Teaching Statement

Last Updated: June 19, 2024

Teaching Statement

Teaching statement is a kind of document that is helpful in terms of teaching. It is basically writing a value statement on your teaching styles and techniques, that you are capable in teaching and giving the right information to your students and also giving them extra knowledge in order to widen their learning in the class. Also, see our statement examples in pdf.

In writing a teaching statement, you need you need to grab the attention of the reader like for example, state that how really skilled, dedicated and passionate you are in teaching. In that way, the reader would already know you on how good you are in teaching even though he/she haven’t met you yet personally and shared an experience. It is the summary of your job or a work statement that you state all the highlight about how you do your job as well as how you deal with the students.

Philosophy of Teaching Statement

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Academic Teaching Sample

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Faculty Teaching Statement

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Finance Teaching Example

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Personal Statement

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A need statement of teaching the way on how you will explain your qualities and capabilities in teaching, in this statement example in word you need to sell yourself in order to be appreciated and qualified to the position that you wish to apply or if your superior requesting you to make one. It is more likely kind of a personal statement. But the very common in writing concept statement for teaching is they write and refer to the teaching philosophy. Some individual is using declarative impact statement. Like for example, a most common line that others practice to write is “students don’t learn through lecture,” or “the only way to teach is to use class discussion” in that way it is like you all have the answers. You must use philosophy in the statement example in excel but you need to write it in a good manner that couldn’t disappoint the reader.

In creating a teaching statement, there are important pieces of information that you need to state in order to make your statement stands out to the crowd or to the readers. also, see our free statements and don’t forget to hit download.

  • Your objective as a teacher. make sure to be more relevant in your objective statements about the students learning. you need to be specific. In that way, the readers could notice you already as a good teacher.
  • Your strategies in teaching. state all your effective strategies in your teaching. and also don’t forget to state at least 2 example that can support to your strategies based on your experience.
  • Student’s learning. It is important to make include the learnings of the students, state also examples on how you made techniques so that the students would focus on their studies.

Nursing Teaching Example

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Personal Teaching Statement

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Professional Teaching Sample

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Reflective Teaching

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Student Teaching Statement

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Teaching Statement of Purpose

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Size: 70 KB


In creating a Philosophy statement of teaching, it is a narrative way of explaining your belief in teaching and how you put it in an effective way practice. also, includes examples like statement examples in excel;

  • The conception of your teaching and learning that could support you as an effective teacher that you could handle different kinds of students.
  • The description on how you teach is also important that could demonstrate how you’ve been purposeful in your teaching.
  • Your description and justification on why are you teaching in that way must also include in order to be more concrete and supporting details about your philosophy in teaching. In that way, you can state at least 2 examples that your belief in teaching is effective based on your experience.

Check out our free examples of Settlement Statement Examples.

Now that you have gone through a lot on our website, here are some guidelines that could help you if you are planning to write a teaching statement. also, check our free examples of a management statement.

  • Write honestly. you need to write it in an honest way so that your statement may be looked different to others. Just write all your belief in teaching based on your experience that could not make your statement flowery. Be honest on what you are writing just make sure that all of it comes to your experience.
  • Keep it short statement. 1 to 2 pages of statement is advisable to all. Maybe the committee had read a lot prior to your statement, In that case, if he/she found out your statement is very long there is a tendency that he/she would not read your statement. You need to make it point by point and focus on the student’s learning, that could notice the reader that you are concern about the student’s learning.

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