6+ Writing Worksheet Examples to Download
Do you have struggles when it comes to putting your thoughts into paper? Do you have difficulties in when trying to come up with ways on how to construct your sentences in order to create one solid thought? Then maybe it’s time to brush up your writing skills.
Improve or enhance your writing skills with the use of these six writing worksheets.
Can you even imagine a world and a life without writing? Writing is one of the major ways we use to communicate. How can we communicate then without it? You might suggest we can just communicate through speaking, but can information, news, and even stories are easily and accurately recalled if we would just rely solely on our memories? With word of mouth, the original context might get mixed up, and worse, forgotten. You may also see 10 Grammar Worksheets – Examples & Importance.
Like our the role of the skeletal system of our bodies, writing acts as the framework of our communication. Wherever we go and wherever we are, writing plays a great role in every day of our lives. There are some people who cannot easily express in spoken words but can greatly so when they write their thoughts and feelings down on a paper or commonly now in their social media accounts and weblogs. You can pass on culture from generation to generation and you can easily do so with the help of writing it down. Many people have caused a revolution in their country just through their writings. Life without writing already seems like the absence of life. You may also see 11+ SWOT Analysis Worksheet Examples in PDF.
Writing Workbook
Writing Worksheet – Writing an Opinion Essay
Writing Worksheet – Writing a Story
Writing Worksheet for Beginning/Intermediate Level
Writing Worksheet Sample
Writing Worksheet to Improve Your Writing Style
Ways to Improve Your Writing Skills
Aside from the worksheets that we have in this article, you can also make use of these ways to help you in improving your writing skills:
1. It’s never wrong to go back to the basics
If you have difficulty in writing, you can never go wrong by refreshing your knowledge on the basic principles of writing. But this does not mean that you have to take up another English class again to refresh your knowledge on the basic. You can just skim and scan your old English workbooks and notes or read books that could help you with refreshing your basic knowledge of spelling and grammar. You could, of course, make use of the internet. You may also see 10 Self-Assessment Worksheet Examples in PDF.
2. Write, read, and edit like it’s your job
You may have written, read, and edited for fun and pleasure, but if you really want to improve your writing skills, you have to write, read, and edit like it’s your job and the only job that you are going to have for the rest of your life. You may also see 10 Alphabet Worksheet Examples in PDF.
It is in writing on a daily basis that can enhance your writing skills and it goes hand-in-hand with reading and editing. Even if you would like to insist that you have a writer’s block, this article will inform you that the cure for writer’s block is writing. Through writing, you will then discover your own style of writing. You may also see Expense Worksheet Examples.
Reading is also an important thing to do if you want to improve or enhance your writing skills. Expand your horizons and explore new worlds and read various kinds of genres. Make sure that when you read, you have read with comprehension. If there are words and terms that you are not familiar with, arm yourself with a dictionary, a thesaurus, or simply your phone so you can search its meaning. A wide vocabulary will be developed through reading and a wide vocabulary is a very important factor that every writer should possess. You may also see Alphabet Worksheet Examples.
Editing, even though it is considered as a tough skill to learn, is also an important skill to have as a writer because, in all honesty, you will be spending more time on editing and rewriting your work than actually writing it. Do not go light on yourself and edit your works, especially your first draft, incessantly. You may also see 10 Expense Worksheet Examples in PDF.
3. Befriend outlines
If writing is the framework of communication what is its framework?
It’s outline.
Creating outlines seems like a hassle but once you would actually befriend it and make use of it every time you write something, you will be able to master it eventually. You may also see 16 Budget Worksheet – Examples in PDF.
Having an outline is like having a battle plan for some kind of a war. In writing, the war happens in your head, and if you are going to have an outline, you will know how to win that war because you are already armed with the strategies and the techniques. Even if you are already armed with a wide vocabulary, it will still be pointless if you do not know how to use these weapons. You may also see 14+ Goal Setting Worksheets – PDF.
Outlining can be a daunting task but it does not have to be complicated. Just write down the basic headings or sections and write down a sentence or two about what that heading or section is all about. You can treat your outline as a roadmap that you would always keep in your glovebox when you are traveling. You may also see Newspaper Worksheet Examples in PDF.
4. Look for a patient editor
Sure, you already know how to edit your work, but the thing about writing your own work is that there can be a lot of things that you will miss and that you think is right.
Having a good and especially patient editor is one of the best things that can really help you if you wish to improve your writing skills. An indication that an editor is good is when he or she will tell why something (for instance, a scene in your novel) does not work and would not just dismiss your idea altogether. You may also see 11+ SWOT Analysis Worksheet Examples in PDF.
The best editors out there can get brutal especially if you’re just a beginner, but their criticisms can definitely help you grow.
5. Getting writing done is better than perfect
There are instances when you cannot help yourself but edit while writing. Haven’t you realize that it wastes too much of your writing time? Why not just focus on writing alone while writing and have a separate time for editing after writing has been all done? You may also see Time Worksheets Examples in PDF.
Aiming for perfection can be too time-consuming. If you would just let your thought flow without interruptions and without all that mad pounding on the backspace key, maybe you will get more writing done than editing done. Perfection is just a concept, if flawless writing is your idea of perfection, then maybe it’s time to change your idea of perfection if you have already spent so much time on editing rather than on writing itself. You may also see Self-Assessment Worksheet Examples in PDF.
We hope this article had helped you in your pursuit to improve or enhance your writing skills.