Project Evaluation Report

Last Updated: May 24, 2024

Project Evaluation Report

A project evaluation is usually done for any project that has already been executed by the company’s project manager. A project report is made based on the data collected while the project was ongoing and its success rate. However, to create a project evaluation report from scratch, at times, we require a bit of guidance. You can, therefore, use templates form below to create a project evaluation report. Given below are 13+ project evaluation report examples and templates for your benefit in that regard.

Project Evaluation Report Examples & Templates

1. Project Evaluation Report Example

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This template is a project evaluation report created by UNICEF on a project funded by the Dutch embassy in Cairo. It summarizes the findings and conclusion drawn from the project funded by them, which was extended as a result of the success of a previous such project-phase. You can use this template as a guide, on how to draw an evaluation report from the conclusions derived from any project implementation

2. Project Final Evaluation Report

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The report is created by an external consultant of the United Nations on a development project taken up by them. The report employs a mixed methodology of quantitative as well as qualitative tools in the report design to enrich the process. 

3. Project Final Evaluation Report Example

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If you are looking forward to creating a systematic project evaluation report, then this template can be useful. The report is a SIEED evaluation report; it highlights the objectives, methodology, and a conclusive summary of a developmental project. You can refer to this if your company requires you to create a report that consists of comprehensive details about a project involving the farming community’s income.

4. Project Evaluation Report in PDF

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The Uganda Joint Christian Council had taken up a gender justice project to increase awareness about gender based violence among religious leaders and various other communities. The report is submitted by a consultant to provide an evaluation of the project. If you are a consultant or someone required to create a report for any such council or community, you can use this Consulting Report to create one according to your requirements, so that it can impress all and sundry.

5. Simple Project Evaluation Report

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Does your company require you to create an evaluation report on a non- financial project? Don’t worry; this template can help you with that. You can follow the guidelines in it to show the economic sustainability and the environmental effects of any project by a nonprofit organization. 

6. Sample Project Evaluation Report

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The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization and the European Commission Humanitarian Aid had funded a food security project in central and east Africa. This Evaluation report can help list down the recommendations and conclusions drawn from each aspect of that project. It also helps establish the relevance of the project process and product.

7. Project Evaluation Report Format

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Need to create a project report for a nonprofit organization but don’t know how? This end of project report might be for you. This is a sample from The Institute of Resource Management who are the consultants helped in creating a report on “sexual and reproductive health awareness” project in Mashonaland West Province, Zimbabwe, which was focused on the youth of the age bracket 12-25 years and the issues faced by them in this regard.

8. Basic Project Evaluation Report

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SOS Rwanda provides a final report on the HIV/AIDS project that was held in Kayonza. The template will allow you to do a background as well as an objective assessment of the project along with a data analysis based on the quantitative and qualitative data available, thereby understand the plight of the young females who are forced to drop out of school due to unwanted pregnancies.

9. Standard Project Evaluation Report

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Creating reports based on projects such as human rights, minority discrimination, etc. can be difficult. This Performance Report by Minority Rights Group will help you create a report that will ask the key questions on why this project is required and who it has succeeded in helping through its objectives and procedures.

10. Project Evaluation Report Sample

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Mid-term evaluation that is conducted for any project helps in gauging if the project is headed in the right direction. This sample helps the project manager to understand the results derived from the project so far and how they can alter certain procedures to acquire expected results; incase there is a variance in the performance when compared to ‘expected performance’.

11. Project Evaluation Report Template

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Many times, managers and inexperienced evaluators require a detailed guideline on how they can create a project evaluation report based on the data provided about the project. Project Oracle has created this template to help make a proper project evaluation report; listing the recommendations and key findings extracted from the project.

12. Professional Project Evaluation Report

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NDIS East Arnhem Co-design Pilot Project was established by NDIA to deliver services to eligible aboriginal Australians in the region flexibly. The report helps establish an idea about the problems in the projects such as its lack of service in the region due to lack of awareness and significant changes that are required to be made.

13. Printable Project Evaluation Report Example

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You can use this template to establish a report of a welfare project given for evaluation. Mainly non-financial projects require a specific amount of data analysis to be reviewed whether the project is fulfilling the objectives it had set out to achieve. This template by MATSITI can be used to highlight the aspects of any project by a nonprofit organization, in this case, the number of aboriginal teachers that need to be convinced to stay in their jobs and also help improve their teaching abilities.

14. Formal Project Evaluation Report

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The University of Leeds had created an evaluation report for Age UK on their ‘fit for the future’ project which aimed at providing better life-quality and expectation for the older generation of society with at least one persistent health condition. This template can be used to be formatted by you in order to create a proper project evaluation based on background, policy context and related literature.

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