Statement of Qualifications

Last Updated: June 24, 2024

Statement of Qualifications

A corporate statement of qualification is a must-have document for anyone bidding on contracts or trying to win new customers. This document proves that the company can deliver a product, provide a service, or manage any project. This statement allows you to set your company apart from the competition. Here are some statement templates to assist you in creating a solid qualification statement.

10+ Statement of Qualifications Examples

1. Partnership Statement of Qualifications

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 232 KB


2. Statement of Qualifications Evaluation

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  • PDF

Size: 139 KB


3. Environmental Statement of Qualifications

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 2 MB


4. Workforce Statement of Qualifications

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  • PDF

Size: 4 MB


5. Request for Statement of Qualifications

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 135 KB


6. Candidate Statement of Qualifications

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 29 KB


7. Architecture Statement of Qualifications

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  • PDF

Size: 677 KB


8. Statement of Qualifications and Limitation

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  • PDF

Size: 229 KB


9. Contractors Statement of Qualifications

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  • PDF

Size: 47 KB


10. Statement of Qualifications Certification

File Format
  • PDF

Size: 950 KB


11. Receipt of Statement of Qualifications

File Format
  • DOC

Size: 59 KB


What Is a Statement of Qualifications?

A statement of qualifications, alternatively referred to as a qualifications summary, is the section of your resume that summarizes your most essential skills and capabilities in a four- to six-bullet list. This should be tailored to the job description’s requirements to persuade the reviewer of your ability to succeed if hired. This section should serve as a supplement to your work experience and education sections, emphasizing essential qualifications without duplicating content elsewhere. It is seen at the top of your resume to establish a positive tone and entice the hiring manager to continue reading.

How To Create a Statement of Qualification?

When we talk about a statement of qualifications, more isn’t always better. Because the hiring manager won’t have much time to read it, it’s best to address the capabilities quickly and succinctly. Make it simple for the screening panel to recognize you as one of the best candidates. A reader should skim through it quickly and extract the information they require, which is how you meet the required and desirable qualifications. If you are interested, here are some tips on how to create one.

1. Create a Word document.

Open MS Word and create a Word document for your qualification statement. To write the document, select a professional font style and font size. You can use various designs and styles, but they must be experienced.

2. Identify Your Target

Conduct research on your prospective employer. Solicit information about the target company’s requirements from your team. While selecting a partner, consider your prospective client’s thoughts and ideas. Additionally, it would help if you researched the competitors that are currently collaborating with your target company.

3. Formalize your Structure

Begin with a summary of your company’s primary business activity and then provide an overview of your company, including its size, location, revenue, and employee count. Include a list of your company’s products and services, along with a brief description of each. You could discuss your company’s clients and your relationship with them.

4. Collect information

Different departments within your company will collect information and analyze the prospective company you wish to work with. Collect all of the information from them and incorporate it into your qualification statement section by section.

5. Conducting a Document Review

Ensure that you thoroughly review your document before presenting it to your client. You need to draw attention to your strong point. Continue to update the most recent information on the form.


What is the best way to inform someone about their qualifications?

When questions about your qualifications arise, be prepared to respond to why you will be a good fit. The interviewer may directly inquire as to what qualifies you for the job. Utilize this question to share information about yourself with the interviewer that is not included in your resume.

What does a statement look like?

The definition of a statement or a document that shows the account’s balance is something that is said or written. The thesis statement of a paper is an example of a statement. A statement is an example of this. You can also check the Sample statements.

Is a cover letter the same as a statement of qualifications?

A qualification letter resembles a cover letter. Both letters accompany your curriculum vitae and explain why and what you want to do. However, all qualifications listed in the job description have to be addressed in a letter of qualification. Contract samples are also available online.

A Qualifications Statement reveals your qualifications and makes you feel the best. Now that an employing manager reviews your CV, he will see that you can become a rock star in their job opening with the relevant skills, experience, and achievements. What are you waiting for? Check out the templates, and start creating your statement now!

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