Transfer Request Letter

Last Updated: April 28, 2024

Transfer Request Letter

There is no such thing as certainty; one day you wake up thinking you know what you want to do for the rest of your life, the next thing you know, you already want to do something else. This can be about your personal preferences or choices and it can also be about your professional life. Although you are still trying to figure out or planning your future and you might still be unsure, one thing remains certain: you want to do something worthwhile. It may not be through grand philanthropic way, you just want to make an impact, and with that comes in changes you necessarily have to make and face.

With all that being said, you have now realized that change is the only constant thing in the world. It may be changes that you voluntarily adhere yourself into or changes that are compulsory and you have no choice but to go through it. Once you start your professional career, it is common that you start determined and sure; however, through the course of time, you may find yourself doubting and wanting more. You may decide to pursue another career or widen your scope by trying something new; either way that is a welcomed change that will help you gain more experiences and knowledge.

That case in point, there will be times in your professional life that you may want to work on a new project, work for another department or division, or move into another location. But even though you want these changes, you still want to work for under the same organization or company. Therefore, you will have to make an official request to have the management transfer you to another project, department/division, or another location or branch. But, how do you make a professional and effective transfer request letter? Fret not, this guide is here to help you make a well-written and good quality transfer request letter.

transfer request letter

Reasons for Writing a Transfer Request Letter

Although it’s quite obvious why individuals or employees write a transfer request letter, there can be other possible reasons for writing the said letter. As mentioned earlier, maybe the employee wants to put himself/herself to change or he/she thinks that it is the best professional measure he/she has to make. Listed below are the few possible reasons why there is a need to write a transfer request letter:

  • Handle another position in the company
  • Work with new challenges
  • Improve skills and/or develop new skills
  • Remove himself/herself from tensions within a team
  • Requesting for a lighter load due to age or illness
  • Want change in the type or nature of work such as excessive travel
  • Personal reasons such as sudden family relocation
  • Transfer and work in a different branch of the same company

Goals of a Transfer Request Letter

As much as you want you transfer request letter to be effective, there will be instances where you don’t really know what to write or hot to even begin writing the letter. However, setting up goals you need to achieve through your transfer request letter may help you with that. Here is a list on what your transfer request letter should be able to accomplish in order to deem it effective:

  • Immediately state or explain the purpose of the letter in the first sentence
  • State the position, division, team, or project that you are applying for
  • Mention or state your name and current position you hold in the company
  • Highlight and showcase your valuable experiences and abilities
  • Show loyalty to the company by praising or complimenting the company on its goals and achievements
  • Clearly explain why you want to advance or transfer in the company
  • Show appreciation for the opportunities the company has given you

Transfer Request Letter due to Health Problem

Transfer Request Letter due to Health Problem
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Size: 63 KB


Transfer Request Letter on Spouse Ground

Transfer Request Letter on Spouse Ground
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Size: 49 KB


Transfer Request Letter from One Branch to Another

Transfer Request Letter from One Branch to Another
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Size: 58 KB


Transfer Request Letter for Bank Employee

Transfer Request Letter for Bank Employee
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Size: 51 KB


Transfer Request Letter

Transfer Request Letter1
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Transfer Request Letter Format Example

Transfer Request Letter Format Example

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LC Transfer Request Letter Example

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Electrical Engineer Transfer Request Letter Example

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Teacher Transfer Request Letter Example

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Bank Transfer Request Letter Example

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Size: 54 KB


How to Write an Effective Transfer Request Letter

Basically, your transfer request letter is your cover letter to advance your position, move from another team or division, or relocate to another branch in the same company. It is your letter that will help you sell yourself so that you may be able to transfer to the position, team, or branch you want to go to. You need to be able to communicate your purpose clearly and convincingly. Here is an easy guide you can follow to write an effective transfer request letter:

1. Follow business letter format

Since this letter will be addressed to your boss, it is only right to follow a professional format. In writing a transfer request letter, you should follow a business letter format so that the structure as well as the necessary contents are polished and clean. First, you should include a return address or your address and contact information as the sender of the letter; if following a business letter format, it should be placed on the upper left-hand corner of your paper. After leaving a single line, the date when the letter is made should be indicated. Skipping a single line, you should then include the receiver’s name and address. After that, you should start your letter with the salutation that would look like “Dear Mr. Smith,” this is the formal greeting of your letter.

2. Explain the purpose of the letter

Immediately after the salutation, you should state the purpose of you writing the letter. Since this is a transfer request letter, you should explain why you are writing the letter and why you are requesting for a transfer. Providing context behind your decision is very important as this will be one of the deciding factors that your boss will look into considering your request. The explanation of your purpose should be direct and straightforward; although there is a need to provide context, always stick to the point you are trying to make.

3. State your current position in the company

You should remind your senior of the current position you hold in the company. If available, state your employee number and a brief description of the responsibilities you have with that position. You can also emphasize the number of years you have been with the company.

4. Highlight skills and expertise

In relation to the previous step, you should highlight the skills and expertise you have that you developed through the line of work you have continuously done. You can also include a brief recount of the achievements you have gained while being the said position, this will help you get convince your employer that you are an asset and a way for you to let them know you are capable of new responsibilities. Aside from that, just like in a cover letter, showcasing your relevant skills and expertise will help you get the approval for your request.

5. Explain how the transfer will be beneficial

The benefit of the transfer should not only be limited to one party, mainly to you. You should be able to explain and convince your employer that the transfer will not only help you but also the company in the sense that you will be able help other employees with your expertise and can help impart your knowledge about how to achieve the goals the company has set for them. Aside form that, you can also make your employer realize that exposing you to other lines of work and making you experience new things while still being in the company will make you an exceptional employee that can help the company realize its goals.

6. Ensure clarity of points

To sum up your letter, you should briefly summarize and clarify the points you have made so far. You should make sure that you are able to explain your points and reasons clearly so that you can have a bigger chance of getting the approval that you want. Aside from that, reading through the letter especially if it’s quite long will move your employer’s focus, reiterating your points will remind your employer the main purpose why you wrote the letter in the first place. The conclusion of your letter should be a comprehensive summary of your entire letter.

7. Close the letter professionally

You should close your letter professionally, not only because it is what’s professionally right but more so because it is respectful. Use the appropriate complimentary close such Sincerely, Respectfully, Yours, etc. After your complimentary close, affix your signature above your signature line consisting of your name and position/designation.

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Fund Transfer Request Letter Format Example

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Transport Transfer Request Letter Example

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Government Funds Transfer Request Letter Example

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Job Transfer Request Letter Format Example

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Size: 105 KB



Be reminded that a transfer request letter is not only limited to employment transfer, it can also be used to request for payment from another party. However, this type of letter is mainly used for requesting transfer of employment. This will help you convince your employer so that you can get the approval for your transfer request. We hope that you learned about a transfer request letter with the help of this guide.

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