Product Business Proposal

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Product Business Proposal

New products appear in the market each month, bringing with them promises of convenience, beauty, and other services. However, as a business person standing out could be a problem. That’s why for your business proposal needs, we have 10+ Product Business Proposal Examples that will surely help you create an excellent business proposal that you can pull out anytime soon. Nonetheless, this is not just our treat. We also have an exceptional guide that will help you create a gem of a business proposal. Are you ready? Check our resources below and see your product adored by everyone!

10+ Product Proposal Proposal Examples

1. Product Proposal Template

Product Proposal Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US


2. Food Product Proposal Template

Food Product Proposal Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US


3. Product Sales Proposal Template

Product Sales Proposal Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US


4. Business Product Proposal Template

Business Product Proposal Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Pages
  • Google Docs

Size: A4, US


5. Vendor Product Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 159 KB


6. New Product Development Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 357 KB


7. Product Proposal Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 255 KB


8. Proposal for a New Food Product

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 37 KB


9. Product Proposal Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 263 KB


10. Sample Product Proposal

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 73 KB


11. Product Proposal Questionnaire Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 70 KB


What is a Product Business Proposal?

A product business proposal is a document that business people use to showcase their ideal product to a manufacturing company, supplier, or any individuals they can benefit from. This document is also necessary to create better business-to-business (b2b) relationships in the long run.

What are the four consumer products?

Our world is filled with an unimaginable number of items. However, when it comes to business, there are only four consumer products available. These four consumer products constitute the whole business world, both supply and demand. So, if you’re eager to learn about these classifications, check these out.

  • Convenience

Convenience goods or products are items that are readily available in the market and regularly consumed. Some of these products include food, cigarettes, and other products of the same category. Convenience goods generally fulfill basic necessities or non-priority goods. The commonality between these is that they are something we buy without minding the cost or the reason.

  • Shopping

Shopping goods are products which are something we don’t just buy. These include appliances and furniture. These items may require some of us to think through before buying, and we may need to save some cash to have one. These items are usually expensive and have a longer lifespan.

  • Specialty

Specialty goods are luxurious items that may cost more than any of their convenience goods counterparts. Usually, people with certain financial ability may buy these products to showcase their financial capability. Items within this classification may include sports cars and fine jewelry. These items may also not be readily available and are exclusive.

  • Unsought

Unsought products are those items that are readily available, but people don’t buy them the second time around. These products may only reach out to certain individuals in the market. Products within this category may include insurance and real estate.

How to Write a Product Business Proposal

So you thought of a new product or service. However, you don’t know how to write a product business proposal that will surely get approval. Well, you’ve come to the right place. We will provide you with a general idea to showcase your creativity. Check it out below.

Step 1: Executive Summary First

Executive Summaries are necessary. Yes, you’ve read it right. They are essential to a proposal because they ensure that you can better understand people’s attention than showing off a 100-page proposal. However, creating an executive summary is easy and quick. However, it would help if you remembered that the general idea behind this is that people need to learn the whole concept within the least possible time.

Step 2: Show Off

Yes, you’ve heard me right. Show off your team’s credentials. By doing this, you make sure that people can and should trust your team. This part is more like a promotional in your business plan. If you can make it, make sure that people read your names on the cover page to make it more impactful.

Step 3: Operations and Schedule

What do you think is inside your client’s mind? Are they in the meeting to squander money or to earn profits? If you believe the latter, then you’re in luck. You understood the philosophy property. That’s why you should create a proper operational plan, marketing plan, and schedule. By doing this, you ensure that people can trust your team.

Step 4: Transparent Finances

No matter how small you think is the funds you require from your sponsors, it would be best to make it transparent. Don’t try to get more benefits when you don’t even have the chance yet. Make sure to enforce transparency in your work so people can trust you more.


What should be included in a business proposal?

Listed below are the things included in a common business proposal:
1. Title / Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Executive Summary
4. Mission and Vision
5. Business Plan
6. Team / Company Profile
7. Schedule
8. Financial Plan
9. Terms and Conditions
10. Approval Section

What is a product proposal?

A product proposal is a document that showcases the list of products a company or individual can offer to the other party. Products listed within are both patented and not by others. However, some companies may opt to require unpatented products for their company’s prestige and popularity boost.

What are the three main functions of a business plan?

The three main functions of a business plan include identification, description, and analysis of a business. These functions are all necessary before a product or business can be deemed worthy of the risk.

A good man starts with an idea, a great man creates a draft, but the visionary moves. Your success is yours alone. So, when it comes to creating a product, make sure that you have the necessary sample to help you through establishing a standard. However, be sure to stay content. Dream big but be content above all things.

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