Monthly Vehicle Inspection Report

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Monthly Vehicle Inspection Report

Picture this, you bought a new car of your dreams, you expect everything to be running smoothly. But less than a year ago , you started noticing changes. You shrug it off, thinking nothing of it until you realize something is wrong, and when you do realize it, it may be too late. You are on the side of the road, away from traffic and calling for a mechanic. What do you think happened? Why do you think this happened? It is understandable that nobody expects this to happen especially if the vehicle is brand new. However, these things can and do happen even if the vehicle may be new or old . The best solution to avoid having to go through this type of incident is to do a monthly inspection report. As well as to report this type of problem to the people who know how to handle these types of situations. To know more about what this inspection report can do, check out the article below.

4+ Monthly Vehicle Inspection Report Examples

1. Monthly Vehicle Inspection Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 186 KB


2. Formal Monthly Vehicle Inspection Report

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Size: 175 KB


3. Monthly Motor Vehicle Inspection Report

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  • PDF

Size: 138 KB


4. Monthly Vehicle Inspection Report in PDF

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Size: 1 MB


5. General Monthly Vehicle Inspection Report

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Size: 136 KB


What Is a Monthly Vehicle Inspection Report?

A monthly vehicle inspection report is a document issued by an inspector for the vehicle in question. It is also a document that states all the pending issues that may befall on the vehicle. During an inspection, the first thing the report would look out for is if the vehicle passes safety requirements. In addition to that it also let’s the owner of the vehicle know of the safety regulations that they need to follow. The importance of having to do this monthly vehicle inspection report is to understand that anything can happen. As safety is the top priority for any vehicle owner, it is always best to let a professional check if your vehicle still passes or if you just previously bought a car, the safety requirements. An inspector would be doing the assessment and report. They will review the exterior and interior parts of your vehicle. To check everything is in order and is passable.

What Is in a Vehicle Inspection Report?

Ever wondered what is in a vehicle inspection report? Aside from the normal checklist type of the report, there are other things to consider or to check out when doing the inspection report. Check out the following below for more.

1. Vehicle Information

One of the things you would see in a vehicle inspection report is the vehicle information. This consists of the important information required for an inspector to use when they make the report. The vehicle information should also be specific as this is really helpful and used as a record.

2. Vehicle Issues

Aside from the information that is used to make the report, you often would notice the vehicle issues as well. This is the list of the issues or problems that the vehicle may be facing. In addition to that, the severity of the issue is then assessed to see if it is minimal or severe. As safety is the main priority, the issues are then tested to check. Most vehicle issues can be solved in a matter of minutes, but others do need a lot of time. This of course depends on the result of the report.

3. Materials Used

The materials or the apparatus used to test the vehicles are sometimes if not often listed in the report. This is to give information to the next inspector that these materials were part of the assessment and the desired results from it.

4. Weekly or Monthly Inspections

Also included in the report is when the next inspection may be taken. If the vehicle has not passed the safety examination, the inspector may have to let the vehicle take a weekly inspection until it is okay not to. Some people would often suggest that a weekly or a monthly inspection of the vehicle is better than a yearly inspection. As some problems may arise earlier and it is best to always be prepared than not.

5. Comments and Results

There are some inspection reports that give out comments and results. Others do not. However, a good commentary from the inspection report can also be of great help for the owner of the said vehicle. As this is a good way to know the problems that would need to be addressed to keep people safe.


What is a vehicle inspection report?

A document that shows the list of inspections for a vehicle to be labelled as safe.

Why is it necessary for a vehicle to go through an inspection?

Safety is the number one priority for people. A vehicle that is not safe, only poses a threat and a risk.

Is it best to go through a weekly inspection report or a monthly inspection report?

This may depend on the owner of the vehicle. As most people often prefer a weekly vehicle inspection to make sure that their vehicle is up and running smoothly.

What happens if I fail the inspection report?

This also depends on the inspector, but in most cases, they would not let the owner of the vehicle drive until all the issues that pertain to the vehicle have been professionally managed.

Are all the inspection reports confidential?

Any inspection report can be given to the person who may want to view it.

It goes without saying, safety is the number one priority for anyone. This includes those who may own or drive vehicles. If your vehicle shows a given threat, you must make sure to get it inspected by someone before assuming it is fine. The reason for this is because, if your vehicle may show signs of needing a good repair, you must heed to the warnings and go find the nearest mechanic.

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