6+ Employee Performance Evaluation Report Examples to Download
To any employer in a company whether it be a small company or a huge and booming one, being able to evaluate the performance of your employees is part of the job. You need to be able to see if these people that you hire are still giving out their best performance or if it is time you have to say adieu. Being able to see if your employees’ performances are still good or they are still doing what is deemed a part of their job description is good. However, there are those times that even a mere evaluation is not enough.
That you must also hand in a report. Making reports for your employees performance are what most companies look for these days. So if you are planning on simply doing an assessment without a report, you may have something lacking and should at least be corrected immediately, or if you are told to make an evaluation report but you have no idea on where to begin, then this article can be of help for you. What to expect in this article, apart from the definition, the use and the purpose, you can also expect to see some tips and examples.
6+ Employee Performance Evaluation Report Examples
1. Employee Performance Evaluation Report Form
2. Company Employee Performance Evaluation Report
3. Employee Performance Evaluation Report
4. Classified Employee Performance Evaluation Report
5. Staff Employees Performance Evaluation Report
6. Department Employee Performance Evaluation Report
7. College Employee Performance Evaluation Report
What Is a Performance Evaluation Report?
A performance evaluation report is a type of reported document that showcases the summary of the performance an employee has given throughout the course of a specific time period. This evaluation report is basically the key to seeing if there is any other means to improve on for the employee, and the areas that need to be worked on has already been done. In addition to that, a performance evaluation report consists of the assessment, the comments and the directions as to anything that may be needed for the employee to perform better. A performance evaluation report does not mean it is used as punishment for its employees, rather it is used to help them be a better version of themselves for their work.
The Elements of a Performance Evaluation Report
Here are the elements of a performance evaluation report. These elements help you by understanding how a performance evaluation report works and the exact purpose for each of the elements. Check them out right now.
1. Expound Your Goal and Objective
The first element on the list is your goal and objectives. Define the goal you plan on achieving by writing down what your objectives are. Your objectives must match what you planned out and should also be attainable. Attainable goals and objectives make it easier for you to asses and evaluate when the need arises. An example for this is your goal is to see how far your employees have made the cut and how much needs improvement. From this, you should be able to write out three to five objectives. What you want to attain or what you think you should do will be the objective. Say, by the end of this assessment and evaluation my employees are able to do what?
2. Add Some Advice
In your report, remember to add some positive feedback and general and friendly positive reinforcements. Your reports must at least be a good lengthy report to show the positive side, the needs improvement side, and add some comments and the result of the assessment. The reason for adding some advice to your report is because you are going to be explaining the result to your employee. Let them see where they are able to improve on and show them other ways to improving.
3. Place the Results of the Assessment
Add the result of the assessment to your report. This is for others and for your superiors or for yourself to see if the level of the assessment. The Performance Assessment Evaluation Report is not just necessary for anyone, it is also necessary to check and have a summary. A history of the assessment just to see if there are any changes or the lack of it.
4. Hand Out Rewards
Handing out rewards means that you are giving your employees some motivation to get better. Handing out rewards means that you are giving your employees the initiative to push themselves to be better. The rewards need not always have to be monetary, it could be a promotion, a plaque, or anything that may be helpful for your employee. Of course this depends on the company and the employer, but there are some who go through a lot of lengths and there are others who would give out simple rewards for good performance. Again, this may depend on you and the budget.
5. Proofread the Report
Regardless of the lengthy or the short report, it is always best to proofread before presenting it to your employee or supervisor. This is the part where you are also supposed to check if everything is in order and if you have written out every little detail that should be presented to your employee. Once you have done everything it is now good to hand in that report.
What is an employee performance evaluation report?
A document or a piece of paper that shows the assessment, the result, and the comments about the employee and their production towards their work. Some companies often do this on a monthly basis to check for improvement and to check for any changes in their employees’ performances.
What can a performance evaluation report do?
It helps give a view of the employees’ performance and if they are still up to par with the standards that the company asks of them. Basically the report is given to the highest person or to their supervisors to let them know that this is the performance of the employee and if there are changes that should be concerned to them. So that they are able to solve the issues as much as possible.
Is the result of the report confidential?
Yes. Just like a school card, the report is only shown to the employee and not to anyone else except for their immediate heads.
Writing a report on your employees’ performance can be tough sometimes. Especially when you know you have to break it to them gently even when you are writing it. It is never as easy for them nor is it as easy for you to have to explain this is how it is going. But when you do write that report, always remember to add some key points that they can use to improve on. A good report has all the information needed, a bad report has nothing but negativity in it.