10+ Complaint Investigation Report Examples to Download
There is nothing more depressing than having to hear a complaint from a customer if you work in stores. Nor anything more hurtful when an employee gets a complaint from the manager. As much as this is hurtful to know, there is always a way to see if the complaints are true and should be dealt with. One must not immediately file a complaint report without any further evidence. Check out 10+ complaint investigation report examples below.
10+ Complaint Investigation Report Examples
1. Complaint Investigation Summary Report
2. Community Complaint Investigation Report
3. Health Complaint Investigation Report
4. Project Complaint Investigation Report
5. District Complaint Investigation Report
6. Complaint Investigation Report Form
7. Complaint Investigation Report Checklist
8. Office Complaint Investigation Report
9. General Complaint Investigation Report
10. Occupant Complaint Investigation Report
11. City Complaint Investigation Report
Definition of Complaint
A complaint is a statement that states something is wrong or not good enough. The act of complaining about something that is not to your satisfaction. A formal statement to someone with authority over something that you do not see as good enough. To issue a complaint to someone with a higher authority for something or someone who has treated you unfairly. A written or spoken statement addressed to someone in regards to complaining for something wrong.
Definition of Community
A community is a group of people living together in a particular area. A group of individuals who are considered a unit for their common interest or their nationality. A group of strangers staying together for their common interest. People who consider themselves as family share the same views. All the people who live in a large land share the same religion, interests, nationality, etc.
Definition of Investigation
An investigation is the act of examining a crime, a problem or a complaint for this matter. To investigate is to discover the truth and the solution to the issue. The careful examination of an incident to understand and know the truth behind it. The action of searching for the truth. The act of looking for the solution to a problem.
Definition of Report
A report is a spoken or written account for something that has been observed and investigated. A formal official account that presents information that has been searched out for. A document that gives out important information that is taken from observations, investigations and hard evidence. Reports can be used in a court of law when hard evidence is present to defend the report. Without any further evidence, reports are only equivalent to the hearsays of the person reporting.
Importance of a Complaint Report
The importance of a customer report or a customer complaint is to highlight the issue. To be able to answer the WH questions in the report. As well as having to know what had happened to resolve the complaint. Having to understand what the issue is, whether it is from a customer, an employee, or someone in the community, you are able to directly solve the issue. As well as to be able to improve on it. This is also helpful to prevent any further issues in the future.
Tools for Writing a Complaint Investigation Report
The next thing you would want to do is to know what type of materials or kinds of tools. These tools may help you write a complaint report or a complaint investigation report. They may differ in looks and length, as well as the information being written. But what is important to understand is that they are of the same use. So here are some types of tools to help you get started in writing that complaint report.
- Letter
- Narrative
- Questionnaire
- Checklist
- Essay
- Fill out information
Tips for Filling Out or Writing a Complaint Report
Moving on here are some tips to help you get started on filling out or writing a complaint report. If you are a customer, a client, or even someone in the community who wishes to file for a complaint, the following tips will help you. These tips are merely to show you what to expect when writing the complaint or when you want to fill out the complaint form.
- State the complaint
- Give your name and contact details
- Write the date when the incident happened
- The people involved
- The actions taken
- The results
How important is it to write out a complaint?
Very important. If you are someone who wishes to file a complaint or write one, the best thing to do is to simply write a letter or fill out a form. You must add the exact details or what is being asked. Give any evidence to support your complaint.
Is a letter of complaint still valid?
Yes. A letter of complaint is still valid. As long as the details are there. In addition to that, adding the reason for your complaint would also be very helpful for the people assigned to investigate it. If you are writing a letter, remember to avoid using vulgar language. Your letter is still a legal document and should be treated in a professional manner.
Should I mention the names of the people in the form or the letter?
If the form asks you to write the names of the people involved, do so. This helps them track down the people you have written down. They are also going to be asked for their say in the complaint.
Do I need to write down all the evidence?
Yes. Writing down all the evidence is helpful. This can also make the complaint easier to track down and investigate. As well as it helps solve the issue immediately.
As much as a complaint report helps, it is also quite difficult to report a complaint against someone who in your opinion did no wrong. But do not be afraid to go ahead and complain. As there is also a positive side to this. It helps the company or the community to understand that there are some rules that need to be followed. Breaking them would of course result in consequences. As well as the report has hard evidence and is given in a professional manner.
