11+ Weekly Workout Log Examples to Download

Last Updated: January 10, 2025

11+ Weekly Workout Log Examples to Download


Exercise. Who likes that, right? Human as we all are, we do not like to exert so much effort into the things we do not like to do. Most especially, exercise. Exercise requires people to go beyond the extra mile in order to burn those fats that have been consumed over time. Exercise is a way to enhance your muscles in order to strengthen your body as to not feel so weak all the time. Here are some of the benefits that working out can provide to your health. You may also see workout sheets.

Weekly Fitness and Activity Log

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Printable Weekly Workout Log

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Minimalist Workout Log

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1. Boost happiness levels

Believe it or not, exercising has the capability to boost a person’s happiness levels. When you feel stressed after a long day, people would normally retreat to their homes and treat themselves to a nice warm beverage or just fall right into sleep or occasionally hang out with their friends and family after a long hard day’s work. But do you know that exercising can also help boost your happiness in ways that you have to find out for yourself to truly know and understand the feeling? You may also like food log examples in pdf.

Going back to the example of having a stressful day at work, instead of wasting the day away at home, why don’t you do something more productive like hitting the gym and releasing your anger to a punching bag or running on the treadmill? You may not realize it but it somehow reduces the anxiety and stress levels you have as it is all directed into your workout. As a result, you tend to feel much better. For more information, you may also check out workout sheet examples as further reference. You may also see workout checklists.

2. Learn to set—and achieve—goals

Everyone has smart goals in life that they would want to achieve eventually. How do you get from point A to point B if you are not going to move a single muscle? Growing up, our priorities change. When we were toddlers, our parents want us to learn how to walk, talk, and eat properly so that we can do these things ourselves.

When we find ourselves in school, we have the goal to graduate as the stresses of school life are sometimes intolerable. But suddenly, when we start working, we find ourselves having the urge to go back to school. Ironic, right?

But just like life, you have goals to achieve especially in exercising. If you are familiar with the show Biggest Loser, the goal of the show was to turn overly obese contestants into their ideal body weight in hopes that they learn to quit their old eating ways and understand the importance of their own health and what it can ultimately do to you if you do not take care of it. You may also see fitness schedule examples.

As always, you learn to start with small goals. If you have not ever been to a marathon before, then practicing on a jogging track would be the best place to start. Typically, you would want to start with the smallest available distance available: a 5-kilometer run.

Once you get the hang of it, eventually you would want to move on to longer distances: 10 kilometers and in time a 21-kilometer run. You would want to see yourself improving over time and not slowing down.

Once you start slowing down, it means that you are just getting lazy and do not want to go any further than you can possibly imagine. The day you stop setting goals and understanding what you can really do is when you have given up on yourself and decided to stop pushing yourself to the next level. You may also see sheet examples for your reference. You may also see exercise charts.

Weekly Workout Log Management

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Blue Weekly Workout Log

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Weekly Exercise and Activity Log and Goals

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3. Reduce your risk of heart disease naturally

There is a particular saying that goes, “You should take food as your medicine and not medicine as your food.” Supplements are actually good for your body. But to take up certain drugs for this kind of heart problem and for this kidney problem is not just means that there is something wrong as to how you are living your life.

You cannot expect to be eating ice cream for 7 days straight and just not have any rise in sugar level or any heart problems whatsoever. It may be true that you may not currently experience it right now because of the fact that you are young, but give it enough time and eventually you will feel the effects of too much sugar intake or cholesterol intake in your body slowly consuming you bit by bit. You may also check out reading log for kids.

Other than regularly exercising all the time, what do you think you can do to maintain your physique and your health? You have to learn to balance your diet by eating fruits and vegetables in your meals (breakfast, lunch, and dinner). Avoid eating sweets all the time as sugar is known to be the mother of all cancer. For reference, you can always check out the food pyramid as what to eat less and what food products to eat more. You may also see exercise schedules.

4. Get an energy boost

Imagine yourself waking up early in the morning still having the urge not to lie back in bed again. In order to do so, you try to exercise in order to stretch out those tired muscles and re-energize yourself before starting the work day ahead. It actually does so successfully. You may also see training sheets.

Weekly Workout Log Printable

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Colorful Weekly Workout Log

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Personal Weekly Workout Log

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5. Increase strength and flexibility

If strength training and stretching aren’t a part of your fitness routine, it’s time to incorporate them. Though many adults engage in cardio activities, quite a few stay away from resistance training and building muscle—and that’s a mistake. You may also see daily plans.

Strength training, whether you’re lifting weights, doing body weight exercises, or incorporating yoga moves, helps improve muscle strength and muscle mass, particularly important as we age. It also keeps bones strong, thus serving as a great natural treatment for osteoporosis. Plus, increased muscle helps your body burn calories more efficiently long after your workout is over. You may also see schedule examples.

