12+ Sports Coach Contract Examples to Download
So you’ve decided to hire a professional coach for your football/basketball/baseball/cricket/swimming team. Assuming your team is just starting up, you need someone with lots of experience with credible qualifications for him to be an efficient coach for a sports team. Hiring coaches is no easy feat; you need some budget to hire one. You also need a coach who will be worth the pay; you don’t want to get scammed by a fraud. What you need is a simple contract for you and the coach you will hire to avoid misunderstandings and arguments.
Sports Coach Contract Example Template
Coaching Contract Template
University Sports Club Paid or Volunteer Coaching Example
1. Find Sample Coaching Contracts
Before you write down your draft of the contract, you probably have no idea what are the items to include in your draft. The obvious thing to do is to look for sample contracts online to have an inkling what coach contracts look like. Not surprisingly, there is no standard uniform coaching contract. Contracts differ depending on your school or if the coach is getting paid or not. Your contract is totally up to you on how you will draft it. Some are very extensive and complicated, so if you think your contract would be along these lines, it’s best to seek a lawyer’s expertise to help you out. But if you don’t want it to be as complicated for you and the coach, you can do it on your own. For example, if the coach is volunteering to coach your team, the contract could be short; a one page contract can suffice. You could also ask other high schools in your area if you can see a copy of their contract to use as a guide.
2. Format The Contract
If you’re confident enough that you already have enough knowledge to make your contract, begin by drafting the contract by opening a blank word processing document. Set the font to a readable size and style. Suggested font style and size you may use is Times New Roman 12 point. You may also see videography contract examples in pdf.
If you have letterhead (having a letterhead is recommended), then you can print the first page of the contract on letterhead. Be sure to space down enough so that the contract won’t print over the letterhead.
Suggested title of your contract may be: “Employment Agreement for Head Football/Baseball/Basketball/Volleyball Coach” or something along those lines. Make the title bold and in all caps.Make the title slightly larger in size (such as 14 point) so that it stands out and place it in the center.
ICF Sample Coaching Agreement Example
Sample Coaching Agreement Example
3. Identify The Parties Involved To The Contract
Once you’ve format your contract and put the title of it, begin the contract by identifying the school (if this is not a school but just an organization or a neighborhood team you are starting; then put your name) and the coach. You can also include the date the contract becomes effective. You may also like the truth behind service contract checklists.
Example:“This employment agreement (‘Agreement’) is made and entered into effective as of the 25th day of April, 2012, by and between the Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Squadron, and Terrence Michael Eric “Terry”Jones (‘Coach’).”
4. Identify The Key Terms Used In The Contract
Your contract might use terms which could have more than one or two meaning and makes its definition vague. After identifying the parties, you can include a list of defined terms. Terms which you might need to define include:
Acronyms. For example, if you belong to a sports league, then you should define the league’s acronym.
“Service period” or “academic year” means the extent of time the coach will be training your team. Make sure that you define these terms. Example: From April 2017- February 2018. You may also check out catering contract examples.
Monticello Soccer Club Employment Contract Example
Guidance For Drawing Up A Coaching Contract Example
5. Identify The Duration Of The Contract
Explain how long the contract lasts for. You could have the contract last for only one season or for multiple seasons. However, the most common duration terms in coaching contracts are the following:
- A specific number of years. Example, the contract may last up to four years. You may also see essential contract templates for the freelance designer.
- A specific number of years but with a rollover provision. Example, a contract might be a two year contract with a rollover provision for renewal of up to an additional year.
- A specific number of years with a to renegotiate at a certain point in time. Example, you could have the contract last three years but with a chance to renegotiate after two years.
6. List Down The Coach’s Duties
Use bullet points or numbered points to explain the coach’s duties and responsibilities. Be as comprehensive and clear as possible. Example:
A coach’s duties might include the following:
- The instruction of athletes
- Supervision of team practices and conditioning sessions
- Supervision and instruction of athletes in competitive events
- Commitment to the academic success of student athletes
- Selection and evaluation of all assistants, including volunteers, interns, student coaches, etc.
- Recruitment of athletes
- Budgeting for the team
- Involvement in fundraising
- Scheduling competitive events
- Press relations
- Adherence to the rules and policies of the school and the governing athletic association
This part should be clear so the coach will know what are expected of him. You may also see dj contract examples.
