Disaster Action Plan

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Disaster Action Plan

Natural disasters, emergency disasters or even hospital disasters. What do you think they have in common? There is one that could be stopped if you know how, one that could be prepared for and the other could be done if you have the right tools for it. It is without a doubt that we could not expect disasters to come our way. Whether they may be natural disasters, emergency or problems that erupt in places we least expect. Rather than to let it pass, knowing there would be a lot of aftermath problems to deal with, it is always best to be expect the unexpected. To get ready before the problem comes flying in. Disasters are things that happen anytime and anywhere, and it is a person’s responsibility to always be prepared for anything. This is why writing a disaster action plan is the best option. By writing a disaster action plan as a way to prepare for anything and everything. To find more about a disaster action plan, check out the following below.

10+ Disaster Action Plan Examples

1. Disaster Recovery Action Plan

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Size: 4 MB


2. Natural Disaster Action Plan

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Size: 1 MB


3. National Disaster Action Plan

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Size: 605 KB


4. Action Plan for Disaster Recovery

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Size: 2 MB


5. Professional Disaster Action Plan

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Size: 956 KB


6. Child Care Disaster Action Plan

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Size: 169 KB


7. Post-Disaster Action Plan

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Size: 362 KB


8. Basic Disaster Action Plan

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Size: 8 MB


9. Disaster Risk Reduction Action Plan

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Size: 735 KB


10. Disaster Action Plan in PDF

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Size: 4 MB


11. Proposed Disaster Action Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


What Is a Disaster Action Plan?

An action plan is an outlined document that shows the strategies you are planning on doing when disaster strikes. This kind of action plan lists down the ways to avoid, detect, and know what to do when disaster strikes. In addition to that, it also gives out the right solutions that can be used depending on what incident the person is dealing with. As disasters are often not expected nor could not be stopped then and there, having to come up with an idea on the spot or having to have an action plan to help out is nothing short but a great idea. The purpose of using a disaster action plan is to be able to get the big picture of how severe the disaster may be. It also outlines the strategies, the situations and the solutions for each of the situations present. Another purpose of writing out a disaster action plan is to have an extra plan already written out in case the first plan falters. It is always best to have a back up plan apart from the plan that you have written out. The action plan does just that.

How to Write a Disaster Action Plan?

When disaster strikes, it is always best to be prepared. How do you prepare yourself when incidents like these come along? Of course by having the best plan and using it to help out those who may be in need of help. But before you are able to do so, it is always best to write out your own disaster action plan. As mentioned above, this action plan can help lessen the problems faced as well as the risks that go with disasters. Check out the following tips when you plan out your very own disaster action plan.

1. A Solution for Each Problem

Begin by writing out the problems of any type of disaster. May it be natural or man made. As you continue, you would notice the risks and the incidents listed down as you go along. Using the list you made, you can easily come up with a solution for each of the problem, regardless of how small or large they may be. For larger problems, you may need more than one solution, though this depends on how you bring it.

2. Important Information

Anything you deem important must be added to your action plan. This includes important people to contact in case of emergency, the important numbers for emergency. In addition to that, writing down the place that people can go when disasters strike. These are just some of the important details that need to be seen in the disaster action plan.

3. Training Procedures

One thing that should also be placed in a disaster action plan is the training procedures. This is one strategic plan that could be used for action plans that involve a lot of movement and a lot of risks. Adding up procedures to your action plan is also a good and useful tool to make it work.

4. Setting up Committees

Part of your disaster action plan should be setting up committees. This not only helps make the action plan more specific, it also helps you designate and allow volunteers to know that this is the plan you have made and what are their responsibilities. Setting up committees while you write your action plan is a good idea to have.

5. Test Drive

To know if your action plan is foolproof, do a practice test on it. Testing out your disaster action plan can also give you the idea of how you want it to happen, when it should happen and how. That way, when the actual disaster strikes, you will now have the idea or at least partial of the idea on how to run your disaster action plan without wasting any time.


What is a disaster action plan

A disaster action plan is a tool used for those who planned  ahead before any kind of disaster strikes. It is a strategic document that outlines the solutions for each disaster that can be avoided or eliminated manually.

Why is making a disaster action plan important?

Making a disaster action plan is important as this helps the person plan out what to do before, during and after any disaster.

What is the most important thing to add in a disaster action plan?

The most important thing to add in a disaster action plan is solutions. Solutions for each risk that could be avoided, as well as solutions for each disaster that could be done.

There are times when disasters take the best of others. But instead of not planning on what could happen in the near future, it is always best to be prepared, and what better way to be prepared than to write a disaster action plan. Wherein your disaster action plan has the solutions outlined in a perfect manner.

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