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10+ Monthly Performance Report Examples to Download

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

10+ Monthly Performance Report Examples to Download


It goes without saying, running a company or a business is not as easy as it may look. Sure some people may say that working for a huge company is easy once you get the hang of it, but it takes a lot of patience and experience to even go through that. Employers who have more than fifty employees or staff know and understand that it is not as easy to go through each employee and ask for the issues regarding how they work. Let alone having to ask their employees individually what happened and find ways to help them out.

This is why many employers would prefer to do a performance assessment on everyone and the result would be a performance report. This performance report could be made weekly, monthly, quarterly or even yearly. This article is going to be showing you how to write a good monthly performance report. For employers who have to go through a lot of reports and may not have enough time to be writing all of it down. Take a look at the definition, tips, use and examples to help you get started. With that being said, enjoy the informative article right now.

10+ Monthly Performance Report Examples

1. Monthly Performance Report Template

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 545 KB


2. Monthly Activity and Performance Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 242 KB


3. Sample Monthly Performance Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 178 KB


4. Monthly Performance Report Example

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


5. Basic Monthly Performance Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 392 KB


6. Monthly Performance Report in PDF

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 578 KB


7. Printable Monthly Performance Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 521 KB


8. Standard Monthly Performance Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 147 KB


9. Monthly Summary Performance Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 105 KB


10. Monthly Model Performance Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 553 KB


11. Monthly Contract Performance Report in DOC

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 56 KB


What Is a Monthly Performance Report?

A monthly performance report is a kind of report that is given by the employer to the employee in question. The report consists of the summary of the previous month’s performance, and it shows if there are any improvements or the lack of improvements. In addition to that, a monthly performance report can also show the data and the graphs of previous months to see if the improvements of this month shows better or if there is any significant change to the employee’s performance. The whole purpose of a monthly performance report is to make sure that the employees are still up to the standard of performance as well as any issues or risks that need to be discussed and solved. Basically this performance report helps employers understand if there is anything that needs to be improved and to be able to hear the side of the employee for the lack of a better performance. The use of a monthly performance report is to keep track of your employees’ performance and to be able to assess if they are doing good or worse. As well as to be able to evaluate your next move.

How to Write a Monthly Performance Report?

It is without a doubt that writing up a monthly performance report can put a lot of stress on an employer. Especially one who owns a company with hundreds of employees. Quite the hassle! However, it is always a requirement to write reports and here are some valuable tips to help you with that.

1. Add Your Data and Graphs

One thing you may take notice when writing a monthly performance report is that there is always going to be data and graphs. Data and the amount of graphs in the report is evidence to see if the performance level of an employee skyrocketed or if it pummeled. We know that data and graphs do not lie and with that being said, a significant amount of data should be placed within your performance report.

2. Keep Your Explanations Short and Simple

Tip number two is simply a continuation of the first tip. After you place your data and graphs in your report, remember to keep your explanations short and to the point. Avoid writing something that may be irrelevant to the monthly report. In addition to that, use words that are easy to understand so that you and your employee would have a better understanding between the two of you. As well as no misinterpretation would be the cause of confusion and discouragement.

3. Compose a Good Summary for Your Report

Apart from keeping your explanations short and to the point, as this is merely for your data and graphics, writing a good summary should also be a part of your monthly report. The summary should be about what you have noticed for this month’s performance and to be able to compare it to the previous months.

4. Add the Table of Contents

The main purpose of adding a table of contents is when you are going to be distributing the report after. The table of contents would act as a guide when your superiors or when an employee would be looking for or asking where the data and explanations are found. Apart from that, if your report is over two pages long, the use of a table of contents would justify that.

5. Finalize Your Report and Hand It Over

Lastly, finalize your report. This means that you have to check whether your data and graphs are in the correct format. This also means that you have to see if you have written your summary for the report, the correct spelling and grammar are all in place and the tone of your report as well. When you are quite sure that there is nothing else to add, you may hand it over.


What is a monthly performance report?

A monthly performance report is a kind of report that employers do to check the performance of their employees. This report helps them find any issues or changes in the performance of their employees.

Who reads the monthly performance report?

Employers or their superiors read the performance report. It is based on this report that they give advice to their employees to better make them understand their good performance or the lack of it.

Does a monthly performance report be something positive or negative?

Depending on how you may see the report, but it can serve as both a positive thing and a negative thing.

A monthly performance report is a tool. A tool that can help engage employers to know the performance evaluation of their employees. It is a kind of document that helps by comparing the previous months to the current months, if there are any changes. With that being said, I hope you are able to find an easier way to make your report. By following the simple tips given and by downloading these examples found.


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