Contractor Coach Agreement Example
7. Put Down How Much The Coach Is Being Paid
You need to include a arrangements on compensation. If you are a high school, then your coach may only be paid a fixed regular sum. If you are a college or university, then the compensation package could be quite extensive. It will include base salary; the amount of money and the schedule for payments, benefits, such as medical, dental, disability, and life insurance, allowances such as clothing, cell phones, or fuel for travel, and bonuses; a coach may get a fixed bonus sum for any championships won by the team. Be comprehensive in this part since this will be the part that could arise conflict or misunderstanding. You may also see key differences between agreements and contracts.
8. Identify Conduct That Can Result In Termination.
Include also a termination provision. Explain what conditions can trigger termination “for cause.” Example, you might want to include any of the following:
- The coach knowingly violates school or governing athletic association rules.
- The coach knows that others in his or her administration have violated the rules but fails to report the violations.
- The coach fails to carry out the duties specified in the contract and fails to correct any failure.
- The coach is convicted of a felony.
- The coach commits misconduct that harms the reputation of the university.
- The coach commits fraud, e.g., by falsifying records or condoning employees who do.
- The coach gambles on sports.
- The coach uses substances, such as prescription drugs or alcohol, which impair the coach’s ability to perform his or her job.
- The coach commits acts of violence, whether or not they result in public prosecution. You may also like employment contract examples.
Coaches of Canada Sample Coaching Contract Example
Cricket Club Sample Coach Contract Example
9. Explain What Happens If Either Side Terminates The Contract
Make sure that the contract explains what will happen if the coach or the school terminates the contract before its expiration date. If the school terminates the contract for any reason other than “for cause” then it is their duty to pay the coach money. If the coach is being let go because of misconduct, include a clause stating that the coach must resign in writing and that he or she has no entitlement to compensation or benefits after the termination date. You may also see commercial agreement examples & samples.
Also have the coach agree to pay the school a lump-sum to cover the cost of recruiting a new coach.
If the school cancels the contract, then it usually agrees to pay the coach a large fixed-sum of money and to continue benefits through the end of the contract term. In exchange, the coach agrees to sign a release, agreeing not to sue the school. There should also be a provision that the school will not have to pay money or benefits if the coach finds another job. You may also like management agreement examples & samples.
10. Include A “Non-Compete” Provision In The Contract (Optional)
You may, but not necessarily, include a provision in the contract where the coach agrees not to take another coaching job at a competing school for a certain amount of time after leaving your school. This is called a “non-compete” provision. This provision should be reasonable. Your state law will define what is reasonable, but generally you cannot prohibit the coach from working somewhere else for too long. But there are some instances that you can’t include this clause in your contract. Example, if you are a high school, you cannot prohibit a coach from working anywhere in the country. Instead, the geographic scope must be more limited. You may also check out examples of writing a wedding planner contract.
11. Insert Signature Blocks
At the bottom of the contract should create signature blocks for both the coach and the representative who will sign for the school. Usually, you will have a principal or athletic director sign for the school.
12. Show The Contract To A Lawyer
Once you have completed the draft of your contract, you should have an attorney review it. Your school probably already has a lawyer. Ask your principal or school board who your lawyer is. You can then schedule an appointment and show the lawyer your contract. She can make suggestions for revision in your contract. You might be interested in partnership agreement examples & samples.
However, if you’re school does not have a lawyer or you’re not part of a school or an academic institution, then you should find your local or state bar association. This is an organization formed by lawyers. Most bar associations run referral programs. You may also see sales agreement samples.
Sports Club Coach/Instructor Agreement Example
Coaching Contract Example
Agreement For Self Employed Coaches Example
Volunteer Coach Agreement Example
13. Sign The Contract
Lastly, invite the coach to sign the contract. You should have given the coach a copy of the contract ahead of time, so that he or she could review it and make suggestions for revision. Once the contract has been signed, distribute copies. Make copies of the signed coaching contract and give the coach a copy. Store the copy of the contract in a safe place. You may also like service agreement examples.
We hope you enjoyed browsing through our sports contract examples. Don’t forget to download and use it when you will be making your own contract.
