How to Structure a Report

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

How to Structure a Report

What Is a Report?

A report writing is a document that is with a clear purpose to a particular audience and has the intention of relaying an information. The report contains information and evidence of a specific subject matter. It also includes data and facts that are significant in a particular subject.

Commonly, the report has a formal structure. This structure is widely used business report, project report, and/or research report. The structure includes:

  • The title page
  • The acknowledgment
  • The table of contents
  • The executive summary
  • The procedure and method
  • The introduction
  • The body
  • The conclusion
  • The reference
  • The recommendations

The Importance and Uses of a Report

The reports are widely used today, it is used in business reports and in schools to properly communicate the information and express it naturally in such a way that it will be easily understood by the audience.

The report are used

  • to document a series of events, such as in an incident report or police report.
  • to explain the results and findings of a research report.
  • to properly convey the facts and data.
  • to understand a decision and the course of action.
  • to present an information in a presentable manner that can be easily understood.

The Limitation of a Report

All kinds of a report must have a limitation or exception. This prevents the report to receive criticism from other people about the research methods and the results of conclusion. The limitation of the report talks about what information is included in credit report did not cover. These limitations are the constraints that impacted or influenced the data and information of a report.

The limitations of a report are usually included in the methodology section of the report. However, the researcher or the one who created the report are usually the ones who decides where the limitation should be written.

The Conclusion of a Report

The conclusion of the report is the part of the report where it is tricky to write. The conclusion is more like the introduction that summarizes the report. However, the conclusion of the report is not only used to summarize the report, it is also where the solution of the problem is being addressed and discussed.

The solution in the conclusion must be properly and clearly stated as these solutions are further expanded and discussed in the recommendation part of the technical report. If the solutions in the conclusions are not enough and uncertain, it may affect the recommendations in the report.

Guidelines for Writing a Report Structure

Here are the guidelines for writing a report structure.

  • Begin with the title page, containing title, your name, submission date.
  • Follow it with the executive summary.
  • The table of contents must always be present in a longer report.
  • The report must have the 3 main parts:
    • Introduction – terms of reference and the outline of the report.
    • Body – contains headings and subheading to highlight importance
    • Conclusion – major interference and the overview of the solution
  • Included in the report structure is the list of references.
  • End the report with the appendix.

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