Student Questionnaire on Poverty

Part 1: General Information

  1. What is your name (optional)?
  2. How old are you?
  3. What grade or year are you in?

Part 2: Understanding of Poverty

  1. How would you define poverty?
  2. What do you think are the main causes of poverty?
    • Examples: lack of education, unemployment, discrimination, economic inequality.
  3. Do you think poverty is a global issue, a local issue, or both? Why?
  4. Have you learned about poverty in any of your classes or through personal research?
    • A. Yes
    • B. No

Part 3: Personal Perspectives

  1. How do you think poverty impacts individuals and families?
    • Examples: health, education, housing, mental well-being.
  2. What do you think are the biggest challenges faced by people living in poverty?
  3. Have you ever witnessed or experienced poverty in your community?
    • A. Yes
    • B. No
    If yes, can you describe what you observed or experienced?

Part 4: Solutions to Poverty

  1. What actions do you think can help reduce poverty?
    • Examples: education programs, job training, government policies, community support.
  2. Do you think individuals can make a difference in addressing poverty?
    • A. Yes
    • B. No
    If yes, how can individuals contribute?
  3. What role do you think schools, communities, or governments should play in addressing poverty?

Part 5: Reflection and Awareness

  1. How has learning about poverty influenced your perspective on social issues?
  2. Do you think poverty can be completely eliminated? Why or why not?
  3. What steps can you take to raise awareness about poverty or help those in need?
  4. Is there anything else you would like to share about your thoughts or experiences related to poverty?

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