Recruitment Interview Report

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Recruitment Interview Report

Recruitment Interview Report Examples

For those who have gone through an interview with someone in the company, you would see that there is a person assigned to do the interview as well as the one to tell you if you have passed or not. However, have you ever been given the task to be the one to recruit prospective applicants for a job? To some this can be an exhilarating experience, while others may think this can be a tiring experience. Needless to say, the task of a recruiter can also be quite daunting and challenging at the same time. Let alone having to write reports to give to your hiring manager and your higher ranking employers.

A lot of people may say that they’re job is far easier than having to go through being the applicant and looking for a job, because all they have to do is to interview people and write their feedback about it. What others failed to notice is that it takes more than just interviewing and giving the report. For those who are in this kind of job or business, you may be looking for different ways to make your task easier. Writing out interview reports can be taxing and time consuming, but there are also ways for you to make it easier. To get to know what these ways can be, check out 10+ recruitment interview report examples below.

10+ Recruitment Interview Report Examples

1. Recruitment Interview Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 412 KB


2. Recruitment Interview Process Report

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Size: 106 KB


3. Basic Recruitment Interview Report

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  • PDF

Size: 414 KB


4. Agency Recruitment Interview Report

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


5. Recruitment Interview Report in PDF

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Size: 256 KB


6. Faculty Recruitment Interview Report

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Size: 127 KB


7. Campus Recruitment Interview Report

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Size: 1 MB


8. Recruitment Interview Activities Report

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Size: 86 KB


9. Formal Recruitment Interview Report

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Size: 95 KB


10. Recruitment Interview Report Example

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Size: 464 KB


11. Printable Recruitment Interview Report

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


What Is a Recruitment Interview Report?

For applicants, you may probably see your interviewer bringing a lot of papers or folders with them when they do an interview with you. The whole purpose of these papers or folders are for their feedback about you as the applicant. So what is a recruitment interview report? This kind of report is basically a document or a set of papers that the recruitment interviewer writes about before, during and after the interview. The set of questions and information are from the applicant during the interview. In addition to that, a recruitment interview report serves as a tool to be able to understand or get to know if the applicant in question is the perfect candidate for the job opening they are applying for. The purpose of the report is to let the employer and the applicant know of the results from the interview in question. To give feedback whether it may be positive or negative.

How to Write a Recruitment Interview Report?

As the person who may be interviewing the job applicant, it is always not as easy as it may look to some nor is it as difficult as others may perceive it to be. Of course there are some things you can take into consideration before writing the report. Are you planning on doing an interview report? If so, you should check the ones below as a guide for writing.

1. Prepare the Right Questions for the Interview

How to begin with the report is to also know how to begin with the right questions for the interview. Your interview questions are going to be the highlight of your report. So do be careful what you ask during the interview. It is always best to prepare earlier than to think of a good question in the middle of the interview.

2. Arrange the Necessary Things for the Interview

Apart from the right questions, the necessary things or details for the interview should also be present. This would mean the file for the applicant to write on, the paperwork and the folder that may hold about what the job or the application should go.

3. Know the Applicant by Doing Your Research

Doing a little research about the applicant is not considered illegal or wrong. What this means is that asking the people the applicant referred to in their resumes. This is quite helpful on the account that these people know the applicant better than anyone since the possibilities are they have worked together. They could also have been a student to their referral.

4. Avoid Asking Too Personal Questions

Asking questions is a part of the interview and the answers a part of your report. However, it does not give you any right or idea to go ahead and ask personal questions that may not be a part of the job they are applying for. Remember, every question that you ask would be written in your report. Anything that may be too personal should be avoided. If you do not want to write it in your report, do not ask.

5. Write Your Report Based on the Interview

The whole interview that you made must be written down in the report. This includes your observation, your feedback and the overall result to the interview. The before, during and after should also be included and be written in separate paragraphs.


What is a recruitment interview report?

A document or a report made by the recruitment interviewer about what happened during the interview. Every single detail that is worth recording is written in the report.

How long is a recruitment interview report?

The length of the report can exceed over a page long but should not exceed over two pages long. If the report may seem too long, summarize the report but avoid taking out the important information and detail that happened during the interview.

Should proofreading still be part of the report?

Yes, when you are writing just about any essay or report. Proofread what you wrote. See to it that you have not edited anything out that could be important. The same goes for checking to see if you have any misspelled words, grammatical errors and the tone of your writing.

Writing reports about an interview is a good way of assessing an applicant. However, it is not an excuse to write awful things about the applicant either. Remember that your feedback would affect the applicant’s job as well as it would affect how you would give to your employer. Add positive feedback to the report and add improvements as well. Show any evidence to support your claims on your feedback to make it more convincing as well.

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