Five Day Study Plan

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Five Day Study Plan

Are exam days fast approaching? You are probably biting your nails while thinking of ways to organize your time for studying. Cramming a day before the exam might be productive for others, but it isn’t always the case for everyone. To maximize the success of your study habits, stop procrastinating. Create a five-day study plan instead. 

10+ Five Day Study Plan Examples

1. Five Day Study Plan Template

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  • PDF

Size: 319 KB


2. Sample Five Day Study Plan

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Size: 267 KB


3. Exam Preparation Five Day Study Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 284 KB


4. Formal Five Day Study Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 28 KB


5. Standard Five Day Study Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 272 KB


6. Basic Five Day Study Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 95 KB


7. Five Day Study Plan Example

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  • PDF

Size: 617 KB


8. Five Day Study Plan Schedule

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Size: 178 KB


9. Five Day Study Plan in PDF

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Size: 7 KB


10. Printable Five Day Study Plan

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  • PDF

Size: 211 KB


11. Five Day Study Plan in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 10 KB


What Is a Five Day Study Plan?

A five-day study plan is a timetable people create and follow when studying. This plan is necessary when you need to cover a lot of materials before the exam. As the name states, in constructing this study plan, people divide and commit to studying selected topics for a duration of time within five days. 

How to Construct a Workable Five Day Study Plan

Exams, especially the major ones, can cause anxiety to the examinees. Inconsistency in your study habits can negatively impact your memory retention. Despite that, effective study habits differ for various people. Some study strategies may work for some, but not for you. To combat your uneasiness, learn how to customize your study planner.

1. Divide Your Exam Coverage

Examiners often give the coverage a week before the exam to give the students the time to study. If you already know what topics the test is going to cover, you can start dividing them. You can divide it into chunks based on the difficulty, the length, or the subject. It is advisable to study the challenging and long topics on the first day of your study plan. 

2. Decide The Duration

Now that you successfully divided the topics, set your timeline by planning how long you need to study each day. The time you plan to study can differ from day-to-day. From the first day to the fifth day, you can decide how many hours your planning to study, depending on the topics you have chosen. It only makes sense to spend more time focusing on the subjects you find challenging.

3. Choose a Study Strategy

People learn differently. Prepare your study materials based on what type of learner you are. If you are a visual learner, you can prepare a flash card or save videos relevant to your topics ahead of time. If you learn better by listening, you can listen to abooks or the voice recordings of your lectures if you have one. Now that you have your materials, the next step is to determine what kind of strategy works best for learners like you. 

4. Construct Your Timetable

Considering that you already have your time schedule, the next step is to construct a table. This procedure would be helpful to make your plan more comprehensive. If you have no idea how to make one, you can look for sample study planner templates online. After you create your timetable, put it somewhere where you can always see it. 


What are some positive study habits?

There are numerous helpful study tips. Some of the most effective learning strategies include studying every day at the same time. Setting up your workspace and ensuring it is study-friendly is another helpful tip. Other ways to prepare effectively are through creating a strategy implementation plan and a roadmap. You can also try to rewrite and recite your lessons to memorize them better.

What are the different types of learners?

People belong to different learning types. Those who learn better by watching charts, graphs, and tables are visual learners. Audio learners learn better by listening to abooks or music. There are also the physical learners who learn better through physical interaction or creating art. Verbal learners learn better by participating in group discussions.

What is NCLEX?

NCLEX or National Council Licensure Examination is the examination to test the knowledge and competence of nursing students in the United States. The results of this exam will decide whether a nurse is qualified to get a license or not. Passing this exam is essential in the process of becoming a nurse.

If you are reading this article up to this part, it means that you are determined to pass your upcoming exam. Whether you are still an academic student or an examinee about to take a test that will decide your life, creating a five day study plan and passing your exam is the next step to getting that diploma certificate or license.

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