13+ Wedding Budget Examples
A wedding budget is an estimation of projected costs of all wedding expenses. To draw a budget, you will need to add your savings, prepare for unexpected costs, make cuts where necessary and maintain a spreadsheet to prevent exceeding the planned amount.
We know this is hard work, which is why we include 11+ wedding examples and templates for you. Also, putting in the work and energy now will ensure that you have a debt-free wedding.
Wedding Budget Examples & Templates
Wedding Budget Template

Printable Wedding Budget Worksheet

Wedding Budget Worksheet Template

Do you need a wedding budget template? The answer is a resounding yes. In fact, it’s rare that your marriage will go to plan if you don’t have well-thought out wedding budget. This wedding worksheet will help you stay within your planned spending. The document is compatible with a number of formats like Word, Excel, Page, Numbers, Google Docs and Google Sheets. Download the template to use for tracking your marriage spending.
Wedding-Budget Worksheet
This printable worksheet comes in handy when you want are planning your wedding. With the template, you don’t have to create your wedding budget from scratch. It lists the common wedding expenses like hiring chairs and tents, printing invitation cards, food, transportation, wedding rings and apparel among other things. It captures all these elements in great detail, making it impossible for you to miss out on something important. The template is easily downloadable in a wide array of document formats including Google Sheets, Word, Excel, Google Docs, Page and Numbers. Download it today to experience how easy it makes wedding budget preparation.
Wedding budget guidelines
Need to prepare a wedding budget? This template gives you the guidelines you need to follow to have a document that will guide you in your spending. The template contains all the things you need to pay most attention to, plus how to get funds to finance your wedding. You can download the template today and learn these important tips about creating your wedding budget. You can also see more wedding budget examples here.
Wedding Budget Cheat Sheet
This wedding budget cheat sheet offers a comprehensive list of items that must be taken into account when planning your wedding. The role of the cheat sheet is to curb your spending and ensure that you only buy things as you had planned. The document can be opened in main spreadsheet programs, but also feel free to download a wedding budget planner. The template is easy to edit as well, with your only work being to enter your detail against the budget elements.
Wedding Budget Calculator
Need some help planning your wedding? Just use this wedding budget calculator. It is designed to help those who don’t have too much cash to splash on their wedding. If you belong to the category of people who are often called penny pinching, then this calculator will ensure that you stick to your original budget. Use the calculator to get an idea into the percentage of your budget that needs to go on to different categories.
Wedding Budget Decision Making
This wedding budget template is designed to keep track of all expenditures occurring in a wedding. The template categorizes the cost factor into actual and estimated expenditure thus allowing you to easily account for excess budget that occurred during the ceremony. Also, keeping tabs on all entertainment and reception cost make the template a perfect budget planner for the economy class.
The template is highly customizable and editable, allowing you to make changes as you see fit. You can even remove some items that don’t apply to you.
Wedding Budget by Planet Celebration
This wedding budget template will help you keep a checklist of the entire expenditures that occur during the ceremony. It captures costs of both the bride and the groom accessories, giving you the most accurate estimates of a wedding. With this template, you don’t have to think about the different costs of a wedding. It captures every imaginable expense, leaving you with only the task of entering your budget amount for each vote. Download the template today and start keeping track of your wedding expenses.
Wedding Budget Planner Example
With this wedding budget planner, you can be sure that your expenses will always be in check. Through setting a predetermined amount to spend on the various wedding costs, you will not fall into the temptation of spending more than you had planned for. It means your wedding can proceed on smoothly without leaving you with a mountain of debts. Download the easily editable PDF template today to track your wedding expenditure.
Sample Wedding Budget
With proper planning, even a wedding that’s not so glamorous can still evoke special memories. Fully organized, this wedding template makes it easy for you to keep within your planned budget. The templates can be downloaded from the internet in PDF format and be edited to suit your style and wedding. Download today!
Wedding Budget in PDF
This wedding budget template captures all the expenses that will be incurred during the wedding against the budget set for them. Breaking the expenses into categories helps you to analyze your costs more rationally. Knowing the funds available for the wedding is important before you start planning it. You can capture the amount you want to spend on the wedding and use this to prepare your budget. This will ensure that you only spend what had been planned.
This budget template is highly customizable and editable with most programs. Download it today!
Wedding-Budget Example
Your wedding is among the biggest parties you will ever celebrate. Yet, in the excitement that comes with the nuptials, it’s very easy to spend more than you had planned for. With this template, you can keep track of all your expenditure and ensure that your wedding doesn’t leave you with a heap of debts.
Wedding Budget Chart Sample
This wedding budget chart gives you a rough idea into what you will spend on your big day. Available in a PDF template that you can easily customize, the template makes it easy for you to track your expenses and avoid overspending. It is downloadable instantly, and can be accessed anywhere on earth provided you have internet connection.