Sample Applications

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Sample Applications

Admission to an organization, company, or institution and granting of any request is the goal or intention of writing an application. A job application, for example, may be a written or oral confirmation of the intention or desire to become an employee or fill a position in a company.

All applications, like the lease application example shown on the page, follow structure and required documentation in order to qualify to apply for such. Guidelines in the making of such applications will be detailed below for your reference. Have a look around and you may just find what you are searching for.

Sample Leave Application

Leave of Absence Sample

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Size: 84 kB


Application for Teacher

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Size: 19 kB


Application for Casual Leave

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Size: 11 kB


Maternity Leave Example

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Size: 39 kB


What Is an Application?

In simple terms, an application is a request asking for authority to do something or asking for acceptance or admission to an organization or institution such as the school application. A lease application or rental application example found in the page, for instance, is a formal request to be able to rent a space (be it a room or an entire floor) in a building or structure.

How NOT to Follow Up on a Job Application

Waiting for the results of a work application can be nerve wrecking and exciting at the same time. But how do we know when exactly to follow up on an application?

We don’t.

Some employers actually like applicants who follow up on applications which shows their eagerness to join the company. But sometimes, depending on how the follow up is done can spell dream come true or disaster for any applicant.

  • Multiple Follow-ups – Engaging in multiple phone calls or emails to the employers would be downright creepy and a terrible idea.
  • Snail mail – Is a lost and ancient form of follow-up. You can simply email your application.

Internship application examples and grant application examples found in the page are examples of such applications that need a follow up. But whatever you do, always follow their instructions for follow up if ever they do mention one.

Sample Rental Application

Free Rental Application

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Size: 42 kB


Short Application Sample

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Size: 3 kB


Corporate Rental Example

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Size: 116 kB


Residential Rental

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Size: 52 kB


Sample Employment Application

Generic Application For Employment

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Size: 78 kB


Dental Employment

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Size: 99 kB


Nursing Application Sample

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Size: 149 kB


Free Employment Application

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Size: 9 kB


Sample Scholarship Application

Church Scholarship Example

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Size: 33 kB


Student Scholarship

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Size: 105 kB


What Should a Job Application Contain?

Job applications play an important role in the work application process for employment. More often than not, the contents of such applications determine the fate of the applicant if they make it to the next stage of the process at all.

Therefore it is imperative for an applicant to fill out or make the application as complete and concise as possible to boost their chances of advancing towards a possible interview.

A job application generally must contain the following essential items:

  • Personal Details – This contains basic information and is the easiest part of an application to fill out. It should be noted however that correct information must be provided in this part of the application
  • Education – A list depicting the names and addresses of schools you have attended and attainment of any degree that complies with the minimum educational requirements for the job you are applying for.
  • Employment History – Companies you have previously worked for are listed in this part of the application. It is important also to mention any gap years where you did not perform or were not employed in case you were travelling or taking a break or going back to school. For applicants who have had numerous employments, the three most recent employments should suffice.
  • Extracurricular Activities and Interests – Skills and interests relevant or in connection to a job you are applying for should be mentioned. Other skills not acquired from work but are equally important should also be mentioned.
  • References – An employment reference and academic reference are common in this part of the application. You have an option to include a third personal reference as an added item.

Application examples and application examples in PDF are available for download in the page and can be a great source or basis in making your own application.

Sample Grant Application

Common Grant Example

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Size: 113 kB


Travel Grant Sample

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Size: 159 kB


Sample College Application

Printable College Example

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Size: 143 kB


Sample Business Application

Business License

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Size: 418 kB


Sample Credit Application

Consumer Credit Example

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Size: 79 kB


Business Application

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Size: 708 kB


Sample Housing Application

Application for Housing Assistance

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Size: 349 kB


Rental Housing Example

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Size: 266 kB


Applying for Public Housing

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Size: 356 kB


Sample Internship Application

Academic Internship Example

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Size: 160 kB


High School Application

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Size: 49 kB


Undergraduate Internship

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Size: 516 kB


The Hunt: Tips in Job Hunting

For any type of hunt, there is the thrill of the hunt. The thrill of the hunt is the enjoyment of the hunt itself and the satisfaction of getting what you want. This applies from business applications to job hunting as well. An individual who is halfhearted in applying for a job or work application most certainly will show it and as a result will not get that job.

Here are a few tips in job hunting which should help you in your search for your next promising career:

  • Take advantage of web based hunting tools and sites. A lot of companies now advertise for jobs in their website or in networking sites.
  • Prepare a professional and well written resume to showcase your qualifications and work experience.
  • Develop an elevator pitch for any job fair or job application. This should cover all bases in terms of your skill set and qualifications.
  • Research on companies that you are applying and are interested in.
  • Make sure potential employers are provided with your most recent contact information to be able to reach you

Employment application, job application examples, free application examples and grant application examples found in the page are all downloadable for added reference in making your application.

Sample Loan Application

Personal Loan Example

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Size: 62 kB


Small Business Loan

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Size: 502 kB


Residential Loan Application

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Size: 125 kB


Sample Membership Application

Student Member Example

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Size: 49 kB


Individual Membership

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Size: 129 kB


Sample Volunteer Application

Volunteer Youth Coach

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Size: 44 kB


Youth Volunteer Application

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Size: 16 kB


Sample Vendor Application

Events Vendor

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Size: 167 kB


Artist Vendor Application

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Size: 317 kB


Food Application Example

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Size: 34 kB


Sample Mortgage Application

File Format
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Size: 423 kB


Guidelines in Writing an Application

Any application could do well with the following items in mind:

  • Always research – Make sure to research about the company you are applying to and the requirements needed for the work application.
  • Personality – Always inject personality in your application by relating special skills not acquired from work to the application of those skills in doing the job. Being able to deal with a wide range of people also help in boosting your compatibility with the job
  • Honesty – By filling in correct information, you are showing your personal integrity which reflects in your actions and your attitude toward work
  • Achievements – If you feel that they are relevant to the job application, you can mention obstacles in your life that became achievements in relation to your job application.
  • Short and simple – Answers during any business application or any application should be short but straight to the point. Be confident and convincing in answering and explaining why you are perfect for the job.

Credit application examples and work application examples in the page may assist you in the creation of your application. They are available for download by clicking on the download button below the sample.

Application Generator

Text prompt

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Create an application for a high school scholarship, focusing on academic achievements and extracurricular activities

Generate an application for a student council position, highlighting leadership qualities and ideas for school improvement