Resume Objective Statement

Last Updated: June 24, 2024

Resume Objective Statement

Writing a general resume is easy, but creating an objective statement for your resume is a different story. Creating an objective for a resume can be easy if you know the right things to say and write. Resume objectives in the resume helps employers understand your purpose of applying, the skills you have and the job title you are applying for.

9+ Resume Objective Statement Examples

1. Business Resume Objective Statement

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Size: 588 KB


2. Editable Resume Objective Statement

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Size: 148 KB


3. Mechanic Resume Objective Statement

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Size: 16 KB


4. Professional Resume Objective Statement

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Size: 161 KB


5. Resume Objective Statement Example

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Size: 371 KB


6. Sample Objective Statement

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Size: 25 KB


7. Formal Resume Objective Statement

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Size: 707 KB


8. Simple Resume Objective Statement

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Size: 43 KB


9. Resume Objective Statement in Format

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Size: 308 KB


10. Undergraduate Resume Objective Statement

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Size: 280 KB


What Is a Resume Objective Statement?

A resume objective statement is a brief paragraph often found at the very beginning of the resume. The resume objective statement outlines the applicant’s career goalscareer objectives, and career summary. The objective statement highlights the skills, experience and achievements of the applicant.

How to Write a Resume Objective Statement

Writing resume objective statements is really important to be found in a resume, as this is what you are aiming for and how employers will see if you are also a fit for the job you are applying for. So here are some tips on writing that objective statement.

Step 1: Check Your Grammar

Always check your grammar when you are making your resume objective statements. Many employers would always check your grammar and how you write your objective statements in your resume. Check your grammar and usage before sending the resume. Jargon are also important here so be careful.

Step 2: Keep It Professional

Do not add any other unnecessary words in your objective statement. Keep it professional. An objective statement is not an essay nor a paragraph that you should write a lot of unnecessary information in your resume summary statement.

Step 3: State Your Purpose

State the purpose in your resume objective statement. In your objective statement, write down the purpose of your application, your skills, and your job title. Never let your employers assume the purpose of your resume. This is already expected.

Step 4: Be Mindful of the Tone in Your Statement

Be mindful how you word your statements. Your employers may ask you about this and can detect if you are lying or not. Do also mind the tone of how you write your statement. Do not be too proud that you may lose sight of what you are aiming for.


What other details are included in an objective statement?

A resume objective statement is where you write what you are aiming to do. Are you aiming to achieve the job title you are applying for? If so, add it. Resume objective statements formats are often in bullet form but you can also write it in the form of a short paragraph.

Why do I need an objective?

The purpose of an objective is to reach your goal. What your goal is, write it down.

Is a resume and an objective both important to have when applying for a job?

Yes. You need a resume when applying for a job. An objective is simply there to guide you reach your goals.

A few things to remember when writing an objective statement for your resume. Keep it at a professional tone. Do avoid writing objectives that are too impossible to achieve. Keep it practical. Be honest in your resume’s and do not let your employer believe you have the skills that you possess for the job if you don’t. List only the skills you believe you have and can help you with the job title you are applying for. Watch your words and tone. It is best to keep it professional from the beginning to the end. With that being said, good luck on your next job hunt.

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