Motivation Statement

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

Motivation Statement

How do you define motivation? What makes you motivated to do things or to achieve your goals? You may have heard the following questions being asked of you countless times before, but your answers may vary as time goes on. They may vary depending on the situation and your age. When we were young, we were told that motivation is key to getting the things we want in life. As we grow older, we know that motivation is just a key part of getting where you want to be and where you believe you need to be. We hear people talk about motivation statements in their personal lives, in their jobs, and even in letters. But what are they? Are you motivated to find out? If so, let’s go.

10+ Motivation Statement Examples

1. Motivation Statement Template

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Size: 83 KB


2. Sample Motivation Statement

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Size: 123 KB


3. Personal Motivation Statement Template

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Size: 61 KB


4. Motivation Letter Personal Statement

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Size: 59 KB


5. Qualifications and Motivation Statement

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Size: 119 KB


6. Motivational Statement Form Template

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Size: 94 KB


7. Motivation Problem Statement

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Size: 449 KB


8. Motivation Statement in PDF

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Size: 106 KB


9. Formal Motivation Statement

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Size: 235 KB


10. Printable Motivation Statement

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Size: 67 KB


11. Motivation Statement for Admission

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Size: 190 KB


What Is a Motivation Statement?

A motivation statement is a kind of document, a kind of statement that is expected to be a page long. What is expected of a motivation statement is something the reader would know about you and what makes you tick or what keeps you motivated to achieve things. In addition to that, motivation statements are used as part of the requirements to apply for either a university or a job position. These statements act as a way for you to showcase the reason why you are the best candidate for this job, the school, or this position. The purpose of a motivation statement is to give you the opportunity to prove that you have the capability and that you have the inspiration to do things people may not always choose or want.

How to Write a Motivation Statement

Where do you even begin when it comes to writing a motivation statement? This may have been the same question you ask yourself when you are tasked to write a motivation statement may it be for personal reasons, for a job application, or for a scholarship application for school. To be able to write a good motivation statement, the following steps will help you out.

1. Get to Know More About It

Do your research on what you are going to be writing about. Apart from knowing why you should be writing a motivation statement, understand the purpose behind it. What or why are you writing a motivation statement for? Get to know the reason behind why you are writing a motivation letter or a motivation statement. If the reason happens to be that of a job or a scholarship for school, understand more about it. It is always best to prepare before you write.

2. Make It Personal and Sincere

What better way than to write your motivation statement in a more personal and sincere way? Writing a sincere and personal statement when you talk about what keeps you motivated to do the task or to be a part of the team makes it sound like you are more interested than making it sound too generic.

3. Add the Reason Why

There will be some time when your employer or the committee may ask why you are determined enough to apply to this particular position or this particular school. So it is safe to say that you should also at least place the reason why you are writing the statement, apart from it being a requirement of the course.

4. Clear and Concise All the Way

Clarity and consistency are also the keys when making your motivation statement. This is why it is always best to draft your writing statement before you make it the final output. This is also a reason why watching what you write and how you write should be important too. Be clear with what you are trying to say, and be consistent with it as well.


What is a motivation statement?

A document that is written in order to express one’s desire to achieve great things. A document that is drafted in order to describe a person’s willingness to do or to accept the experience they may gain from achieving something.

Why is it important to state in the letter your motivation?

It is important to state in any kind of document why you are motivated to do these things in order for the person reading that you are the type of person who would never say no to a challenge.

How long is a motivation statement?

The most common length of a motivation statement is a page long. Anything longer than that may not be considered.

What makes you motivated? You may have remembered the question from the beginning of this article. Your answer may have already varied after you read the article. But one thing is for certain, always be motivated to do the things you do. To be motivated to give it your all.

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