3 Scholarship Brag Sheet Examples to Download
Getting and achieving a good education is the top priority for any student. It is also the best way to get a good job in the future. The only problem is, getting a good education can be very expensive and for most students, this can be a major issue. The best thing is, schools, companies and even organizations offer up scholarships to help deserving students reach their long term goals. But even the most deserving student can have some competitors for the scholarship. To be able to be seen and heard, candidates must fill out a brag sheet.
Definition of Brag
To define the word in layman’s terms, to brag means to boast. To show off. To make someone’s ego inflated. Letting other people see that you have something very valuable. To take pride over something you have done, or something someone else has done. To parade your accomplishments in a pompous manner. To boast about something the other person does not have. To talk about something proudly. To speak with pride about something that you have done. Bragging can be both good and bad, depending on the situation.
Definition of Brag Sheet
A brag sheet is quite similar to a student’s resume. A brag sheet highlights an individual’s accomplishments, skills, educational background, and their experiences. Just like a resume, a student’s brag sheet is a quicker reference guide with all the details needed for someone to get to know you better. A brag sheet however is different from a cover letter and the resume used for people who want to apply for jobs. Brag sheets are often used by students who are applying for a scholarship or a job around campus.
Importance of Brag Sheet
A brag sheet is used as a helping hand for your teachers, counselors and even the committee who handles the scholarship. Your teachers and counselors use the brag sheet to write letters of recommendation on your behalf. These types of sheet forms give them more insight of who you are as an individual. When you fill out your brag sheet form, fill out what is necessary. If your teacher or counselor fills out the form, they already know what to fill out. All you need to do is to tell them the information needed.
Tips for Filling Out a Scholarship Brag Sheet
So here are some tips before you fill out that brag sheet form. Remember to always check everything and ask questions if you are unsure of what the form is asking from you.
- Read everything – Before filling out your brag sheet, the most important thing you can do to avoid any mistake is to read everything. Read what is being asked of you. Ask questions if you are unsure on how to proceed with the form. It is better to read and ask if you are unsure than have to go through them again.
- Fill out the important information – Once you have read the instructions of the form, the next thing to do is to fill out the important details. Details like your complete name, your address, and contact details. Avoid having to abbreviate your address and any other information that needs to be written down completely.
- State the purpose of the sheet form – This is often found above the form. List your purpose for filling the form out. As much as possible, be honest.
- Write down your educational background – Write all the schools you have attended and the years you have graduated. Include the schools you have attended but did not graduate if you have transferred schools.
- List all your accomplishments – This is your time to shine. The reason for the brag sheet is to list down all your accomplishments. Your academic and non academic achievements. If it is also possible, list the year you received them.
- Brag about yourself – The use for the brag sheet is to simply brag and write everything about you. This is your time to shine. Write about your dreams, aspirations, the accomplishments, the trophies, everything.
- Revise your essays – As some brag sheet forms often ask students or their candidates to write essays about themselves, it is always best to revise your essays. Make them look nice at the same time, selling yourself through the essay.
1. Scholarship Brag Sheet
2. Scholarship Recommendation Brag Sheet
3. Scholarship Brag Sheet Example
Why are brag sheets needed?
Your brag sheet form is a necessary tool to get a scholarship. As this serves as a student’s resume. This is also used as a recommendation letter from your teachers to get the scholarship.
What type of information is okay to place in a brag sheet?
Your personal information like your name, address, contact details, and email address. For some brag sheets, they often ask for your information in the form of an essay.
Is it a requirement to add all the achievements you have?
It is not a requirement but it is a nice idea to add them. From the word brag, this is your time to sell yourself, the time for you to shine. Write it all down.
Do I need to fill out the brag sheet or can my teacher or counselor do it for me?
Your brag sheet is simply a form where you are going to be writing your information and achievements. The brag sheet can be used by your teacher or counselor and attach a recommendation letter for what you are applying for.
Students often like to brag about something especially in the hopes of making someone else feel jealous. But this type of bragging is more likely for educational purposes. The brag sheet from the name itself, gives the student or the candidate a moment of fame. The brag sheet gives every candidate a reason to show off their skills, academic achievements, educational background in the hopes of getting the scholarship. As any student will tell you, even a scholarship is a competitive game between aspiring applicants. A brag sheet can take you one step ahead of your competitors.