Outbreak Investigation Report

Last Updated: July 23, 2024

Outbreak Investigation Report

5+ Outbreak Investigation Report Examples in PDF

In this day and age, people would most likely be very careful where they go and who they come in contact with. You can never tell who has what nor who they got in contact with. However, despite the careful planning and precautions, there are times we often slip up. Instead of having to wonder where and how, there is a better solution to that type of incident. By making a report. Check the examples below as well as the tips on how to write an outbreak investigation report.

5+ Outbreak Investigation Report Examples

1. Final Outbreak Investigation Report

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Size: 149 KB


2. Outbreak Investigation Report Template

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Size: 323 KB


3. Standard Outbreak Investigation Report

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Size: 583 KB


4. Data Outbreak Investigation Report

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Size: 171 KB


5. Community Outbreak Investigation Report

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Size: 550 KB


6. Outbreak Surveillance Investigation Report

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Size: 3 MB


Definition of Outbreak

How do we define the term outbreak? An outbreak means something that happens without anyone expecting it to happen. A time when something that is dangerous like a disease began. Something very unpleasant. An incident where something violent and lethal happened. An outbreak is an incident wherein something malicious, violent and dangerous happened without anyone expecting it to happen. A sudden rise of an issue like an illness.

Definition of Investigation

An investigation is an examination, an inquiry, a research. An investigation is the act of examining something in an attempt to understand what happened during the incident. The process of getting knowledge of what really happened. To attempt to learn the facts about the issue given. The process of understanding through evidence collected through the incident and to analyze to get a clearer and more precise answer. The act of processing the evidence and the attempt to get the facts and the story straight from the hearsay of witnesses.

Definition of Report

A report is a description of information written about something to someone. To make a complaint to someone of higher authority about something that was done. To make a complaint to someone else who has done you wrong. A statement to someone who needs it. The act of describing something that happened during an incident. A report is a statement given by witnesses that address the incident that has happened. Reports can only be made official if evidence is being backed up.

Definition of Outbreak Report

An outbreak report is an official document. Its information is used to launch a control action as well as to guide the public of the outbreak. In addition to that, an outbreak report also informs the public not to panic, to follow the rules and regulations, as well as the health measures given. The outbreak report also records the performance, summarizing how the investigation took place and the steps that were taken. Lastly, it also includes the strengths and limitations of decisions being made to lessen the impact of the outbreak.

Tools Used for Reporting an Outbreak

Some tools for you to use when you write a report about an outbreak. One thing you must always remember is each tool may be different. But from how you are going to use them would still give you the same results. So check out some of the tools you may use if you are planning on writing a report.

  • Outline – The outline happens to be the simplest way to write your report. Not only is it also the most common way, it is easier compared to other materials used. Outlines give you a general view of how you plan on writing your report.
  • Checklist – It is not as common as an outline, but a checklist can also help you with your report. As you interview people by giving them the checklist form to ask about what happened. Some checklists are used for such.
  • Essay- Writing your report in a narrative form is fine. Just like the outline, writing your report is also another common way. As you write your report, remember to add all the details needed for your essay to be complete. Give out the information in paragraphs if possible. Go into detail.
  • Questionnaire – Your questionnaires may be a mix of essay form or checklist form. They are still used when making your reports.
  • Diagram – Using a diagram, you are able to compare the previous reports to your current report. See if there are any changes to what was done before and how you are dealing with the outbreak at present.

Tips for Reporting an Outbreak

Here are some tips on how to write a report for an outbreak. These tips are only meant as a guideline for you and a review if you have already written a report before. Check out the following tips for first time writers or for those who have already written one. Who also wishes to review the steps as well.

  • Be specific – when you write your report, be specific about what happened. However, avoid using flowery language. Reports are official documents, and must be treated as such.
  • Present evidence – by presenting your evidence, you are making your report weigh heavier. Evidence makes the report more convincing. As well as it makes the report more serious than without presenting any to begin with.
  • Find a solution to the problem – this is where the report begins to take the issue. Place a solution to the problem. Make it realistic, as mentioned above, flowery or flights of fancy types of solutions will not solve the issue.
  • Get your facts straight – One thing to avoid is rumors or hearsays from witnesses or people around you. To know which is fact and which is fiction, you may do some research or ask for some old reports to compare it with.
  • Present your report- Present your report to your leader. Explain about your report. Add the solution you believe can be useful to stop the incident from getting worse.


Why is an outbreak so dangerous?

When an outbreak like that of an illness comes alive, it is not only dangerous but it is also deadly. Countries who are used to having outbreaks as dangerous as a deadly illness would know how to stop the root cause before it spreads.

How do I know if the evidence is fact or hearsay?

You do an investigation report on the evidence you found from either the site or from witnesses. Gather all your evidence and make a report.

Is there a different way to gather evidence without having to go to the site?

Your witnesses’ testimonies can also be used as evidence. Gather everything and make a report. Analyze the evidence, find the truth.

Who is responsible for making the investigation report?

Anyone can make a report. But only people who have the authority are able to make the investigation report.

It goes without saying, any outbreak or even the word could send shivers down anyone’s spine. Having to deal with it is another story. Rather than panic and hope for the best, there are a lot of easy solutions for people to follow during a deadly outbreak. One of which is to file a report and to give your output to the people who are responsible for investigating. Not only are you helping, you are also putting in your effort to stop this issue before it gets worse.

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