12+ Sports Coach Contract Examples to Download
So you’ve decided to hire a professional coach for your football/basketball/baseball/cricket/swimming team. Assuming your team is just starting up, you need someone with lots of experience with credible qualifications for him to be an efficient coach for a sports team. Hiring coaches is no easy feat; you need some budget to hire one. You also need a coach who will be worth the pay; you don’t want to get scammed by a fraud. What you need is a simple contract for you and the coach you will hire to avoid misunderstandings and arguments.
Sports Coach Contract Example Template
File Format
Google Docs
MS Word
Size: A4, US
Coaching Contract Template
File Format
Google Docs
MS Word
Size: A4, US
University Sports Club Paid or Volunteer Coaching Example
File Format
Size: 108 KB
1. Find Sample Coaching Contracts
Before you write down your draft of the contract, you probably have no idea what are the items to include in your draft. The obvious thing to do is to look for sample contracts online to have an inkling what coach contracts look like. Not surprisingly, there is no standard uniform coaching contract. Contracts differ depending on your school or if the coach is getting paid or not. Your contract is totally up to you on how you will draft it. Some are very extensive and complicated, so if you think your contract would be along these lines, it’s best to seek a lawyer’s expertise to help you out. But if you don’t want it to be as complicated for you and the coach, you can do it on your own. For example, if the coach is volunteering to coach your team, the contract could be short; a one page contract can suffice. You could also ask other high schools in your area if you can see a copy of their contract to use as a guide.
2. Format The Contract
If you’re confident enough that you already have enough knowledge to make your contract, begin by drafting the contract by opening a blank word processing document. Set the font to a readable size and style. Suggested font style and size you may use is Times New Roman 12 point. You may also see videography contract examples in pdf.
If you have letterhead (having a letterhead is recommended), then you can print the first page of the contract on letterhead. Be sure to space down enough so that the contract won’t print over the letterhead.
Suggested title of your contract may be: “Employment Agreement for Head Football/Baseball/Basketball/Volleyball Coach” or something along those lines. Make the title bold and in all caps.Make the title slightly larger in size (such as 14 point) so that it stands out and place it in the center.
ICF Sample Coaching Agreement Example
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Size: 133KB
Sample Coaching Agreement Example
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Size: 133KB
3. Identify The Parties Involved To The Contract
Once you’ve format your contract and put the title of it, begin the contract by identifying the school (if this is not a school but just an organization or a neighborhood team you are starting; then put your name) and the coach. You can also include the date the contract becomes effective. You may also like the truth behind service contract checklists.
Example:“This employment agreement (‘Agreement’) is made and entered into effective as of the 25th day of April, 2012, by and between the Team Alpha Super Awesome Cool Dynamite Squadron, and Terrence Michael Eric “Terry”Jones (‘Coach’).”
4. Identify The Key Terms Used In The Contract
Your contract might use terms which could have more than one or two meaning and makes its definition vague. After identifying the parties, you can include a list of defined terms. Terms which you might need to define include:
Acronyms. For example, if you belong to a sports league, then you should define the league’s acronym.
“Service period” or “academic year” means the extent of time the coach will be training your team. Make sure that you define these terms. Example: From April 2017- February 2018. You may also check out catering contract examples.
Monticello Soccer Club Employment Contract Example
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Size: 49 KB
Guidance For Drawing Up A Coaching Contract Example
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Size: 126 KB
5. Identify The Duration Of The Contract
Explain how long the contract lasts for. You could have the contract last for only one season or for multiple seasons. However, the most common duration terms in coaching contracts are the following:
A specific number of years. Example, the contract may last up to four years. You may also see essential contract templates for the freelance designer.
A specific number of years but with a rollover provision. Example, a contract might be a two year contract with a rollover provision for renewal of up to an additional year.
A specific number of years with a to renegotiate at a certain point in time. Example, you could have the contract last three years but with a chance to renegotiate after two years.
6. List Down The Coach’s Duties
Use bullet points or numbered points to explain the coach’s duties and responsibilities. Be as comprehensive and clear as possible. Example:
A coach’s duties might include the following:
The instruction of athletes
Supervision of team practices and conditioning sessions
Supervision and instruction of athletes in competitive events
Commitment to the academic success of student athletes
Selection and evaluation of all assistants, including volunteers, interns, student coaches, etc.
Recruitment of athletes
Budgeting for the team
Involvement in fundraising
Scheduling competitive events
Press relations
Adherence to the rules and policies of the school and the governing athletic association
This part should be clear so the coach will know what are expected of him. You may also see dj contract examples.
