Resume Worksheet

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Resume Worksheet


Aside from your education, your resume is one of your major weapons on the battlefield called the real and corporate world. The first impression really matters and it depends on how you present your resume to your potential employer. Nobody can ever underestimate how important it is to have a good resume. Your resume is your make or break in your job application and is your first and actually the sole way to capture a potential employer’s attention. If you present a bad resume, do not anymore expect to be called for another interview because, for sure, your resume had already been tossed to where it belongs to— the trash bin.

For you to have an excellent resume, you need to practice writing it— you can just learn it by just looking at other’s good resume. Do not practice writing resume only if you are going to apply for a job. You have to practice writing resumes even before you have plans of applying for a job or even if you are still working. One way of practicing your resume writing skills is with the use of a resume writing worksheets. We have ten resume writing worksheets that are provided just for you so you will be able to hone your resume writing skills.

Resume Worksheet Example

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1. Importance of Resume

If you want to have the best first impression from your potential employers, one way of catching their attention (in a positive way) is by presenting an impressive and good resume. It is through resumes that you are going to sell yourself to your potential employers. This is one of the basis whether they are going to hire you or not because it is in resumes where you are going to write all necessary information about you and this is their basis whether you are qualified for the job position you are applying for or not. You may also see Resume Summary Examples.

Whatever job you are going to apply for, one of the common requirements is to provide a resume. It is on your resume that your potential employer would be looking through or reviewing to see if you, the candidate, is a good match for an open position that you are applying for. The resume is also like a tool or ticket that can help you get into the next step of the job application process which could be the initial interview or an examination. It also plays an important role in final interviews. You may also see Expense Worksheet Examples.

2. Why should you have a resume?

The obvious answer to this question is, of course, because it is required by the job you are applying for. If you want your potential employer to know about your skills, abilities, and accomplishments, then you should really have a resume. Resumes are a must-have in the corporate world. You may also see How to Email a Resume and Cover Letter.

There are some employers who would not any more ask for a cover letter but would only require interested applicants to just bring their resume. Resumes are also used in job interviews because this is what potential employers or the Human Resource officer would be looking through while interviewing you. You may also see Alphabet Worksheet Examples.

Resume Writing Worksheet

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High School Student Resume Worksheet

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Sample Simple Resume Worksheet

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Resume Worksheet for Functional Format

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Youth Resume Worksheet

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3. What does your resume tell potential employers?

Your resume could tell a lot of thing to your potential employers about but one thing that you should ensure is that your resume would tell you that you are deserving and qualified for the job position you are applying for. Your resume is the tool that your prospective employer would use when they would want to know about, what you can offer to them and the proof why you are the one they are looking for. You may also see Time Worksheets Examples.

The typical span of time that a potential employer would look through a resume is around less than 15 second. It’s pretty short so you have to make sure that the 15 seconds would make you to the Yes Pile. If you have noticed on television, there are a lot of advertisements and most of them also come in a 15-second span. Advertisers would really try their best to make their 15-second advertisement worth it because just imagine trying to convince the audience to buy your product or to avail of your service for only 15 seconds? The best thing you should do is to already catch the attention of your potential employer in the first five seconds so he or she will continue reading the rest of your resume. You may also see Grammar Worksheets

4. Goals of a Resume

The obvious goal of a resume is to help you get the job you are applying for. But more than that, it also aims you to get the best first impression of the job you are applying for. You may also see Resume Outline.

A good resume will give the advantage to those who only submitted a resume just for the sake of submitting one. Catching the employer’s attention is also one of the goals of a resume. This is how you are going to sell yourself and is one of the basis whether they should hire you for the job position or not.

Resume Worksheet Example

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Sample Resume Worksheet

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Career Resume Worksheet Sample

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Resume Worksheet Example

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Sample Resume Worksheet

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5. Different Formats of Resume

Here are the  different formats of resume that you can choose from:

1. Chronological resume

The chronological resume is the most common type of resume format, also considered as a traditional method, used by many. The chronological format would first list your most recent most recent employment history if you are already an experienced candidate and your education background if you just recently graduated. You could even include you internship experiences if you just recently graduated. You may also see What to Include in a Resume Summary Statement.

Your job experiences and educational background should be arranged in a chronological order from your most recent job experience and your highest educational attainment, respectively. You may also see How to Write an Executive Summary for a Business Plan (PDF).

This method puts an emphasis on the job titles and your employment history more than your actual skills. This resume is best used by job seekers with a stable career progression in one or two fields, if your job titles would show an increase in responsibilities and position levels, and if your past job titles match your potential employer job requirements. You may also see How to Email a Resume to a Potential Employer.

2. Functional resume

Unlike the chronological resume, the functional resume emphasizes more on your skills and achievements rather than your job titles and position levels in your previous job experiences. This kind of format gives you the platform or the opportunity to display your skills and experiences because what really matters is whether you have the skill to do certain tasks or not. You may also see How to Showcase Certifications on Resume.

This kind of format gives anyone an opportunity to put more light on their skills and the gaps in their work history or jobs that were not relevant in the shadows. Putting your skills, abilities, and achievements first also enables you to advertise your skillset.

This kind of format is suitable for fresh graduates, to those people who want to make a career change, to those who want to highlight specific skills, knowledge, or abilities, if you have a variety of different or unrelated work experiences and you do not want to emphasize it, and especially if you have a large gap in your work history.

3. Combination Resume

A combination resume, as the term suggests, is the combination of the two kinds of format which is the chronological resume format and the functional resume format. This kind of format would often begin with the functional part which is your professional profile or summary of qualifications that includes your skills, abilities and even your achievements that are relevant to the job opening. You may also see Budget Worksheets.

Here is a common structure of a combination resume format:

  1. Your contact information. This part is where you are going to put in the basics: your name, your phone number, your e-mail, and your present address. How else is your potential employer going to contact you back for an interview if you would not put this on your resume?
  2. Your professional profile or your qualifications summaryAs mentioned, a combination resume format would start with the functional format characteristics, so this means that you should begin with your skills, abilities, and your achievements. Also, mention your previous job position where you have applied all the skills and abilities that you have stated in your resume.
  3. Include your other skills. Combination resume format highlights the skills section more than the professional experience. You have to tailor what you include in your list of skills, abilities, and achievements according to the job position you are currently applying for. But you can also include skills that may or may not be directly related to the job position you are applying for because who knows? That additional skill you included would make your potential employer think twice before declining your job application form examples.
  4. Your professional experiences. This is where the traditional or the chronological format part of the combination resume format would come in. This is straightforward and al you have to do is to list your previous job experiences starting from the most recent job experience.
  5. Your educational attainment. There are some jobs that would require a particular educational attainment so make sure you are going to include this on your resume.

We hope that you have learned a lot about resumes in this article and that you have used the resume worksheets we have provided as one of your tools in mastering resume writing.

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