Project Discovery

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Project Discovery

Before you start a project, you first have to find out what it is all about, how it can help your company, and how it’s done. This is called project discovery. Project discovery is the initial phase of any project. It is the data gathering phase of any project and should be done the minute the project is assigned. The discovery phase helps the parties collaborating in the project to understand the purpose and benefits of the project. The data collected should then be compiled in a single document. That’s where reports come in. To help you make an impressive project report, check out our project discovery examples and templates.

10+ Project Discovery Examples and Templates

Reports are vital documents in any office structure. They record all the information needed by the company. For your project discovery report, you should see these 10+ project discovery examples and templates.

1. Project Report For New Business Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4 & US Letter Sizes


When you are assigned a project, you need to study how it works and who it benefits. This is a phase called project discovery. Commonly used for software development projects, project discovery helps you see if your app is useful for all users and clients. The information collected must then be presented as a report for further analysis. To make a report for your new software project, you can use this project report for new business template. This template is easy to use and easy to edit. Download this report template now!

2. Construction Project Report Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4 & US Letter Sizes


Before you start a construction project, you must first figure out what makes the establishment worth building. You must begin with project discovery. This may seem like a time-consuming phase, but its results can make a big difference for your project’s success. And by reporting the knowledge from the discovery process, your team can start a construction plan for your project. To help you communicate the project discovery, you are going to need this construction project report template. This expertly crafted template is sure to give you a comprehensive report.

3. Sample Project Report For Investors Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4 & US Letter Sizes


Are you in the discovery process of your project? Do you need a format to organize the information you have collected? No good can come from going in blind on a project. You need to make sure you have sufficient knowledge about the project. The discovery phase is vital in any project. Discoverers and investors begin this phase to help them plan and formulate adjustments for their project proposals. You should structure the data of your project discovery using this sample project report for investors template. This template has content that’s sure to impress your investors and stakeholders.

4. Operative Report Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4 & US Letter Sizes


A successful project only happens when the project operation runs smoothly. Without proper project management, you can’t achieve your project goals. That’s also why you should have a project discovery phase to help you plan your undertaking. For your project discovery, you need a report that is clear and properly formatted. Why not use this operative report template? This template can help you analyze data need to formulate comprehensive business strategies. With expertly made high-quality content, this template is sure to make your life easier. Download this operative report template now!

5. Summary Report Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4 & US Letter Sizes


Does your project plan include a project discovery phase? Is your team of discoverers in the middle of the discovery process? After your project discovery, the next step is writing a report composed of the data collected. This report has to be neat and concise as not to scare away the reviewers. It shouldn’t be wordy and dragging. Like any technical writing, you have to make sure your report is appropriately formatted. What you need is this summary report template. This template is easy to edit to fit your specifications. Try this template today!

6. Company Report Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4 & US Letter Sizes


In business, you never know when you will be tasked to lead a project for your company. That’s why, when you get the assignment, you must start preparations as soon as possible. Project discovery lets your team get a heads up on what the project is and how it’s executed. Before you can formulate business plans, you must analyze the discovery report. To make sure your reviewers and supervisors can understand your report, you should get your hands on this company report template. This template is customizable to fit your project seamlessly.

7. Free Project Report Template

File Format
  • Illustrator
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Numbers
  • Pages
  • Editable PDF

Size: A4 & US Sizes


Have you begun your project’s discovery phase? Do you need a way to record and report the data you’ve gathered? An essential part of data gathering is having documents that you can use to record the facts and information from your discovery process. What you need is a project worksheet with the right labels to hold all your collected data. Any misinformation can lead to the downfall of your project. That’s why you should try this project report template. This template can be edited with your specifics. Download this free template now!

8. Free Project Expense Report Template

File Format
  • Google Docs
  • Illustrator
  • MS Excel
  • MS Word
  • Numbers
  • Pages
  • Editable PDF
  • Publisher

Size: A4 & US Sizes


Part of project discovery is finding out if the project is worth its cost. You need to see if the project can get you an admirable return on investment. If the project expenses grow over time, you might have to rethink the entire plan. That’s why you must always keep track of the costs during the discovery process. What you need is a sheet that can record and display the details of your project expenses. For your report, you should use this free project expense report template. An expert team of graphic designers formulated this editable sheet you can use for your report.

9. Free Business Report Cover Page Template

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: A4 & US Sizes


Is your discovery report ready for submission? Do you want to make sure your project final report looks neat even at first glance? The minute your superiors see your report, they are bound to have their initial judgment. That’s why the cover page should also impress them. No matter how effective the content of your report is, if the cover isn’t tasteful, it might not get the response you desired. For your report, you should use this business report cover page template. This template can be used for your project discovery report. All you need to do is edit in the correct information, and it’s ready. 

10. Free Financial Report Template

File Format
  • Illustrator

Size: A4 & US Sizes


Money will always play a significant role in accomplishing a project. Without any finances, you can begin your project. That’s why you should find out how much your project would cost on your project discovery. You should report your data flawlessly and efficiently. That’s why you should give this financial report template a go. This template can suit your expense report with just a little editing. It’s premade with high-quality content, so you don’t have to worry about your report being mediocre. The best thing about this template is that it’s free to download. Get it now!

11. Project Discovery Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4.1 MB


Is your project discovery doing well? Are you ready to submit your report? There are many reasons why you need project discovery. This phase helps you create better marketing plans for your products and services. This data gathering procedure enables you to examine the problem and work around it. After your discovery stage, you need to make an extensive report that details the information you gathered. What need is this project discovery report to guide you in making your report. You can mimic its format so your report can look professional. 

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