15+ Maintenance Quotation Examples to Download

Last Updated: May 24, 2024

15+ Maintenance Quotation Examples to Download

Maintenance Quotation Examples

Maintenance is the process of preserving things or products or places for the proper upkeep of these. Sometimes they need repair.  For this purpose, various companies or individuals have to float invitations for quotations. Also, there are vendors who are looking for invites so that they can send in their quotations in the hope of landing the contract. Below we are providing 10+ Bid Quote Examples and Templates for your benefit that cater to the above requirements.

Maintenance Quotation Examples & Templates

1. Maintenance Quotation Template

Maintenance Quotation Template
File Format
  • Google Docs
  • MS Word
  • Pages

Size: A4 & US


The above sample template is a generic Quotation document that can be used by any vendor who wishes to bid for a maintenance project. It has various services categorised into monthly and quarterly periods. It is a very simple format and can be freely downloaded and printed as well. It is a very impressive format and will surely aid anyone making use of it.

2. Electrical Maintenance Quotation Format Template

Electrical Maintenance Quotation Format Template1
File Format

Size: A4, US


3. Maintenance Quotation Sample Template

Maintenance Quotation Sample Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • PDF

Size: 28 KB


4. Maintenance Quotation Format Template

Maintenance Quotation Format Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • PDF

Size: 25 KB


5. Lawn Maintenance Quotation Template

Lawn Maintenance Quotation Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • PDF
  • Google Sheets
  • Excel

Size: 25 KB


6. Free Website Maintenance Quotation Template

Free Website Maintenance Quotation Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • PDF
  • Google Sheets
  • Excel

Size: 28 KB


7. Annual Maintenance Contract Quotation Template

Annual Maintenance Contract Quotation Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • PDF
  • Google Sheets
  • Excel

Size: 28 KB


8. Request for Quotation of Maintenance & Repair

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 322 KB


The above sample template is an open invitation to bid quotations for repairing of infrastructure and walls which are cracked or chapped, mending the ceiling, repairing of glass doors so that water seepage in the building can be prevented. The interested vendors can use that invitation and submit qualified bids. It has all the necessary details that any vendor needs to know to submit a correct quotation. It is in a very simple format and easy to download and print as well.

9. Quotation for Annual Maintenance Contracts

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 273 KB


Whenever a government educational institution requires appointing of manpower for the annual maintenance of air conditioners and water coolers, it needs to float an invitation for quotations. The above sample template is an example of how a bidder can participate in the bidding process by following the specific terms and conditions of the institutions. Sometimes it also bears a fixed format of application to use for the vendors. It is in a very simple format and easy to download and print as well.

10. Quotation Call Letter for the Annual Maintenance Contract

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 226 KB


Whenever a big corporate house requires the appointment of manpower for the maintenance of the computer equipment in their office, it needs to float an invitation for bidding quotations. The vendors have to provide maintenance for spare parts of different computers and associated devices in the office.

The template has all details provided extensively. The suitable vendors who are in this line of work can make use of this template and learn how to submit qualified bids within a specific time limit. It is in a very simple format and easy to download and print as well.

11. Quotation for Website Development & Maintenance

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 141 KB


At the time of a requirement for the maintenance of website development and maintenance, a private company floats an invitation for quotations towards competent vendors to apply for the work. It involves the work of home page editing and updating, maintaining the navigation, database listing, building form interfaces etc. The willing software companies can submit qualified bids to get such a contract.

12. Quotation Work for Maintenance & Development of Lawn

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 201 KB


Whenever a railway department which is a government organization, needs to maintain and develop its different areas of the department such as their lawn or garden, it is bound by law to float an invitation for bid quotation to the vendors who provide these kinds of service. The interested vendors can submit qualified bids for getting the tender. The above sample template is an example of how a bidder can participate in the bidding process.

13. Call Notice Quotation for Electrical Maintenance

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


The above sample template is an example of an invitation for bidding quotations from an educational institution which is regulated by the government. Such a government institution is required to ensure the maintenance of electrical items within a specific time limit.

The interested vendors can make use of this invitation and submit qualified bids. The vendors who are in this line of work can use it to guide themselves in going forward for such bidding. It is in a very simple format and easy to download and print as well.

14. Request for Quotation of Preventative Maintenance

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 89 KB


Whenever an educational institution which is a government organization is required to appoint manpower for the preventive maintenance of electrical infrastructure such as high-capacity air conditioners,

it is bound by law to float an invitation for bidding quotations from service contractors who provide services for the same. By following the above sample template such service contractors can participate in the bidding process and submit qualified bids in their line of work.

15. Request for Quotation of Elevator Maintenance

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


Purchasing Departments of big corporations need to make an invitation for bidding quotations for the maintenance of elevators. In such cases, service contractor has to provide the parts of the elevators as well. So the above sample template indicates how the vendors can follow the conditions and specifications to submit correct quotations.

16. Maintenance Renewal Quote Summary

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 87 KB


The above sample template is an example of an Annual Maintenance Renewal Contract Quotation prepared by a Technology Firm for providing online services for an organisation. This is an important feature for any vendor any business would want to continue their annual contract with their customer for as many years as possible. It has all the details mentioned clearly and is a good pointer for anybody from this industry to refer to.


Quotation Generator

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Generate a price quotation for school uniforms, including options for different sizes and quantities

Create a price quote for a set of textbooks and educational materials for a high school math class