8+ Students Recommendation Report Examples to Download


Students may have gotten this kind of report once or twice in their school life. Principals, teachers and even other students know that a recommendation report can mean two things. It can be seen as something positive or something negative. It can also mean something that can help the student or something that can be done in order for the student to become a better version of themselves. A lot of schools often use recommendation reports to assess or to recommend a student to get into a good university or school.  Student recommendation reports often get mixed feelings as not everyone may see the outcome of a recommendation report as something positive and something to look forward to. With that being said, let’s change the way a lot of people may look at student recommendation reports.

8+ Students Recommendation Report Examples

1. Medical Students Recommendation Report

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Size: 165 KB


2. Printable Students Recommendation Report

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Size: 206 KB


3. Sample Students Recommendation Report

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Size: 74 KB


4. School Students Recommendation Report

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Size: 56 KB


5. Students Recommendation Report in PDF

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Size: 15 MB


6. Basic Students Recommendation Report

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Size: 315 KB


7. Students Attendance Recommendation Report

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Size: 340 KB


8. Secondary Students Recommendation Report

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Size: 281 KB


9. Students Recommendation Report Example

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  • PDF

Size: 262 KB


What Is a Student Recommendation Report?

A student recommendation report is a report made by either the professor, the counselor or the principal. The report consists of the recommendation for the student. Whether it is for the student to be placed in the school of their choice or for a place where they are able to help if the student has issues or problems. Recommendation reports are mostly used as a way to prove to a different school that the student they recommend is the best of the class. However, a student recommendation report can also be used in order to place a student in a school that may cater to their needs. A student recommendation report can be seen as something both positive and somewhat negative, since a lot of people may view it as something more negative. But the real use of a student recommendation report is to write down the reason why they recommend the student to this school or to this project.

How to Write a Student Recommendation Report

Writing a student recommendation report is like writing a report. The only difference is the things you are going to be writing about. Of course when you want to write a recommendation report, there are things you need to take into consideration. This is why the following tips are going to help you get started on that student recommendation report.

1. Give the Topic of the Recommendation Report

Whether you are writing a recommendation letter or a recommendation report for your student, you must always remember to add the topic or the title in your heading, on the top or in your subject. The person who may be accepting the report or the letter will be able to know what this is about without having to guess or assume.

2. Get To Know the Student

To recommend a student in either a school or university or a school that may fit their needs, you must also know who the student is and why you think they are a fit. Writing up a recommendation report or letter without explaining the reason may not make the cut. The whole point is to introduce, suggest and advise the committee to take on this student with a specific reason.

3. Give Positive and Needs Improvement Points

When you plan to send a student to a different school or place that may fit their needs, don’t forget to add some positive and needed improvement feedback. The positive feedback must also equally weigh with the needs improvement. Since putting too much negative or positive information may make the one reading think that the letter is obsolete.

4. End with a Positive Statement

So you are going to be writing the conclusion or the end statement of your report. What you should do is: your student recommendation report or letter should end with a positive statement. What you should never do is: never end recommendation reports with something negative. As it would give the student and you a bad light.


What is a student recommendation report?

A student recommendation report is a report or a letter that states the information about a student you are recommending. The recommendation can range from helping a student get into the best universities or to letting a student get some help for some specific type of needs.

Why is it important to know about the student?

You are going to be writing a recommendation report about the student. The best way to do so is to know about the student. You would be giving out good things and needs improvement on the student. For you to be able to write a good recommendation, you must know who you are recommending and what they are able to do.

What should be avoided in a recommendation report?

Avoid making up something that is not true to the student you are recommending. Avoid doing this just to make your report look good, look professional or to sound like it is something you know about the student.

Recommendation reports are a good tool when you want to help out a student. Whether to recommend them to a good university or to recommend them to a school that fits their needs. When you write your recommendation report, always take into consideration how you are going to be wording it. You would want to add some good points to the student and add some needs improvement as well. Avoid writing something that is not true about the student.


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