11+ Short Report Essay Examples to Download

Short Report Essay Examples

What comes to mind if you add the words graphs, tables, numbers and specifics to writing, words, grammar and spelling. The first part of the random words, you may instantly think of mathematics or reports which are common in this kind of field. You may think that this is just one of those random words placed to make the topic sound easier to understand. When we hear the words graphs, tables, and numbers we think of reports. However, when we hear the words grammar, spelling, specifics of writing, we think of essays.

What do you think these two sets of words have in common? If you think they do not have anything in common, they actually do. This is what we would specifically call a report essay. You may be wondering what a report essay is and the length of it. They can either be a short report essay which we are going to be discussing today, and a narrative report essay. What is the difference you may ask? If you want to know more about it, all you have to do is to scroll the whole article to get the information you need. Head on below for examples and more.

11+ Short Report Essay Examples

1. Short Business Report Sample Template

Short Business Report Sample Template
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Size: 48 KB


2. Short Report Essay Journals

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Size: 72 KB


3. Short Annual Report Art and Essay

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Size: 548 KB


4. Basic Short Report Essay

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Size: 592 KB


5. Short Art History Report Essay

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Size: 153 KB


6. Short Thesis Essay Report

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Size: 113 KB


7. Short Case Report Essay

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Size: 193 KB


8. Health Care Short Essay Report

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Size: 258 KB


9. Printable Short Report Essay

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Size: 587 KB


10. Short Report Essay Outline

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Size: 446 KB


11. Short Profile Essay Score Report

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Size: 238 KB


12. Short Book Report Essay

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Size: 95 KB


What Is a Short Report Essay?

You may have heard of narrative report essay, and may wonder if these two are the same. In a way they are and in a way they differ as well. As we all know that a narrative report essay from the term itself is a narrative. It is lengthy compared to reports or essays even. However, a short report essay is the opposite. A short report essay focuses on the main report and a short summary of it. The short report essay does not focus on the lengthy explanations and a lot of explained graphs, it focuses on a single or two graphs and a few explanations that are based on the report you are doing.

Most cases, a lot of businesses or companies who value time would prefer the short report essay over the narrative report. The difference between these two is that a narrative report essay gives you the opportunity to explain in detail while the short report essay only cares about the general detail of your report. It’s purpose is to give you a general bird’s eye view of your topic and of the progress or the lack of it.

How to Write a Short Report Essay?

It goes without saying that when you write reports, you have to be careful with what you are going to be writing. You also have to be concise and clear at the same time. Even if it means it only has to be shorter than your usual reports. If you are planning on making a short report essay, you have to check these out first. These will help you get started and where to start too.

1. Start With a Simple Outline

You may be wondering why you should start with an outline. The purpose of the outline is to help you know what you should be writing and where to begin. What you are going to be writing about and the keywords that you would use. As we know, writing a short report essay is the keywords that are the most important. To be able to get that, writing an outline or a draft is necessary before writing the actual report essay.

2. Do Your Research

Something you must do when you are writing a report essay. Regardless if it may be a lengthy report or a short one. If you are not sure about what you may be reporting about, research is the best tool and it’s also quite helpful. In addition to that, you may only be writing a short report about your topic, but it is still crucial to do your research. Just to be sure and just to add to the facts that may already be there. The more facts the better. However, do not go into detail, even a general fact will do.

3. Keep It as Simple as Possible

Remember that this is a short report essay. Keep everything simple as possible. Having to explain in full detail may not be the right use for this kind of report essay. A general to mildly specific but at the same time keeping it simple should be the right course of action when writing this essay.

4. Write Your Final Output

After you have written your outlined for your report essay, it is time to write the final output. Make sure that what you have outlined in your draft is found in your final output. The keywords, the main topic and the general explanations. In other words, everything that you have drafted, whether you added or took away a sentence or keyword should already be finalized in your output.

5. Proofread for Any Mistakes Found

Last but not the least tip is to proofread for any mistakes that could be found in your output. Before you are able to give or to hand out your report essay, always make sure that there are no mistakes or at least the majority is as good as you planned it. Proofreading may sound like a bore, but it is quite useful.


What is a short report essay?

A short report essay is a kind of report that you use to give the general summary of a report. Short report essays are mostly done for those who do not prefer to read a lengthy narrative.

Who is the audience for this kind of report essay?

The audience for this kind of report essay could range from your supervisors to your colleagues. Anyone who may need to use or to write a short report essay can be the audience or the target for the essay.

How lengthy can a short report essay be?

Compared to a narrative report essay, a short report essay does not have to be more than a page long. As you are not going to be putting too much detail in to the report. It is expected to read the report essay filled with general and mildly specific.

Writing report essays can be a bore if you have no idea where to begin or how to write one. But all that could change when you read the article. Check the tips that are clearly doable and make yourself a short report essay from the examples above.

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