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Student Competency Report – Examples, Format, How to Write, Pdf

3+ Student Competency Report Examples in PDF

It is no surprise that many students are competent in activities that some may not be as good at or may not as excel as others. But it does not necessarily mean that the students who are not competent in these fields cannot be competent in other fields. This is why a lot of teachers, as they write their reports, should at least emphasize on the fields that their students are competent in. As we all know, many teachers would be very happy to report the competency of their students. This would also help them choose their own careers. That even the parents of these students would like nothing but to see how competent their children are in various activities. Of course, this is something a lot of teachers, parents and students alike would want their competency report to have. However, as teachers do have a lot of things to write about, they must also at least have the idea on how to write a good student competency report. Check these out now.

3+ Student Competency Report Examples

1. College Student Competency Report

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Size: 126 KB


2. School Student Competency Report

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Size: 812 KB


3. Formal Student Competency Report

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Size: 60 KB


4. Draft Student Competency Report

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Size: 741 KB


What Is a Student Competency Report?

A student competency report is a document that summarizes the assessment, analysis and the evaluation of the competency of a student. It is also used as a way to record the competency skills of a student in certain subjects in school. The report as mentioned is a summary of how the student may do well in certain fields and may struggle in some. A student competency report is basically written by teachers in order to write down the progress and the performance of each student in the fields they are being given or placed in. The purpose of a student competency report is to make an output and to inform the head of the school or the head of the program of the competency, progress, performance and skills that students have shown in order for them to have an idea as well.

How to Write a Student Competency Report

Professors are often told by their head departments to write a student competency report. It is easier said than done, since you may not know where to begin or how to begin. That may also be the reason why teachers may have to find a different solution to writing or simply avoid it in general. To help you with that problem, here are the following steps to guide you with your student competency report.

1. Write the Name and Year Level of the Student

To start off, the name and the year level of the student should be written at the very beginning of your report. This is especially useful when you are handling more than one or two students at the same time. This is also useful so that you won’t be mixing the progress and performance of your students.

2. List of Competencies of Said Student

The next thing you must do is to write down or to make a list of the competencies of the student in your report. The competencies do not have to be explained in full paragraph. However, you must not leave it blank either. Write a short description below as an explanation of how the student was able to do it.

3. The Use of Jargon

The use of your jargon is also important in writing your report. In order for your point to be taken seriously and across, you must at least use general words or words that are familiar to everyone. This is to avoid any misunderstandings and issues that unfamiliar jargon may do. This is especially true when you are speaking or giving the report to a parent. Never assume that they may understand what you are using if the jargon is not familiar to them.

4. Finalize and Proofread the Report

When you are satisfied with your written report. Finalize everything. Make sure that you have written the correct competencies for each student. Regardless if some students may have the same competencies, always make sure to check. In addition to that, proofread your report before handing it over. A good report must not consist of any erasures or misspelled words.


What is a student competency report?

A student competency report is a document that summarizes the competencies that students have. This helps them choose a career in the future. It is also a report that documents the progress and process of the skills they have learned or have achieved.

What is the purpose of a student competency report?

The purpose of a student competency report is to record the skills students have gained. It is also to be used as a way to assess how competent these students are in the skills they believe and show they have. The report is also a way to prove or to show which career suits them in the future.

How do you write a student competency report?

The simplest way to write it is to draft and write the competencies these students may be showing. Write a short explanation of how these students have gained this skill and finalize it.

It goes without saying, when it comes to seeing how competent your students can be, making a report to record it is the best option. Teachers want their students to excel in everything and anything they do, and to be able to record that to show it off is made through writing the report.


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