Sales Strategies B2B and B2C

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Sales Strategies B2B and B2C

Sales Strategies for B2B & B2C

Sales strategy refers to the different ways and methods undertaken by the business firms to execute the plan in a manner that can produce the maximum possible profit to them. Since there are two types of practice, business 2 business and business 2 consumers the approach and the plan might differ for the two. Because of the b2b deals with a narrow and most of the time a known audience, b2c deal with a huge audience.

How B2B and B2C Differ?

Business to Business

B2B sales is a business or sales between two companies or organization, who for some mutual benefit trade products that would eventually go to the public. But in this sales public is not at any end ut the two business groups. The business relationship in b2b sales are better developed and lives a long lifespan because of the sales closing period is lengthy. In b2b sales, more than one individual is required for signing off the decision making the process.

Business to Consumer

B2C is a direct business between the company and the customer. Companies directly sell their products to their customers in large or small quantities most of the time with the help of the retailers. That is why the business planner in b2c sales focuses on the large audience to make their appeal to their direct customers. The sales cycle in b2c is often shorter than b2b as consumers, here, are encouraged to make the purchase. And it rarely includes more than one individual in the decision-making process in b2c sales.

Why B2B and B2C Sales Strategy Differs?

There are different reasons that make the salespersons design their sales strategies for both b2b and b2c sales differently with different approaches.

  1. The first and major strategy difference between b2b and b2c is the lead pool size. When a b2c sales target millions to make their sales happen the b2b can have a narrow and confined audience group, who targetting or approaching might be more intimate than b2c. In short, the target audience in b2b is better defined and narrow whereas the case is totally opposite in b2c sales.
  2. Knowing what you sell is very important and the same is the case in both b2b and b2c sales. The difference lies in whereas in b2c sales the sales team is trained in both have different product knowledge requirements. In b2c sales, the sales team has to answer some basic questions on manufacture, price, taste, and others. Whereas a b2b sales team needs to be trained with specifications and technical details of the product. They need to know how it is a perfect fit and process to target the companies.
  3. B2B sales always involve different stakeholders and many of whom are involved in the decision-making process. And this makes the b2b sales process lengthy. But in b2c sales process companies deal directly with the consumers and single decision-maker and hence the process doesn’t take much time.
  4. Your b2c sales strategies can be designed with emotional or other touching feeling approach and dialogues. The ultimate purpose is to impact the mind of the buyers and persuade them to make the purchase. Whereas in b2b business, the purchase decision doesn’t depend on any sort of emotional persuasion but only logic and rationality.
  5.  The business relationship between the firm and the customers depends upon the transaction. Outside the purchase, this relationship might change due to preferences and loyalties in b2c sales. Whereas in b2b sales the purchase is an entire investment process for which a well-skilled team is appointed to study different aspects impacting the business and the sales. The job of the team is to follow certain prospects and study their requirements, taking months and weeks in hand for the study. The purchase in b2b sales is a much later activity preceded by several formalities and business rituals.

4+ Sales Strategies B2B and B2C Examples & Templates

1. Sample Sales Strategies B2B and B2C Example

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Either you practice business to business sales or a b2c sales process strategizing its steps is a great requirement to achieve the intended objectives. Sometimes the situation might not be anticipated in the market and the business but your strategies can make weather favorable for you. So planning it is never a loss. Or you can save your time by checking out this template and have ideas on how to strategize or you can use this template itself. This might guide for both b2b and b2c sales.

2. Market Sales Strategies for B2B & B2C Example

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Framing sales strategies for both b2b and b2c marketing requires simple different approaches. If you want to understand this difference you might refer to the past sales report submitted in your office for minute understanding. Or you can just refer to this template that defines the process descriptively and understand its aspects to frame your strategies. So why don’t you try both the ideas to frame your work properly as required and choose the best suited to your sales?

3. Standard Sales Strategies for B2B & B2C

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Sales flow charts are the best way and source to map your strategic planning and following that as navigation for actions. But that requires descriptive planning first and for that, we can suggest two options. Either to look back to the earlier successful strategies for marketing or to grab this template. Because both have the content that can give you different ideas that might be helpful to you.

4. Formal Sales Strategies for B2B & B2C Example

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