10+ Complaint Investigation Report Examples to Download
There is nothing more depressing than having to hear a complaint from a customer if you work in stores. Nor anything more hurtful when an employee gets a complaint from the manager. As much as this is hurtful to know, there is always a way to see if the complaints are true and should be dealt with. One must not immediately file a complaint report without any further evidence. Check out 10+ complaint investigation report examples below.
10+ Complaint Investigation Report Examples
1. Complaint Investigation Summary Report
File Format
Size: 133 KB
2. Community Complaint Investigation Report
File Format
Size: 295 KB
3. Health Complaint Investigation Report
File Format
Size: 83 KB
4. Project Complaint Investigation Report
File Format
Size: 561 KB
5. District Complaint Investigation Report
File Format
Size: 11 KB
6. Complaint Investigation Report Form
File Format
Size: 14 KB
7. Complaint Investigation Report Checklist
File Format
Size: 217 KB
8. Office Complaint Investigation Report
File Format
Size: 152 KB
9. General Complaint Investigation Report
File Format
Size: 242 KB
10. Occupant Complaint Investigation Report
File Format
Size: 38 KB
11. City Complaint Investigation Report
File Format
Size: 31 KB
Definition of Complaint
A complaint is a statement that states something is wrong or not good enough. The act of complaining about something that is not to your satisfaction. A formal statement to someone with authority over something that you do not see as good enough. To issue a complaint to someone with a higher authority for something or someone who has treated you unfairly. A written or spoken statement addressed to someone in regards to complaining for something wrong.
Definition of Community
A community is a group of people living together in a particular area. A group of individuals who are considered a unit for their common interest or their nationality. A group of strangers staying together for their common interest. People who consider themselves as family share the same views. All the people who live in a large land share the same religion, interests, nationality, etc.
Definition of Investigation
An investigation is the act of examining a crime, a problem or a complaint for this matter. To investigate is to discover the truth and the solution to the issue. The careful examination of an incident to understand and know the truth behind it. The action of searching for the truth. The act of looking for the solution to a problem.
Definition of Report
A report is a spoken or written account for something that has been observed and investigated. A formal official account that presents information that has been searched out for. A document that gives out important information that is taken from observations, investigations and hard evidence. Reports can be used in a court of law when hard evidence is present to defend the report. Without any further evidence, reports are only equivalent to the hearsays of the person reporting.
Importance of a Complaint Report
The importance of a customer report or a customer complaint is to highlight the issue. To be able to answer the WH questions in the report. As well as having to know what had happened to resolve the complaint. Having to understand what the issue is, whether it is from a customer, an employee, or someone in the community, you are able to directly solve the issue. As well as to be able to improve on it. This is also helpful to prevent any further issues in the future.
Tools for Writing a Complaint Investigation Report
The next thing you would want to do is to know what type of materials or kinds of tools. These tools may help you write a complaint report or a complaint investigation report. They may differ in looks and length, as well as the information being written. But what is important to understand is that they are of the same use. So here are some types of tools to help you get started in writing that complaint report.
Fill out information
Tips for Filling Out or Writing a Complaint Report
Moving on here are some tips to help you get started on filling out or writing a complaint report. If you are a customer, a client, or even someone in the community who wishes to file for a complaint, the following tips will help you. These tips are merely to show you what to expect when writing the complaint or when you want to fill out the complaint form.
State the complaint
Give your name and contact details
Write the date when the incident happened
The people involved
The actions taken
The results
How important is it to write out a complaint?
Very important. If you are someone who wishes to file a complaint or write one, the best thing to do is to simply write a letter or fill out a form. You must add the exact details or what is being asked. Give any evidence to support your complaint.
Is a letter of complaint still valid?
Yes. A letter of complaint is still valid. As long as the details are there. In addition to that, adding the reason for your complaint would also be very helpful for the people assigned to investigate it. If you are writing a letter, remember to avoid using vulgar language. Your letter is still a legal document and should be treated in a professional manner.
Should I mention the names of the people in the form or the letter?
If the form asks you to write the names of the people involved, do so. This helps them track down the people you have written down. They are also going to be asked for their say in the complaint.
Do I need to write down all the evidence?
Yes. Writing down all the evidence is helpful. This can also make the complaint easier to track down and investigate. As well as it helps solve the issue immediately.
As much as a complaint report helps, it is also quite difficult to report a complaint against someone who in your opinion did no wrong. But do not be afraid to go ahead and complain. As there is also a positive side to this. It helps the company or the community to understand that there are some rules that need to be followed. Breaking them would of course result in consequences. As well as the report has hard evidence and is given in a professional manner.