Postage Statement

Last Updated: September 24, 2024

Postage Statement

Postage Statement


People of the modern age have become relaxed and reliant on the services that help make their lives easier. Some would say the contemporary man has become lazy and too laid-back. Remember the good old days when you had to hunt for deer and rabbit just to survive? Yeah, those times made people active and strong. Not like the present-day couch potatoes that couldn’t even get up to get a box of pizza from a nearby restaurant. And with the right shopping voucher, even all-time favorite leisure activities like shopping is done at home. Your products get shipped straight to your doorstep. Delivery and postal services do help people’s life become more comfortable.

When sending something through postal services, you want to make sure that everything in your package is there, and nothing goes missing. May the Roman god Mercury have mercy on you if something ever gets lost. To help postal services keep track of your package, you need to fill out a postage statement form. These forms hold details regarding the number of items you are sending and the price of your postage. Like most order forms, postage statements are now fillable online and through the computer to save you from the hassle of hand-writing everything.

History of Postal Services

Writing and sending letters have become one of the most basic forms of communication. When humans began to write, letters also started being sent all over the world. This is where postal services also had its boom. The very first clues and evidence of early postal services were said to be found in Mesopotamia while the first letter was discovered in Egypt. It wasn’t until 1775 when the US took part in the history of mail. This is all thanks to Benjamin Franklin and the Second Continental Congress. The first mail-order catalogs were then introduced by Aaron Montgomery Ward when he started handing out product catalogs with a merchandise and price list to farmers in 1872.

6+ Postage Statement Examples

Overthinking if your packages and parcels are safe is going to make you lose your mind. You need a document that can hold all the required information about your first class package. And you work for a postal service; you need a datasheet that helps your company identify what the sent parcels and priority mail are. What you need is a fillable postage statement form. Well, don’t you worry because we have just what you need, here are 6+ Postage Statement examples.

1. First Class Mail Postage Statement Example

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Size: 110 KB


2. Postage Package Service Statement Example

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Size: 138 KB


3. Postage Marketing Mail Statement Example

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Size: 248 KB


4. Standard Postage Mail Statement Example

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5. Postage Periodicals Statement Example

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6. Nonprofit Postage Statement Example

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7. Sample Postage Statement Example

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Size: 42 KB


Cut the Cost

Knowing the details and content of the package is good and all, but mailers also think about the cost. As said before, postage statements include information about how much the expenses and financial risks are when sending the mail. Senders need to be vigilant when it comes to the money they are spending on their parcels. One of the best ways to save money is by inspecting and keeping a close eye on postage stamps. Why not check out these tips to help cut back on postage stamps.

Emails and Efficiency

Sending business plans and other documents through the mail is so old school. When working in the corporate world, being able to keep up with the times is a must. That’s why you should send your documents through emails. It’s not only cheaper; it’s faster and more direct. It also gives senders a more natural way to communicate with their receivers.

Size Matters

If you want to cut down the cost of the mails you are sending, try using standard size envelopes. Size really does matter. The best envelopes to use are the standard ones since they don’t cost as much. If you can bend and tuck your packages in standard-sized boxes and containers, you are good as gold.

Postcard Conversations

If you want to send messages to your peers and colleagues, a low-cost way to do that is by sending postcard, not letters. Postcards may only have a limited space but do you don’t always have to send log letters anyway. Postcards aren’t only for travel nowadays, there are marketing postcards and business postcards to send your clients and partners. Same message, cheaper postage stamp.
All Ads on Me

Advertising is an integral part of any business. You need to be able to market your products to your clients efficiently. And when it comes to killing two birds with one stone, there is always a trick. When sending your customers their products and invoice, why not slip in a marketing flyer as well. Flyers don’t weigh so much, so it’s free advertising!

Online Money Maker

Advise your clients to interact with you online. Sending documents online is much cheaper than via mail. You should also offer your clients digital versions of any document like printable reports, reading materials, and templates. Selling stuff on the internet makes things easier for everyone.

Sending packages can leave you a nervous wreck, but once it’s with the receiver, it’s always so satisfying in the end.


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