How to Write a Thank-You Note after a Letter of Rejection?

Last Updated: April 27, 2024

How to Write a Thank-You Note after a Letter of Rejection?

The thing is, everything in the industry is a gamble. Whether this is in regards to a decision that a company makes or the people they appoint for a position. Surviving in the industry also involves a lot of risks, for employers and employees alike.

There may be instances when a proposed collaboration between two companies is declined due to certain circumstances or when an employee is rejected for a position despite their thank-you note for a work experience. Although this is often perceived as a failure, some things just aren’t meant to be and there’s no reason to be bitter about it. Instead, you should be thankful that the opportunity was even brought about in the first place.

How to Write a Thank-You Note after a Letter of Rejection?

Sometimes when you apply for a job, you’re given the chance to prove yourself through a series of screenings, such as a written exam and an interview. Even so, this does not guarantee you a sure spot for the position as there could be a dozen more applicants who are as equally competitive as you.

For an employer, their job is to narrow down their options to the one most qualified. Naturally, you either made the cut or not. Unfortunately, there may be instances where somebody else possesses the traits they are looking for. In the end, you get a rejection email letter saying that you didn’t get the job.

During instances like this, it’s important to maintain a professional and a positive attitude. You can reach out to the recruiter one more time through a thank-you note. In this note, you’re free to express your disappointment for not getting the position but this may also be your last opportunity to be reconsidered for the role. After all, there’s always the possibility of the other candidate backing out. Remember, a recruiter may feel bad for delivering the unfortunate news so be sensitive enough and try not to make things worst for them.

Guidelines for Writing a Thank-You Note After a Letter of Rejection

  • Always be polite. Despite your emotional state, you need to keep your calm. You should end the same way you started and you can do so by maintaining a positive vibe.
  • Be specific. When writing a thank-you note in pdf, you need to point out the things that you are thankful for. You can thank the recruiter for the time and consideration given in your favor. Despite the disappointment, the whole ordeal is a learning experience that can help you grow into becoming better.
  • Request for a follow-up. Asking for a follow-up on updates for future job openings is a good way to sell yourself, especially if you really want to work in that specific company. After all, what’s not here for you today might be there for you tomorrow.
  • Ask for feedback. Although it’s not likely for a recruiter to provide you with a definite answer, it still wouldn’t hurt to try. Sometimes, asking for feedback will give you a peace of mind.

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