Case Report

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Case Report

When we hear the words “case” and “report,” we often associate them with nursing, medical, psychological, and professional reports. Without a doubt, we often associate it as well with things that may scare us when it comes to people whom we care for with a mysterious or serious case, to which is normal. But to look at this in a different light, we can truly see how a lot of people may associate a case report with medical, psychological, and even those in health care. Do we really know what a case report is apart from the ones mentioned above? Do we even know the purpose or the use of a case report apart from what we are told? To get to know more about a case report, let us take a look at the examples down below.

10+ Case Report Examples

1. Case Report Form Template

Case Report Form Template
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  • MS Word
  • Google Docs
  • Apple Pages

2. Case Study Report Template

Case Study Report Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs

3. Case Report Template

Case Report Template
File Format
  • MS Word
  • Google Docs

4. Sample Case Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 115 KB


5. Case Report Patient Informed Consent Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 166 KB


6. Disease Case Report in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 189 KB


7. Adult HIV Confidential Case Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 400 KB


8. Individual Case Report Family Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 768 KB


9. Case Reports Checklist for Headache

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 11 KB


10. Corona Virus Disease Case Report Form

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 484 KB


11. Case Report Form in DOC

File Format
  • MS Word

Size: 19 KB


What Is a Case Report?

case report is a document that holds the records of important data and information. The report consists of a summary of the patient’s information. The information often includes the patient’s name, nature of the case, age, gender, diagnosis, illness, and treatment. Oftentimes, the case report can also range from the treatment and the follow-up appointments of the patient. The purpose of a case report is to simply report what problems the patient may have. They describe in full detail what happened and how it happened. Case reports also give out new information about medicine and science.

How to Make a Case Report

You may be wondering how these professionals write a case report. The answer is it may depend on who is making the case report as each profession has its own version of the case report and will also have its own format to it. To achieve successful case report writing, you must also have the following things. These things are important in the report. Let’s find out.

1. Find Out Which Category Your Case Report Falls

As we all know, there are a lot of categories for your case report to fall under. So to avoid any confusion whatsoever, it is best to find out the correct category for your case report. When you are able to do so, you may now proceed to the next step. However, when you are not sure as to what category your case report may fall under, choose the one that is closest to it.

2. Make an Outline or Draft for Your Case Report

Make an outline or a draft for the case report you are going to be making. Outlining your case report will help you write down what needs to be on the first part of the case report. When you are not sure about your case report and how you may want it to go, draft it as well. It is perfectly fine to outline and draft at the same time.

3. Gather the Correct Data to Match

Gather the data that correlates to your report. Avoid adding different data that may not be suitable for your report as well as adding another kind of data just to make your report look pretty or look good. The whole reason for the case report is to write the correct information and to give out the details that are necessary, not to simply write something that may not be for your report.

4. Begin Your Case Report

Last but not the least is to finalize and begin your case report. Remember to make it clear and concise. In addition to that, make sure when you write your case report, watch how you will be writing. Avoid abbreviating things when they should be written in full. Watch your words and use jargon that is easy to understand.


What is a case report?

A case report is a document that summarizes the report and status of a patient.

Why is it important to write a case report?

The purpose of a case report is to record and determine the reason as to what is happening to the patient the report is about. It also gives out the status of the patient’s well-being and helps to figure out the root cause of the problem.

Who writes these kinds of reports?

You may often find the people writing these in the medical department, but the most common professionals who write these types of reports are nurses, medical staff, health care staff and even psychologists.

When you are tasked to write a case report, you will of course know that it is about a patient’s health status. It is common knowledge to know the format of these kinds of reports. Outlining them helps you out by giving you the correct format and to be able to write it properly as well.

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