Grad School Personal Statement

Last Updated: July 24, 2024

Grad School Personal Statement


Attending grad school, applicants have to write a grad school personal statement. You may also think about this essay that would most likely be found as a requirement for a subject or a school requirement to apply. Apart from this is a part of their school requirements, this is also a way for them to get to know you. Think of it like a free statement.

10+ Grad School Personal Statement Examples

1. Personal Statements for Graduate School Template

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Size: 171 KB


2. Sample Graduation School Personal Statement

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Size: 41 KB


3. Formal Graduate School Personal Statement

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Size: 221 KB


4. Graduate School Crafting Personal Statement

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Size: 157 KB


5. Graduate School Personal Statement Example

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Size: 150 KB


6. Short Personal Statement by a Geology Student

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Size: 100 KB


7. Personal Statement for Graduate Programs Template

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Size: 202 KB


8. Basic Graduate School Personal Statement

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Size: 11 KB


9. Graduate School Personal Statement Checklist

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Size: 903 KB


10. Approaching the Graduate School Statement

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Size: 84 KB


11. Graduate School Personal Statements in PDF

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Size: 120 KB


What Is a Grad School Personal Statement?

A grad school personal statement is an essay like a personal statement that you as a candidate write. In order to talk about the program you are taking, you as an applicant for the school you plan to take and simply your likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses.

How to Write a Grad School Personal Statement?

Where do you even begin when you want to write a grad school personal statement? If you want to know the steps to writing a grad school personal statement, you can check out the personal ethics statement writing.

Step 1: Choose a Topic or a Part You Want to Talk About

To start off our tips, choose a topic like an academic goals. It should be if you already know what you want to talk about and what do you want to show the committee about your personal statement. Be careful how you may word your statement and be extra careful with what you want to talk about.

Step 2: Add the Right Tone

The tone of your writing should match the enthusiasm that you have when you write your graduate personal statement. This means that when you write, show them in words how excited or happy you are to explaining or showing who you are as a person. Draw your readers in by using the right tone.

Step 3: Give Your Reasons

Apart from giving the introduction to your personal statement, see to it that you give out your reasons for taking up grad school. Your reasons for wanting to be a part of this program as well as the reasons for choosing the school. These may not seem as important to you, but these reasons are as important to them. It is their way of getting to know you in their point of view.

Step 4: Make It Personal and True

What is so great about these personal statements is the fact that you can make them personal. However, just because you are given the chance to talk or write about it, it does not mean that you have to fabricate anything about your life, your goals, nor your reasons. As much as possible make it true. Avoid fabricating anything to make your personal statement more interesting.

Step 5: Edit Your Work for Any Mistakes

Before passing your work, always edit to check for any mistakes. The best personal statement has little to no mistakes. Of course nobody is perfect, but the best way to show that you are trying to make a good impression is by writing a good personal statement for grad school. With that is by rechecking and editing your work.


What is a grad school personal statement?

A grad school personal statement is a kind of essay that a grad school applicant is asked to write. This consists of the introduction of the applicant, their academic career, career goals, strengths, weaknesses and any information they can give about who they are as a person.

What purpose does a grad school personal statement have?

the whole purpose of a grad school personal statement is to let the committee know the person that is applying for. This means that the position in the program and to be able to see if this applicant is suitable for the program they want a position in.

How long is a grad school personal statement?

Roughly around five hundred to seven hundred words and one to two pages long. To some this may already be considered too long while others may say too short. Depending on the font size and the font you are using. The font size for this is 12 and the font that you should be using is Times New Roman or even Arial.

Having the opportunity to write your own grad school personal statement is a one in a million kind of feeling. The fact that you are given the chance to prove or to introduce yourself to a committee who may want to know you can be exciting as well. A good tip I can give you is always be truthful when you write your statement. You know yourself better than anyone, so why hide it with a lie?

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