And don’t forget about stretching: It increases your body’s flexibility, helping everyday tasks become easier. It also sends more blood to your muscles, improving circulation, and can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Just a few minutes a day of deep stretching can make a difference.

6. Improve memory

Another unique thing that exercise can do to you is actually improve your memory. It is especially helpful when you are trying to remember something that you might have actually forgotten. There is a specific term for that in which people call jogging your memory. When your juices have been fired enough, you begin to remember information that you may actually need for the upcoming exam or for the project at hand. You may also see retail inventory examples & samples.

Of course, it would be extremely unsightly if you were seen running in place especially in the classroom or the office since it is not considered appropriate. But if you happen to do it before the exam, then you might actually have a good shot of remembering what you need to recall. The kind of exercises that normally help would be to jog in place or even to run a few kilometers. You may also see short-term goals.

7. Increase self-confidence

Psychology tells that to be optimistic is all in the mind, that the mind conditions people to feel what they want to feel. And among the many characteristics of us, humans, self-confidence is one character trait that we sometimes need working on. We have the tendency to doubt ourselves too much that we fail to realize that we are capable of so much more. We cannot allow so much doubt to enter our system and poison our thinking. You may also like production schedule examples & samples.

Sometimes, we just have to rise above the doubt and have faith in ourselves that nothing is impossible. Do you know that exercising before doing something (e.g., performing in front of a large crowd) can easily shake off your doubt and fear? But it is understandable if it is going to take a while. So try to take as long as you need, and then when you feel like you are ready to take over the world, let your light shine so bright! You may also check out expense sheet examples.

8. Perform better at work

As mentioned before, exercising is a great way to energize yourself especially when you feel sleepy. But do you also know that you tend to perform better at work as well? Considering that you have already done your usual morning workout, you can feel the adrenaline rush to your veins and system knowing that your mind has been refreshed and has now kept you mentally awake and alert allowing you to perform your tasks better due to the rush that you have felt. You may also see personal plans.

9. Become less susceptible to disease

Human as we are, we live and eventually we die. It’s the circle of life. We are not meant to live forever. We are not deities who have control over our own life and death. Understanding this, we have to acknowledge that people can die due to natural death, accidents, or sickness. Or in some case, they get raptured and suddenly vanish from existence. Although most of us would want to die in our sleep, in some cases, people overdo themselves and die to sickness. You may also like gantt chart templates & examples.

Growing up, we all know that the immune system is our body’s defense system as we have the white blood cells that fight off any disease that enters our bodies and kills them. But that does not mean we are totally immune. It is simply our job and duty to keep it that way; to make sure that we do not fall into disease. By exercising regularly, we learn to train and condition our bodies properly to prepare us for almost anything to make our bodies stronger and more immune. You may also see blank schedules.

10. Live longer

And last but never the least, the final and most important benefit of working out and exercising on a daily basis, is that you get to live longer. Most people in Japan happen to live up to a hundred is because they are often careful of what they put in their mouth and regularly exercise in order to keep their bodies strong and healthy. We all want to live long in order to see our children and grandchildren and even great-grandchildren grow up to become the people they were meant to be. You may also see fitness goals.

Simple Weekly Workout Log Template

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Arrow Weekly Workout Log

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Weekly Exercise Summary

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We have things that we want to do in life. It will just be a shame if we do not really live our lives to the fullest and see our bucket list go uncompleted.

But to do the things we love most, we have to make sure that we are up for it and that our bodies are healthy and strong. It is never too late to start working out at this late in the game. You may have to adjust to it, you may have to endure the pain physically and mentally, you may need to give up and change your lifestyle in order to lose a few pounds. But in the end, all that sacrifice will be worth it as you really get to enjoy your life. You may also see schedule examples.

The Benefits of Eating Pre-Workout Foods

So, before you even start considering working out directly, it is vital that you sustain yourself with the proper nutrients and food products first. Sure that exercising directly can be just as good.

But sometimes, that does not always work and it is for that reason that one must properly energize himself first before even planning to work out and hit the gym or run on the jogging track or maybe something like that. Because there are people that are just too lazy and cannot really be motivated to exercise unless they have something to eat or drink first. That aside, here are at least three good benefits as to grabbing some grub before the actual workout begins. You may also see examples of goals for a better life.

1. Gives you more energy

Biology teaches that our bodies use carbohydrates and glycogen as the first and primary source of fuel. This is because carbohydrates and stored glycogen can be converted into ATP (adenoise triphosphate, i.e., energy) faster than both protein and fat. As a result, filling up your glycogen stores pre-workout just means you’ll have more energy to perform at your very best. You may also see schedule sheets.