Contractor Coach Agreement Example
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Size: 91 KB
7. Put Down How Much The Coach Is Being Paid
You need to include a arrangements on compensation. If you are a high school, then your coach may only be paid a fixed regular sum. If you are a college or university, then the compensation package could be quite extensive. It will include base salary; the amount of money and the schedule for payments, benefits, such as medical, dental, disability, and life insurance, allowances such as clothing, cell phones, or fuel for travel, and bonuses; a coach may get a fixed bonus sum for any championships won by the team. Be comprehensive in this part since this will be the part that could arise conflict or misunderstanding. You may also see key differences between agreements and contracts.
8. Identify Conduct That Can Result In Termination.
Include also a termination provision. Explain what conditions can trigger termination “for cause.” Example, you might want to include any of the following:
The coach knowingly violates school or governing athletic association rules.
The coach knows that others in his or her administration have violated the rules but fails to report the violations.
The coach fails to carry out the duties specified in the contract and fails to correct any failure.
The coach is convicted of a felony.
The coach commits misconduct that harms the reputation of the university.
The coach commits fraud, e.g., by falsifying records or condoning employees who do.
The coach gambles on sports.
The coach uses substances, such as prescription drugs or alcohol, which impair the coach’s ability to perform his or her job.
The coach commits acts of violence, whether or not they result in public prosecution. You may also like employment contract examples.
Coaches of Canada Sample Coaching Contract Example
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Size: 29 KB
Cricket Club Sample Coach Contract Example
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Size: 153 KB
9. Explain What Happens If Either Side Terminates The Contract
Make sure that the contract explains what will happen if the coach or the school terminates the contract before its expiration date. If the school terminates the contract for any reason other than “for cause” then it is their duty to pay the coach money. If the coach is being let go because of misconduct, include a clause stating that the coach must resign in writing and that he or she has no entitlement to compensation or benefits after the termination date. You may also see commercial agreement examples & samples.
Also have the coach agree to pay the school a lump-sum to cover the cost of recruiting a new coach.
If the school cancels the contract, then it usually agrees to pay the coach a large fixed-sum of money and to continue benefits through the end of the contract term. In exchange, the coach agrees to sign a release, agreeing not to sue the school. There should also be a provision that the school will not have to pay money or benefits if the coach finds another job. You may also like management agreement examples & samples.
10. Include A “Non-Compete” Provision In The Contract (Optional)
You may, but not necessarily, include a provision in the contract where the coach agrees not to take another coaching job at a competing school for a certain amount of time after leaving your school. This is called a “non-compete” provision. This provision should be reasonable. Your state law will define what is reasonable, but generally you cannot prohibit the coach from working somewhere else for too long. But there are some instances that you can’t include this clause in your contract. Example, if you are a high school, you cannot prohibit a coach from working anywhere in the country. Instead, the geographic scope must be more limited. You may also check out examples of writing a wedding planner contract.
11. Insert Signature Blocks
At the bottom of the contract should create signature blocks for both the coach and the representative who will sign for the school. Usually, you will have a principal or athletic director sign for the school.
12. Show The Contract To A Lawyer
Once you have completed the draft of your contract, you should have an attorney review it. Your school probably already has a lawyer. Ask your principal or school board who your lawyer is. You can then schedule an appointment and show the lawyer your contract. She can make suggestions for revision in your contract. You might be interested in partnership agreement examples & samples.
However, if you’re school does not have a lawyer or you’re not part of a school or an academic institution, then you should find your local or state bar association. This is an organization formed by lawyers. Most bar associations run referral programs. You may also see sales agreement samples.
Sports Club Coach/Instructor Agreement Example
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Size: 277 KB
Coaching Contract Example
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Size: 108 KB
Agreement For Self Employed Coaches Example
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Size: 105 KB
Volunteer Coach Agreement Example
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Size: 108KB
13. Sign The Contract
Lastly, invite the coach to sign the contract. You should have given the coach a copy of the contract ahead of time, so that he or she could review it and make suggestions for revision. Once the contract has been signed, distribute copies. Make copies of the signed coaching contract and give the coach a copy. Store the copy of the contract in a safe place. You may also like service agreement examples.
We hope you enjoyed browsing through our sports contract examples. Don’t forget to download and use it when you will be making your own contract.