Estate Inventory Worksheet

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Estate Inventory Worksheet


In any business, including estate and retail, making an inventory list of the things you have sold and the things you have not sold is important. The reason for this is so that you won’t have to answer to a blank piece of paper and ask yourself where did this go. Making an inventory is helpful in any business. As this not only makes you list everything down, you also have a copy of your own to check.

5+ Estate Inventory Worksheet Examples

1. Estate Inventory Worksheet Template

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  • PDF

Size: 31 KB


2. Estate Inventory Worksheet Example

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  • PDF

Size: 1 MB


3. Sample Estate Inventory Worksheet

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  • PDF

Size: 19 KB


4. Estate Inventory Asset Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 142 KB


5. Estate Inventory and Appraisement Worksheet

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  • PDF

Size: 134 KB


6. Estate Financial Inventory Worksheet

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 70 KB


Define Estate

To define the word estate, this means a large area of land usually found in the countryside. A large piece of land that is owned by a family or a private organization. This lad is often used for raising livestock and crops. In addition to that, it also means a group of houses or a group of factories that are built in a planned way. Estate can also refer to something that a person, usually a family member owns when the original owner passes on.

Define Inventory

An inventory is the complete list of things that have been sold or that have been stored. This also refers to the goods, the merchandise and the materials that have been held by a business. May it be through selling goods or crops to the market to make a good profit.

Define Inventory Worksheet

An inventory worksheet is a worksheet that is usually used to count. This worksheet is used to count the actual or the exact number of items that are in stock. As well as the number of items that were sold out. Information found in the worksheet can be used to track any theft within the inventory, shrinkage and adjusting to the financial records to make it match.

Importance of an Inventory Worksheet

The importance of making an inventory worksheet is the fact that a lot of companies use inventory worksheets to keep track of their products. To keep track of the products available and when they would be calling their suppliers for a refill. It could also be used to trace if you have lost something or forgotten to place it. Your worksheet helps you trace back something you may have forgotten to write down.

Types of Inventory Worksheets

  • Fill out forms
  • Table forms
  • Checklist forms
  • Paragraph forms

Tips for Filling Out an Inventory Worksheet

Here are some tips for filling out an inventory worksheet either manually or using excel spreadsheet.

  • Make a column for all your items for inventory – The more items you have that differ, the more columns you add.
  • Name your inventory worksheet – Put a title of your worksheet. If you have more than one inventory list, color code them to lessen the confusion.
  • List the name of the property or the item- Write all the names of the property, ownership code, and all the necessary information.
  • Update your inventory list – Update your inventory list when you receive a new item of the estate. The reason for the updates is to keep you on top.
  • Save the information on your worksheet


Why is an inventory worksheet so important in an estate?

The reason for the inventory worksheet is it keeps track of the estate that you are assigned to. The owners and the necessary information that may be too complicated without using a worksheet.

What happens if I don’t update the worksheet?

If you do not update your worksheet, chances are you will have to do it over again and update everything for it to be in order from the current to the past. Updating worksheets are necessary especially if there are a lot of things to be added.

Is filling everything out a requirement?

The short answer to that is yes. Fill out what is needed. Make sure it is true, updated and complete.

Estate inventory worksheets are an easier way to keep track of everything that goes when it comes to checking on pieces of property. From the fact that you have everything written down, it would be easier to check if this property is still on your list or is taken out of the market.

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