2. Prevent muscle catabolism

During our exercise period, glycogen stores are quickly used up and depleted, in which the body looks for new sources of energy—our muscles. Once the hard-earned muscle is being broken down, the body can now utilize amino acids for a secondary source of energy. And since this puts our bodies into a catabolic state, it actually prevents muscle growth and recovery, which is bad for the body. You may also see sign-in sheets.

3. Increase muscle anabolism

Eating the right kind of food before exercising means you will not only exceed your glycogen stores, but by eating a good source of protein, you’ll also be able to promote muscle-protein synthesis and create an anabolic environment in the body. Here are some of the list of foods that you might want to consume before you begin your workout session.

Pre-Workout Foods


We know bananas to be a great source of potassium. But do you know that they also contain natural sugars and simple carbohydrates? In the body, however, potassium is only stored for a limited amount of time. So it would be wise and try consuming a banana around 30 minutes to an hour before your workout as eating a banana is the perfect way to boost your glycogen stores and increase blood sugar levels. You may also see instruction sheets.

2. Chicken, rice, and vegetables

What comes to your mind when you think of a healthy meal? Usually it would be chicken (not fried, although it’s fine to have it roasted, or steamed or even baked), rice (Usually, people would not get regular white rice.

Instead, they upgrade it to brown rice or even black rice as it contains less sugar and is more natural that way), and vegetables. By combining a great source of lean protein and complex carbohydrates, this meal can provide amino acids to promote anabolism (muscle growth) and a slow-releasing source of energy. It is best to consume this light meal at least 2 to 3 hours before working out. You may also see sheet examples.

3. Greek yogurt and dried fruit

Another stereotypical type of food to consume pre-workout would be Greek yogurt and dried fruit. The more natural the yogurt, the healthier it is. There is actually a reason why Greek yogurt is specified instead of consuming any kind of yogurt.

The ones that you see in the supermarket with various flavors such as mango, strawberry, banana are filled with different sugars and even some preservatives for it to actually taste good. Greek yogurt is simply too plain. You will not know anyone who is really interested in eating that. The same goes for dried fruit. Normally, you put them in the Greek yogurt for it to taste better. But the more natural and fresh the fruit, the better. Consume a meal like this 1-1.5 hours before a workout. You may also see task checklists.

4. Porridge and oatmeal

Porridge and oatmeal make the ultimate pre-workout breakfast as these contain complex carbohydrates, which also serves as a great source of the soluble fiber: beta-glucan. By consuming oats around 2 hours before a workout, you’ll be able to satisfy your hunger throughout your workouts whilst getting a great source of slow-releasing energy. To increase your protein and amino acids, you can always try adding a bit of protein powder to your oatmeal. You may also see assignment sheets.

5. Fruit smoothies

Many people think fruit smoothies are great tasting and super healthy. Whilst smoothies do provide a series of micronutrients that are beneficial for health and well-being, they’re also full of sugars, including fructose.

This means that smoothies are often high in calories and what are often mistaken as drinks are actually meal replacements. However, consuming a fruit smoothie pre-workout is a great pre-workout meal option that can provide you with a good source of fast-acting glucose You may also see safety and security checklist examples.

6. Wholegrain bread, sweet potato, and brown rice

Wholegrain bread, sweet potato, and brown rice are great sources of complex carbohydrates that should be consumed around 2–3 hours pre-workout. Combining these foods with a good source of protein means you’ll get a good source of slow-releasing energy to fuel you throughout a whole workout. Carbohydrates should be consumed by all those physically active but in particular those who carry out regular endurance activities such as cycling and running. You may also see time management plans.

7. Apple wedges and peanut butter

Enjoying sliced apple wedges with a small spread of peanut butter is tasty before a workout food. It’s perfect for consuming around 30 minutes before a workout.

8. Omelette

Omelettes made using whole eggs and egg whites are a great source of muscle-building protein and amino acids. Omelettes should be consumed 2–3 hours before a workout to avoid muscle catabolism and promote muscle growth.

9. Homemade Protein Bars

Homemade protein bars are super easy to make and perfect for a quick on-the-go pre-workout food. What’s more, you can control the content making bars that are high in carbohydrates and protein or low in carbohydrates and high in protein. You may also see activity sheets.

10. Protein shakes

Last but not least, protein shakes. If you’re on the go and in a hurry or none of the above appeal to you, a quick protein shake can solve your pre-workout problems. By consuming a shake with a good source of fast-releasing protein, such as whey protein, with simple carbohydrates like maltodextrin powder, you can get all the pre-workout nutrients you need in a matter of minutes. nYou may also see diet questionnaire examples.


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