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Travel Survey Examples to Download

Travel Survey Examples

We all love to travel, don’t we? We all have that innate desire to explore the new and unfamiliar. July 16, 1969. The day that the world will remember when Apollo 11 first landed on the moon with the astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin and Michael Collins. A truly historic day indeed. Imagine how those three felt knowing that they were the first men on the moon- when technology has finally allowed them to travel to the cosmos allowing them to explore the new and unfamiliar. In these modern times, the internet has made reviews of a country more accessible and easier for other people to check for their reference. You may also see what is a survey questionnaire?

There are some countries that people would highly recommend to visit at a certain season (e.g. Japan, China, the U.S.A.). But there are also other countries that people would not bother to recommend at all because of the unpleasant experience they had during their stay or perhaps it was something else entirely. So, how would you be able to step up the country’s tourism game when you do not even know what the root cause of the problem is? You may also like how to write the perfect survey.

What is a Travel Survey?

Which is the reason why it is important to conduct a travel survey in order to understand your audience and where they normally travel to? Travel surveys (or travel diaries or travel behavior inventories) are surveys that pertain to individual travel behavior. This kind of survey collects personal information about the individual’s socio-economic, demographic, psychographic factors, their household size, structure, relationships, and a diary of their journeys on a given day (e.g. where they travel, how they travel, and their travel dates). Interestingly, travel surveys are often conducted in various metropolitan cities typically once every ten years. You may also check out health questionnaire examples.

Recent or Continuous City-Wide Travel Surveys

Listed below are the countries that had recently conducted a travel survey along with the number of households that were given the survey:

Auckland, New Zealand – The last travel survey was conducted in 2006 that involved at least 6,000 households in the greater region of Auckland.

Brisbane, Australia – For Brisbane, they do not conduct their surveys once a decade, but every 2 years ever since 2003 to around 6,000 households. The South East Queensland Travel Survey would normally collect their travel data in the Greater Brisbane region as well as the neighboring areas of Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast. You may also see examples of self-administered questionnaire & samples.

Hobart, Australia– In this part of Australia however, at least 200 households are asked to help answer the Greater Hobart Household Travel Survey each month totaling at 2400 households per year.

London, United Kingdom – The London Travel Demand Survey collects their data via face-to-face interview from at least 8,000 households.

Sydney, Australia – The Household Travel Survey collects their travel data every year from approximately 3,500 households in the Sydney Greater Metropolitan Region. You may also like survey questions to ask your customers.

Washington, United States – The last known survey conducted by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments was done in 2007 from at least 10,000 households.

Travel Survey Example

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Simple Travel Survey Example

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Sample Travel Survey

As mentioned before making a  travel survey is sometimes just not about the place you have visited itself, but it is also about understanding the people who you are trying to survey for data and research purposes to better know the customer preferences of certain preferences. There is no limit to how many questions you are going to have in your survey. Just as long as you know that the questions that you will be posting will be relevant to the data-gathering process. You may also see survey questionnaire examples to help provide you a better example of making a survey.

Dear Passenger:

We are pleased you have chosen to travel with us. In order to provide you with the best possible travel experience, we would like to know a little more about you and why you are traveling. You can help us by taking a few moments to complete this questionnaire.

Thank you for your assistance.

1. What is your main purpose in taking this trip? Please check only one answer.

  • Business
  • Pleasure/Personal

2. Which of the following phrases best describes the exact nature of this trip? You may have more than one answer to this question.

  • Internal company business (visit regional office, plant or attend a company meeting)
  • External company business (sales call, visit customer or vendor)
  • Official government/military business
  • Attend industry meeting/trade show
  • Attend a convention
  • Accompany family member on business/convention
  • Other business (not described above)
  • Incentive travel (company-paid pleasure trip)
  • Visit friends/relatives
  • Visit resort
  • Cruise
  • My trip will (did) include plans to sightsee
  • My trip will (did) include plans to ski
  • My trip will (did) include plans to golf/tennis
  • Personal affairs (moving; to/from school)
  • Personal emergency (illness, etc.)
  • Vacation or other personal reason

3. Did you yourself call to make the arrangements for this flight or this trip?

  • Yes
  • No

4. If you were particularly dissatisfied with any of Jackson Kennedy’s Airport procedures at the airport you departed, please mention the following areas which you have expressed disappointment:

  • Curbside baggage check-in
  • (Company) ticket counter
  • Express baggage/Seat check-in counter
  • Security checkpoint
  • Red Carpet Room
  • Boarding gate check-in counter
  • Aircraft boarding
  • Other

5. If you were particularly dissatisfied with any of Jackson Kennedy’s Airport personnel at the airport you just departed, please indicate the kind of personnel you have expressed dismay upon:

  • Skycap
  • Ticket counter agent
  • Express baggage agent
  • Security checkpoint personnel
  • Red Carpet Room receptionist
  • Boarding gate agent(s)
  • Flight attendant (during boarding)
  • Other

6. Were there certain aspects or highlights of the country that you enjoyed the most? Please enumerate and explain each in a sentence.

7. Were there certain aspects or highlights of the country that you enjoyed the least? Please enumerate and explain each in a sentence.

8.Were there certain aspects or highlights of the country that you thought could be improved or made better? Please enumerate and explain each in a sentence.

9. Overall, did you have a good and enjoyable stay in the country?

10. Would you recommend your friends or loved ones to visit this country?

11. What could have been done to serve you better?

travel hong kong

Even in making the survey, it is always best to keep it short and simple so that your respondents will not be overwhelmed by how much they would still need to think about the questions. You may also see how to develop survey questions.


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