Process Flowchart

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Process Flowchart

In an operation, there’s always a flow that needs to be followed to achieve the expected outcome or result. Charts such as flow charts and chore charts are not able to present that information because operations follow a process. Process have steps that needs to followed one after the other.

Basically, process of an operation are long and can be very overwhelming and confusing when presented in a paragraph form. To avoid any confusion, charts are used to present process information and data. The type of chart that can present those processes are most commonly known as a process flow chart.

Purchase Process Example

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Business Process Flowchart

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Payroll Process Flowchart

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Procurement Process Example

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Define a Process Flowchart

We all know that process are set of actions or tasks that are executed to achieve a particular result. Because of the nature of a process, which is long and would appear very overwhelming when written in a paragraph form, charts are incorporated to avoid confusing viewers or users.

A process flowchart sample is a graphical representation of the steps in the process of achieving a desired result. Flowcharts shows the workflow through the use of boxes connected by arrows having a single direction to indicate the order of the process, which comes first and what is next.

What Is the Purpose of a Process Flowchart?

Considering that people never had any interest in spending all their time reading long documents, since processes can look very lengthy, the use of a flow chart helps in making those procedures less lengthy and much more direct.

The purpose of a process flowchart in PDF is to let the viewers have a complete view of how the process would flow in a single image. Rather than spending time flipping through pages and looking for the next step, flow chart can help navigate to what step they’re at and what’s next for them to do.

Account Payable Process

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Hiring Process Sample

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Sales Process Flowchart Example

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4 Steps in Building a Process Flowchart

Flowcharts are easy to make when you know what to do. To help you with that here are the basic steps in making a process flowchart.

  • One. Decide on what materials to use for the flowchart. It can be written or made through the use of software programs.
  • Two. Determine all the steps and make a list of all this steps following a sequence.
  • Three. Create shapes where the steps would be written and draw arrows that can connect those shapes and make the flow.
  • Four. After finishing, let other people run a check over the process to make sure it is correct.

Why Do We Need to Use a Process Flowchart?

A lot of us may just have taken for granted the use of a flowchart, but this type of chart actually has a lot of use that people fail to recognize.

A process chart examples helps develop understanding on how processes are done. It makes the procedure clear and helps communicate what people have to do in a project or in an operation. Above all reasons, process flowcharts are much more easier to follow because of it’s single-view and makes navigation simpler.

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