Sales Performance Report

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Sales Performance Report

Performance in marketing is vital. It shows how well you have done your job. It shows how well you have done the projects, activities and tasks that are assigned to you. Being in the sales department is no different. Your sales performance is rated and evaluated in order to see how well you have reached the goal for the day, a week, month, quarter or year. When you are working in marketing or in a company, you would not be a stranger to reports. You would not be a stranger to sales reports. As this kind of document is important as well as necessary. In order for everyone in the company to know how good or bad the sales performance is and how to make it better. With that, here are some sales performance report examples for you to download.

4+ Sales Performance Report Examples

1. Sales Performance Survey Report

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  • PDF

Size: 956 KB


2. Sales Performance Report Template

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  • PDF

Size: 476 KB


3. Sales Performance Assessment Report

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  • PDF

Size: 3 MB


4. Sales Force Performance Report

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  • PDF

Size: 382 KB


5. Sales Prospecting Performance Report

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  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


What Is a Sales Performance Report?

A sales performance report is a professional report made by employees and employers as a way to summarize the performance of an employee during sales. The report can be made as a daily report, a monthly report or a quarterly report. The sales performance report is used in order to compare and check if there are any improvements or the lack of improvements made during this specific day, month or the quarter. The purpose of a sales performance report is to write down your performance, to write down how you have made in sales. To record whether it is good or bad and to find a way to improve on it.

How to Write a Sales Performance Report?

Are you tasked to write a sales performance report for your end? Making a sales performance report should not be that difficult. It should also not be made half baked. To write a good sales performance report, you would need the following ideas and steps. Take a look at these tips to help you.

1. Write Down Your Sales Performance Report

To start off, write your sales report the way you would be writing a report. Your sales performance report should not be opinion based, but fact based. Add a title that gives the reader an idea on what your report would be about. Add your introduction, the body and the conclusion. It is also best to start off as a draft.

2. Add Details

The details are important to your sales performance report. This includes any evidence you may have. It is the heart or the basis of your report. Write the details about your sales performance. Avoid adding anything that may not fit nor is about your performance during sales in specific times. They will not make your report look nice.

3. Match Those Numbers with Your Sales

The numbers of your sales and your performance during those sales must match up. It would not make any sense if they do not. Avoid adding any numbers to keep up with the loss. It may not end well and may even confuse your employer even more. You would be explaining the reason for this, so it is better to not add anything that never happened.

4. Give Out Proof

Proof or evidence is crucial for a sales performance report. Apart from the numbers, the best proof you can give are charts and graphs. The charts would show your performance in sales. Whether they are good, improving, excellent or worse. Handing out proof is always expected in reports as important as this.

5. State Some Issues and Solutions

Before you end your report, add the issues you have been facing when doing your sales progress. State the issues in a professional manner and add the solutions that you have used to solve them. Add some evidence again to show how well these solutions have worked for you.


What is a sales performance report?

A sales performance report is a professional report that an employee writes. In order to hand in a complete summary of the performance in sales that they have done daily, weekly, monthly or even quarterly. The report consists of charts, graphs, and other numeric evidence to show any improvement or the lack of it in the report.

How do you write a sales performance report?

Download any of the templates found in the article, edit the template to fit your needs. Add some details that are true to your sales performance. Add in the numbers. Proofread and send it.

How many kinds of sales reports are there?

The sales performance reports can vary from daily sales, weekly sales, monthly sales, quarterly sales and annual sales performance reports. They all vary depending on the date and depending on the information you may have gathered.

Working on the sales or marketing branch of a company, you are no stranger to sales performance reports. These reports help in giving the employer or the head of the branch an idea as to how the sales of an item are going. It also gives out ideas on how to improve if sales performance seems floppy. This is why when you are writing your report, evidence is key.

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