8+ Student Award Certificate Examples to Download

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Motivating students is hard to achieve. Parents or guardians usually do the motivation, but sometimes their kids lose the will to perform a high standard when they arrive at school. At this rate, teachers and other school personnel do the motivating, and one effective method they use is giving out award certificates.

Giving out professional award certificates is one method to keep students motivated and involved. Here are some award certificate templates to help you if you will be creating your own student award certificate.

Abstract Border Student Award Certificate Example

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Blue Outstanding Student Award Certificate Example

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Colorful Student Award Certificate Example

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Importance of Giving Out Student Awards

As previously mentioned, student awards are needed to motivate students. Compared to adult workers or employees who don’t necessarily need recognition to achieve in their respective fields, students are different. Technically, they are still children who need to be nurtured and yet to fully grasp life’s difficult challenges. You may also see examples of certificate of achievement.

Giving out student awards is one method to keep students focused in their academic life. Although there are activities that mold them to become better persons (leadership programs) and help them develop their interpersonal skills (field trips), nothing compares to staying focused in the classroom. The end goal for every student is to graduate, and handing out student awards is to help them achieve that goal.

Basically, student awards are just a means to achieve the end that is graduation. It does not mean that if students receive an award, they get an automatic pass for graduation. But there are numerous schools around the world that make it easier for deserving students to graduate especially if they are recipients of numerous awards. You may also like examples of certificate of appreciation.

To make things clear, student awards are not distractions for the student to achieve his or her ultimate goal to graduate. Student awards are not mandatory graduation requirements, and it will depend on the student if he plans on attaining that award or not.

Clearly, if students are not motivated they do not perform well. There is no single school or university that praises mediocrity for its student.

Parents and students also demand the best education for their students, and deserve nothing less. If they see that the school that their children is enrolled in does not offer quality education, then the school can be easily be reported to a governing body (in most countries, a government bureau that oversees all school activities). You may also check out soccer award certificate examples.

Additionally, schools who produce quality graduates always results in more individuals enrolling in those schools. It is a win-win situation for not only the schools or universities but also to students and parents.

Star Student Award Certificate Example

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Printable Student Award Certificate Example

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Free Student Award Certificate Example

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Types of Student Awards

Before giving the award to deserving students, you first need to identify which award you will be handing out. Listed below are the different types of student awards. Feel free the choose which award fits your student best, but if you plan to create your own then go ahead.

1. Academic Scholarship Award

An academic scholarship award is given to a deserving student or students who maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) required by the school or university. In some schools, this award also requires the student to undergo a specific project, thesis, or research work that is beneficial to the overall operations of the school, while also maintaining a high GPA. In a sense, the student is working on a project that is funded by the school in which the said school also benefits from the project.

An academic scholarship is probably one of the most difficult awards to obtain, and maintain as well. If the student averages a lower GPA than the one required to maintain the award, he loses the scholarship. Although this award is difficult to obtain, it does not require a genius with a 200 IQ to get the award. You may also see training certificate examples.

As long as the student is motivated, focused, and determined, then there is no reason he cannot obtain an academic scholarship.

2. Athletic Scholarship Award

An athletic scholarship is the sports equivalent of an academic scholarship. If academic scholarships mainly focus on academics, athletic scholarships meanwhile focus on the student’s extracurricular activities, specifically sports. In most schools or universities, they still require the student to maintain a GPA, but not as high compared to the GPA being maintained by an academic scholar. You may also like certificate examples in pdf.

The sole reason for this is that the student represents the school in all sports tournaments in which the school is participating. The student simply cannot keep a high GPA if he or she is undergoing training for 4–6 hours a day in preparation for a tournament.

An athletic scholarship is not only given to students participating in individual sports (track and field, athletics, swimming, tennis, table tennis, etc.) but for students involved in team sports as well (soccer, basketball, football/rugby, baseball, volleyball, etc.). As long as the students are consistently performing well in their respective sports while maintaining a consistent GPA, then their athletic scholarship stands. You may also check out loyalty award certificate examples.

3. Inspiring Student Leadership Award

The inspiring student leadership award is given to the deserving student who has inspired his fellow peers to achieve success. This award is usually given to the student who operates behind the scenes—a silent motivator and goal-driven competitor, yet makes sure the activities that his fellow classmates or students are involved succeeds. You might be interested in examples of certification of participation.

The recipients of the previous awards are mostly decided by the school, but the recipient of this award is voted by the students themselves. The student body is in the better position to decide who wins the award as they are the ones who interact and deal with each other more on a daily basis, compared to teachers or instructors. You may also see examples of certificate of completion.

4. Leadership Award

When the inspiring student leadership award focuses on the silent student leader, the leadership award meanwhile focuses on the vocal student leader. The leadership award is handed out to the student who has shown outstanding leadership in various student activities (i.e., student government, social services, mass media, etc.). You may also like certification templates & examples.

The leadership award is given to the student who participated in a combination of co-curricular and extracurricular activities, and not just being a class president or batch spokesperson.

The leadership award is given to the student who is a ambassador or role model not only to his fellow peers but also to the school. The recipient is usually the first person sent by the school or university for leadership programs, corporate events, and academic gatherings. You may also check out examples of sports certificate.

5. Class or School Honor Award

The class or school honor award is similar to the academic scholarship award, but this award is given to students based on their cumulative GPA.

Most schools or universities require students to achieve a 90–100% cumulative GPA before they receive the said award. This award is purely academic, as the only requirement for the student to obtain this award is to have high grades on all subjects he or she is enrolled in. In some schools, class or school honor recipients are also highly considered for academic scholarships. You might be interested in basketball awards certificates.

6. Service Award

The service award (also called as the volunteer service award) is given to the student or students who were heavily involved in volunteer activities sponsored by the school or university. Mere involvement is not enough for the student to win the said award, but he needs to have a major contribution in the overall success of the volunteer activity. You may also see completion certificate examples.

For example, if the volunteer activity is a food and clothes donation program, the student should not only be present in the actual day where the clothes and food are given out, but should already have an active role in organizing the activity (setting the time and date, compiling necessary paperwork, reaching out to various volunteer organizations as well as to the community where the donation will be given out). You may also like bravery award certificate examples.

7. Student Organization Award

The student organization award is given not only to a single student but to the leaders of a student organization who have positively represented the school or university in various co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

In a school, there are numerous organizations that represent different fields of studies, each having their own identity and values. Organizations usually represent the school in various community programs, academic gatherings, and corporate seminars/workshops. You may also see modern certificate examples.

The school’s governing body decides if an organization will be functional or will be allowed to recruit members. This is to avoid some students forming organizations which contribute nothing to the student population or the school itself. An example of student organizations are fraternities and sororities. You may also like certificate examples in word.

Vintage Border Outstanding Student Certificate Example

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Size: 67 KB


Volunteer Student Award Certificate Example

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Size: 62 KB


Yellow Border Student Award Certificate Example

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We hope the examples we provided will help you create your own student award certificate.

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