16+ Company Balance Sheet Examples to Download
A company balance sheet is the key to both financial structuring and accounting and shows the company’s total assets, and how these assets were acquired. We can also call it a statement of the net worth of a company or a statement of the financial position of it. This statement is a great way to understand how a company is performing, its solvency and how efficient it is. It is used to calculate the cash flow as well.
In conjunction with the income statement and cash flow statement, it gives a complete picture of a company’s financial health. Here are 15+ Company Balance Sheet Examples and Templates for your benefit.
Company Balance Sheet Examples & Templates
1. Company Balance Sheet Example

This template will help the company to project clearly its capital stock, retained earnings, financial strength and will give the investors a clear picture of the company’s state in terms of current assets, non-current assets, and its liabilities and payables according to organization and industry, before investing. This template will help to portray how the company is performing, how solvent and efficient it is.
2. Corporate Balance Sheet Example

3. Company Balance Sheet Example
This template assists a software company to prepare a financial statement, ratios, break-even calculations, depreciation and much more in a structured way and will help them to write notes on the company’s commitments, losses, liabilities, etc. which are important when one prepares financial statements.
4. Company Audit Balance Sheet Report
An audit is done by an independent certified public accountant where inspection of a company’s records is done which determines whether a business is maintaining its records based on generally accepted accounting principles. This template will help to create a balance sheet of a telecom company based on an audit which examines the accounts of a company and report the company’s financial transactions, receipts and disbursement of funds.
5. Company Consolidated Balance Sheet
This template will help rising and expanding business entities and their owners to prepare their balance sheet who have bought another subsidiary unit, as general accounting principles do not allow the preparation of balance sheets if the parent company controls stakes but does not have 100% ownership.
6. Sample Company Balance Sheet
This template will act as a sample for those companies who want to prepare a balance sheet which will help the company owners to understand the net worth of the company at a specific time, and to prepare the income statement crucial for the shareholders and the government.
7. Biscuit Company Balance Sheet
This template will help the companies who are in the same industry as Sunrise Biscuit Company to prepare their balance sheets and give a detailed presentation of the key ratios and accounts details including preparation of the audit sheet, inventory details, receivables, cash balance, etc. to carry out the business smoothly.
8. Company Balance Sheet & Statement
This template will help investors and owners of a Power Generation company to compute rates of return and to conduct fundamental analysis or calculate financial factors and create a detailed report of the company’s assets, liabilities, shares in a structured way.
9. Insurance Companies Balance Sheet in PDF
Insurance is an intangible product which demands a pledge of protection and due to its complex nature, it requires an intricate preparation of balance sheets as the business is driven by it. The template will help those who are in the same business and also others in providing an honest look into the company’s financial health and compare the results with competitors.
10. Company Balance Sheet Template
This template will prove to be informative to understandably frame the short and long term decisions of business and analyze how to connect to other financial statements and how current assets, account payable, current liabilities and long term liabilities affect a company’s profitability, especially for a gas-energy major.
11. Company Annual Balance Sheet Report
This template is helpful in creating and summarizing the business assets, liabilities, financial position, and provides specific information about the solvency of the business within a period.
12. Company Directors Balance Sheet Report
When large companies wish to prepare their financial reports at the end of a financial year, then the report is produced by the board of directors which overviews the company’s finances which is mandatory. This template informs the shareholders to understand the financial health of a dairy company, and whether it has the capacity to expand and grow.
13. Simple Company Balance Sheet
This template will prove very helpful to a small business owner to report his assets, liabilities, current asset, equity, current and long term liabilities in a simplified way keeping in mind the option of loan procurement which will give the lender a clear picture of his business position since the start-up.
14. Balance Sheet of a Company
This template will help in understanding the financial position of a business which states the assets, liabilities and owner’s equity at a particular point in time of a given company so that interested stakeholders can analyze and understand its net worth and also do a back-to-back two years analysis to track the performance and identify ways to build up its finances.
15. Private Company Balance Sheet
This template will help public companies pf the nature of stock brokers to prepare their balance sheets and structure the way their balance sheet will reveal their assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity to the public at large.
16. Company Accounting & Financial Balance Sheet
This template will guide the user to create a balance sheet and plan the business through budgeting for operations, capital budgeting for business expansion, and other overhead costs involved. This way the user will be able to find out per unit cost of every product or service.
17. Company Financial Balance Sheet
16+ Company Balance Sheet Examples to Download
A company balance sheet is the key to both financial structuring and accounting and shows the company’s total assets, and how these assets were acquired. We can also call it a statement of the net worth of a company or a statement of the financial position of it. This statement is a great way to understand how a company is performing, its solvency and how efficient it is. It is used to calculate the cash flow as well.
In conjunction with the income statement and cash flow statement, it gives a complete picture of a company’s financial health. Here are 15+ Company Balance Sheet Examples and Templates for your benefit.
