddies

With the myriad forms and ways to exercise, you can make use of its variety to create a game or a challenge where you can have a fun workout competition with your close workout buddies and it should also have some kind of a reward. Here are some workout competition ideas:

  • The longest plank
  • The longest high-jump
  • The fastest runner or the highest number of laps
  • The highest number of squats
  • The highest number of jumping jacks
  • The Biggest Loser (this could be like a grand competition between your workout friends)

Go explore your hometown or the city

Do you dislike working out at the gym? Have no more excuse because you can still exercise by just exploring your hometown or the city you are currently living in. Who knows? You might discover a hidden gem in your place even if you have been living in your place ever since. Put on your workout clothes and shoes because even if you just think that it will be just some kind of “walk in the park,” you will surely sweat out in the middle of your exploration even if you are only to walk around. Prepare your lightweight camera or a GoPro for you might not want to miss beautiful scenery you might see as you explore.

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Have a cleaning party with your family

The word cleaning and party may sound like putting north pole and south pole together but the combination of the two can actually be one of the best full-body workouts you’ll ever get. What’s more, you get to work out with your family members which means it will surely be fun. You can pair with some extra movements such as doing squats while sweeping the floor. Such workout can hit and engage your biceps, core, and triceps. Here are some of the chores that you can have fun while burning your calories:

  • Sweeping the floor
  • Mopping the floor
  • Wiping all windows
  • Doing the laundry
  • Cleaning the bathroom
  • Wiping surfaces

Here are the possible exercises you can do simultaneously while doing any chores above:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Butt lifts
  • Bicep curls
  • Abdominal twists
  • Calf raises

Walk your dog

Instead of just bringing your dog out for a while, why not make it your bonding and workout date? You will not only benefit from it but your pet dog will also benefit from it too! You could run a lap or two, take a jog, do a brisk walk, and even play catch or Frisbee with your four-legged furry friend! You will also be able to meet fellow dog owners that will become your potential workout friends when you would take your pet dog out.

Dance to exercise

If you have a talent for dancing, why not make use of such talent to sweat out? You can dance to your favorite tunes and you can learn new choreographies and that will already serve as your fun way to burn calories. Dancing will also be fun if you dance with your friends. You could even hit up a nearby local dance club where you can dance to your heart’s content. Even if you have two left feet, there are various kinds of aerobic dances such as Zumba where a talent for dancing is not really necessary—you just need to move your body! Aerobic dances are also commonly called “workouts with low impact” since it has a slow pace and is a great exercise option for pregnant women, obese people, and the elderly.

Start your own garden

Have you always wanted to eat healthy meals but you are doubtful of the harmful chemicals that may contain in the vegetables and fruits you can buy from grocery stores? Then growing your own garden might be the answer to your problem. It is in growing your own fruits, vegetables, and herbs in your own backyard wherein you will be able to create your own healthy meals without wondering what harmful chemicals that it may contain. Aside from being able to eat healthily, you will also be able to burn calories when you plant seeds, maintain your garden, and harvest what will grow. You can call it a win-win!

Plan ways to make your meals fun to prepare and eat

Admit it; preparing and eating kinds of food that have low calories are boring and bland—you consider it as boring because you know that you will be eating bland meals in the next days. However, there are a lot of ways to bring your taste buds to life. There are a lot of recipes you can find across the Internet that will help you spice up your bland meals into delectable ones. You can even create recipes yourself that will really suit and bring your taste buds back to life. What you are eating might affect your performance not just in your workout sessions but it will also include your performance whether in school or at work.

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Get more sleep

Sleep will always be a fun and relaxing thing to do. It is considered as “fun” since you are not going to do any stressful activity and just close your eyes. If you get your much-needed sleep, it will help you to eat healthier and even lose weight. If you have been eating a lot of sweets in a day but deprive your body of an adequate sleep, it will hinder your body to process the sweet stuff you have been eating and we all know how bad it is when our bodies would fail to process sugar, especially the complex ones. Sleep deprivation is actually linked to the creation of a vicious cycle in your body which make you more prone to various factors that contribute to your weight gain.

Dedicate time to organize your workout playlist

Workouts are more energizing especially if your favorite workout music is being played in the background. It is important to organize and prepare your workout playlist first before you start working out because you might be tempted to keep on changing the song in the background. If you are a fan of some dance group, try dancing to their songs and you will totally feel like you are working out or dancing with them.

Reward yourself

You may already know of the fact why there is a need for you to have a cheat day. If you know that at the end of all your sacrifices there is a reward waiting for you, you will do all your best just to hit your weight loss goals just so you can feel that you are worthy enough to deserve a reward. You will most likely stick to your goals once you know there’s some kind of prize that is waiting for you at the end of it all aside from finally achieving your goal, which is to lose weight.

We hope that these weight loss plan examples and these fun ways to lose weight have been of great use for you.


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