Performance Review Plan

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Performance Review Plan

A large portion of a company’s budget plan goes to the compensation of the employees. That said, you constantly need to evaluate and check whether they are rendering enough hours of service and amount of work as they are required. Reviewing the performance of your organization’s staff plays a part in maintaining the productivity in your company and retaining the employees. That said, before starting your performance evaluation, first, you need to devise a performance review plan.

6+ Performance Review Plan Examples

1. Performance Review Plan Template

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Size: 47 KB


2. Performance Review and Development Plan

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Size: 46 KB


3. Mid-Year Performance Review Plan

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Size: 177 KB


4. Performance Review Employee Plan

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Size: 22 KB


5. Performance Review Planning Example

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Size: 29 KB


6. Performance Planning and Review Procedure

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Size: 43 KB


7. Performance Review Planning in PDF

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Size: 291 KB


What Is a Performance Review Plan?

A performance review plan functions as a guideline for the HR professionals on how to review employee performance. This document includes strategizing for the factors and other complexities that go into a performance review. Planning for the review process also includes generating methods to improve underperforming employees and detailing the possible consequences. 

How to Devise a Reliable Performance Review Plan

Reviewing performances would require setting your standards. You should determine what you should include in your performance evaluation. When can you say that a staff member’s accomplishments are satisfactory or need improvement? Decide on that on your plan. Consider all the necessary elements and components before finalizing your review plan.

1. Meet With Your Manager

The first and most essential step in your plan-making process is to talk with your manager. Your manager will determine the grounds of the decision-making regarding the performance review. Stay up to date on whether there is a change in the corporate goals and requirements. After this, you should ask for his opinion on what you should include in your objectives.

2. Decide on the Frequency

Most companies schedule their performance review annually. Although nowadays some has stepped up their game and chose to do it semiannually and some even monthly. In your strategic plan, you should decide how often you need to evaluate and give feedback to your employees. Consider how long it will take to observe their performance and gather enough data for your employee tracking

3. Organize Employee Review Rubric

After the first and second steps, the next thing to do is determine how to rate your organizational members’ behavior and production. In setting your rubric, just like making a rubric for stage performances, you need to decide what performance warrants a high rating and what deserves a low review based on your evaluation checklist

4. Prepare a Corrective Action Plan

Another thing you should devise ahead of time is your corrective action plan. Given that you already have an idea of the most problems with the employees in your company, you should start researching and drafting the corrective action plan that you should suggest to your underperforming employees. Your main goal should be to suggest correctional methods to improve the areas where they lack.


What is performance management?

Performance management refers to companies’ activities and offers to their employees to ensure efficiency and productivity. It includes giving seminars and training to hone the potentials of the employees to the fullest. In addition, it also involves giving award certificates to outstanding employees. It also ensures that the employees’ performance stays aligned with the organization’s goals.

What are examples of performance goals?

Some examples of performance goals include being adaptive to new situations and enhancing your productivity. If you are listing your aims, you should also consider learning time-management secrets and train your problem-solving skills. To be an effective employee, you should also learn how to communicate well. In addition, you should develop confidence when giving business presentations.

What happens during a performance review?

A performance review involves a session where you give feedback to the employees regarding their performance. Ensure to enumerate the positive and the negative aspects. During the session, you should also recommend a development plan on how the employee can progress. In addition, you should also present them with their performance summary.

Organizations hire employees with the most potential. That said, when they fail to achieve some of their performance goals, your first response should be to offer feedback and guidance to nudge them back on their path. There may be a lot of factors that led to their low performance. Cover that topic in your talk during your performance review. To achieve your desired results after the session, you should devise a reliable performance review plan. 

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