Company Balance Sheet Examples & Templates
1. Company Balance Sheet Example
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Google Docs
Google Sheets
MS Excel
MS Word
Editable PDF
Size: A4 & US
This template will help the company to project clearly its capital stock, retained earnings, financial strength and will give the investors a clear picture of the company’s state in terms of current assets, non-current assets, and its liabilities and payables according to organization and industry, before investing. This template will help to portray how the company is performing, how solvent and efficient it is.
2. Corporate Balance Sheet Example
File Format
Google Docs
Google Sheets
MS Excel
MS Word
Editable PDF
Size: A4, US
3. Company Balance Sheet Example
File Format
Size: 329 KB
This template assists a software company to prepare a financial statement, ratios, break-even calculations, depreciation and much more in a structured way and will help them to write notes on the company’s commitments, losses, liabilities, etc. which are important when one prepares financial statements.
4. Company Audit Balance Sheet Report
File Format
Size: 156 KB
An audit is done by an independent certified public accountant where inspection of a company’s records is done which determines whether a business is maintaining its records based on generally accepted accounting principles. This template will help to create a balance sheet of a telecom company based on an audit which examines the accounts of a company and report the company’s financial transactions, receipts and disbursement of funds.
5. Company Consolidated Balance Sheet
File Format
Size: 613 KB
This template will help rising and expanding business entities and their owners to prepare their balance sheet who have bought another subsidiary unit, as general accounting principles do not allow the preparation of balance sheets if the parent company controls stakes but does not have 100% ownership.
6. Sample Company Balance Sheet
File Format
Size: 470 KB
This template will act as a sample for those companies who want to prepare a balance sheet which will help the company owners to understand the net worth of the company at a specific time, and to prepare the income statement crucial for the shareholders and the government.
7. Biscuit Company Balance Sheet
File Format
Size: 296 KB
This template will help the companies who are in the same industry as Sunrise Biscuit Company to prepare their balance sheets and give a detailed presentation of the key ratios and accounts details including preparation of the audit sheet, inventory details, receivables, cash balance, etc. to carry out the business smoothly.
8. Company Balance Sheet & Statement
File Format
Size: 5 MB
This template will help investors and owners of a Power Generation company to compute rates of return and to conduct fundamental analysis or calculate financial factors and create a detailed report of the company’s assets, liabilities, shares in a structured way.
9. Insurance Companies Balance Sheet in PDF
File Format
Size: 1 MB
Insurance is an intangible product which demands a pledge of protection and due to its complex nature, it requires an intricate preparation of balance sheets as the business is driven by it. The template will help those who are in the same business and also others in providing an honest look into the company’s financial health and compare the results with competitors.
10. Company Balance Sheet Template
File Format
Size: 9 MB
This template will prove to be informative to understandably frame the short and long term decisions of business and analyze how to connect to other financial statements and how current assets, account payable, current liabilities and long term liabilities affect a company’s profitability, especially for a gas-energy major.
11. Company Annual Balance Sheet Report
File Format
Size: 7 MB
This template is helpful in creating and summarizing the business assets, liabilities, financial position, and provides specific information about the solvency of the business within a period.
12. Company Directors Balance Sheet Report
File Format
Size: 1 MB
When large companies wish to prepare their financial reports at the end of a financial year, then the report is produced by the board of directors which overviews the company’s finances which is mandatory. This template informs the shareholders to understand the financial health of a dairy company, and whether it has the capacity to expand and grow.
13. Simple Company Balance Sheet
File Format
Size: 516 KB
This template will prove very helpful to a small business owner to report his assets, liabilities, current asset, equity, current and long term liabilities in a simplified way keeping in mind the option of loan procurement which will give the lender a clear picture of his business position since the start-up.
14. Balance Sheet of a Company
File Format
Size: 2 MB
This template will help in understanding the financial position of a business which states the assets, liabilities and owner’s equity at a particular point in time of a given company so that interested stakeholders can analyze and understand its net worth and also do a back-to-back two years analysis to track the performance and identify ways to build up its finances.
15. Private Company Balance Sheet
File Format
Size: 360 KB
This template will help public companies pf the nature of stock brokers to prepare their balance sheets and structure the way their balance sheet will reveal their assets, liabilities, and owner’s equity to the public at large.
16. Company Accounting & Financial Balance Sheet
File Format
Size: 303 KB
This template will guide the user to create a balance sheet and plan the business through budgeting for operations, capital budgeting for business expansion, and other overhead costs involved. This way the user will be able to find out per unit cost of every product or service.
17. Company Financial Balance Sheet
File Format
Size: 185 KB
This template will help the user to prepare major financial statements at the end of a specified date by providing a snapshot of the company’s financial position as to what it owes to other parties on the date indicated in the sheet. This also will help the user, if they are planning for a loan, to make the bank understand whether they qualify for additional credits.